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The Mythical Bull


Feb 3, 2006

On panaad 3 of the SGGS, it says:

The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion
this is what patiently holds the earth in its place.
One who understands this becomes truthful.
What a great load there is on the bull!

I really did not understand this verse. Can anyone explain this to me?

Jul 30, 2004

in old idelogy of so called Hinduism which is more Sanatan Dharma.

We have a bull in the form of Dharma.

In era of Truth ie Sat Yuga it has four feets.

As evil advances it keeps on loosing one feet each.

in present evil age of Kaliyuga only one feet remains.

Each feet represent one human quality(Das has forgoten all those four qualities).

coming back to bull matter.

in Our Japu Ji Sahib we have symbolism.

Dharma means rightousness,Only if we have compassion in our heart then only we can be rightousnes so it is son/offspring of rightiuosness.

As we behold the rights of others and are rightious so there is an order in world.As we understand our Dharma is duty bound to be rightous so only worldly matters are done in orderly manner.

so to support the world to function in proper we need to recoganice Dharma.

As bovine take load so do Dharma is responsible to take load of orderly function of worldly matters.

But this is only a step towards salvation.

to be Truthful or frind of Truth ,Sachiar we need to understand that world is stable due to Dharma or rigthisuoness and we must abide by that.

Best Example of this is by the fact that tyrant and thier tyranical rules need to be ended and exploitation needs to be stopped.

Say Mr Osama bin Laden has taken over the world and rigthouness and justice take back burner then world will be in chaos.

It will look like that something which was supporting earth with stabilty has beceom unstable.that time Dharam or rigthiouness will be weak.

This Dharam is here since world came to being.
grandcannon said:

On panaad 3 of the SGGS, it says:

The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion
this is what patiently holds the earth in its place.
One who understands this becomes truthful.
What a great load there is on the bull!

I really did not understand this verse. Can anyone explain this to me?


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
grandcannon said:

On panaad 3 of the SGGS, it says:

The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion
this is what patiently holds the earth in its place.
One who understands this becomes truthful.
What a great load there is on the bull!

I really did not understand this verse. Can anyone explain this to me?


Here Guru nanak ji Sahib is demolishing the popular myth of his time....that a BULL holds this EARTH on its HORNS....and when the bull shifts the earth from one horn to the other..EARTHQUAKES and other disasters occur....etc etc. ( which as we know now is not true..earth is held in space by Gravity....and earthquakes are not caused by any bull's horns getting tired..)

GURU NANAK JI then asked...ON WHAT is this so called BULL standing on....and He was told..on another "earth"....and on WHAT is that earth "standing on" ??another earth..and that earth ??...when will this counting STOP..and what a HUGE LOAD..the Last BULL is holding !!..and ON WHAT is THAT LAST BULL standing on ?? back to square one !!!

Guru nanak ji declares there is no such thing as ONE EARTH and ONE BULL... there are Millions of earths suns and moons....and ALL are Held under the Order of WAHEGURU ONLY.

What does hold this world together is DHARAM..DYA... as veer Vijaydeep singh ji explains in his message...

Jarnail Singh
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