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Hinduism The Sai Baba Scamster (from Sikh Archives)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
by Acharya S.

In the early 1990s, my attention was drawn to the popular Indian guru and godman Satya Sai Baba. For a period, I spent much time watching every video and reading every book I could find about the man. My study occurred before the internet was popular, and there was not much debunking material around. But, there was enough, and I soon discovered the Indian Rationalists’ video “Guru Busters” showing Baba doing typical magician’s tricks. I also discovered much worse, especially after I finally went online.

God on Earth?

I had read many books by devotees and others who were impressed by the seemingly endless stream of divine miracles by Sai Baba, including his purported manifestations of artifacts such as watches, statues, lingams, ash and so on. The enthusiasm and conviction with which these alleged miracles were recounted were infectious, and I would have loved to believe they were true. How exciting that would have been! Here on Earth in our day and age supposedly had appeared a man who was clearly God because he could manifest an amazing array of miracles! What fun! I really wanted to go visit him at his ashram in Brindavan because it looked like such a great time. Who doesn’t want God to be real and walking among us, to love us and shower us with blessings?

Magic tricks, sex abuse and murder

But, of course, I was skeptical, so I kept digging, and I eventually found enough paydirt to confirm my doubts. Baba didn’t make it hard, because he has left a trail of trauma and terror so long and wide that many can see it, including the creators of the BBC documentary provided here. This trauma includes the grotesque sexual abuse of hundreds if not thousands of men and boys. Baba’s behavior was so egregious that UNESCO severed ties with his organization years ago, and the U.S. Embassy in Delhi warns travelers about the potential for sexual abuse by Baba.

One of the clues as to Baba’s conjurer nature was immediately obvious: He was raised in a traveling circus where he learned magic from his uncle! How that fact could be overlooked by so many of millions shows the deluding effect of blind belief in supernatural events and beings. In this tragic tale, this blind belief led to so much pain and grief that one is motivated to expose it thoroughly. In addition to the scams and sexual abuse come also allegations of murder to cover up these crimes, including killings in Sai Baba’s own bedroom, while he cowered in the bathroom unable to stop them, even though he is supposedly omnipotent. The murdered boys possibly had been sexually abused by Baba.

Sai Baba is getting old, and he will not be able to pull off the greatest purported miracle of God, which is immortality. Hence, he will be gone soon, but his destructive legacy will linger on, as more godmen of his ilk continue to pop up in places where gullibility reigns, along with its abuse. Naturally, Baba’s other legacy of building schools, hospitals and other important infrastructure – using million$ from rich followers – will leave many in India with a happy feeling about him. But, of course, one needs to ask, if Baba is God, why does he need the million$ of others to build hospitals and water-distribution systems? Why not materialize gold bars to pay for it all? Or, even better, why not just snap your all-powerful fingers and make the diseases and water shortages disappear?

Moreover, the complicity of Indian politicians in this patent hoax to defraud people is reprehensible. But, hey, Baba brings in million$ in tourist money every year, not to mention all the rich followers tossing money at him for these projects. It is no wonder, then, that ex-Baba followers have been threatened and intimidated into silence.

The story of Sai Baba is but one piece of evidence demonstrating how blind belief and faith are not just matters of “personal choice” that should be left alone in all instances: Blind belief and faith can be very destructive and damaging to individuals and humanity as a whole. The various priesthoods worldwide hammering blind belief and fear into people are guilty of exploitation of innocence and gullibility – a major cause of immense suffering globally.

YouTube - 1-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube - 2-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube - 3-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube- 4-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube - 5-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube - 6-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube- 7-7 The Secret Swami - Sai Baba

YouTube- Guru Busters on Sai Baba Tricks.mp4

The Sai Baba Scamster | Sikh Archives
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010

When disciples or the flock are asked to believe in this, what is not possible?

It is a Brahmin scam that Sikh Gurus spoke up against. Look at the typical Puja stuff below as it is all for Brahmin to have a good day in the name of Lord Vishnu,

Articles & Materials for Lord Vishnu Puja
1 An altar with a picture or an idol of Lord Vishnu
2 Ghanta, Bell
3 Panchapatra, a small vessel filled with clean water, Arghya
4 Agarbatti, incense
5 Deep, 2 oil lamps with oil and cotton wicks
6 Kapur, camphor
7 Chandan, sandalwood paste
8 Kumkum in small container
9 Haldi, turmeric powder
10 Tulsi Mala
11 Fresh fruits, placed on a tray
12 Coconut, cut in half
13 Fresh fruits, placed on a tray
14 Panchamrita
15 Flowers, whole or petals
16 A flower garland , Banana Leaves
17 A plate to offer Aarti
18 Naivedyam, food prepared for offering[/FONT]Who needs to work or go to McDonalds to eat peacesign

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Ambarsariah Ji..

have you seen a list of items the Sants dish out for a SHUDH reetee naal kariya Akhand Paath ? Looks like the one you gave for the Vishnu post above. Its available in the Gurbani paath darshan written by Sant Gyani Vidya Maartand etc etc etc. It seesm ONLY aAP doen with all those items and about 25 pathis is able to "grant the wish"...Keshadharee BRAHMINS !!
Oct 11, 2006
One of the sons of Maharaja Bhupinder Singh was a tanent of ours for some years.

Though a well educated and cultured man,he was a hard-core follower of Sai Baba.

He would sing hymns in praise of Sai Baba morning and evening, on his harmonium.

Being trained in Indian classical music and gifted with a melodious baritone voice, I, just a teenager at the time, would sit near him and be totally mesmerized by his singing.

Suddenly his voice started changing, and to our great shock, he was diagnosed with cancer of the nose and throat..

Being a chain smoker,nicotine had done the damage.

By the way, smoking was very much in fashion in the royal family and the upper class families of the princely state of Patiala.

Instead of getting himself admitted to a good hospital, he insisted on meeting Sai Baba at his ashram, because he genuinely believed that this God on earth will cure him of his cancer with his miraculous powers.

To cut a long story short, this took a very long time and by the time he retuned to Patiala, cancer had spread through-out his body and he died a very painful death.

A very sad example of what blind faith in these charlatan Babas can do to even a very well educated,almost a genius, person.

This incidence left a very deep,painful scar on my Psyche and intellect at a very young age.
One of the reasons for my great abhorrence and hatred for Babas of all hues and colours.:angryyoungsingh:
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