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General The Hookah Smoking "Sikhs"


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

The link leads to a facebook page that states the "Content is currently unavailable." Let's check back from time to time.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
What exactly is "doing hooka?" In my youth it mean opium through a pipe. Since I cannot see the facebook page I don't know what is going on.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I think it is just some smoke from incensed flakes, which gives a flavor. People say it is tobacco free, but a little search around says there is some trace. And you take the smoke in. The other day, I was looking for a room. My flatmate (non Sikh) had this hooka device. And he smoked POT daily! In the living room! I had to run out. I don't want any kind of smoke around me. Hooka is also a style statement. Like an old world feel.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
SPN JI, I will try and upload the picture, perhaps with facebook it requires to log on.What annoys me is these fools with turbans who smoke such things in the public and disgrace the kaum.If they had their hair cut, I could not care a pinch of salt.

This fellow has now removed his facebook as result of this exposure.His name os purported to be Naamjit Singh

without any iota of sharam I guess he feels proud of Guru Gobind Singh Ji!

Agger Hote Guru Gobind Singh ji, Kirpan se ser utaar dete!

sirhind ki nihon me , agger sahibzade vi apna ser jhuka dete.

aaj na hoti tere ser par eh paggri, jis ko tere hookeh ne kaum ko jala diya

kaum ko besharam karne ka tunne ek rutba hi kama liya, badenaseeb !

lahaanat hai, es teri shakel ki, jis ne jinda kaum ka ser jhuka diya!


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Chaan ji

I am thanking you by clicking on "Like" because you persisted and the result is I am getting an education here. But I don't like what I see. Maybe this is a phase and he will outgrow it.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I am moving the thread out of New to Sikhism for two reasons. Now with the picture, the young man is going to show up in the Spotlight. That alone is not enough. There is not much content in the thread just now. To have the blatant picture, complete with home made hookah crafted from an empty Malibu bottle, is eye-catching, but not a lot of content for the reader to read. The thread is going to General Discussion. Thanks for your patience.


Dec 3, 2011
What exactly is "doing hooka?" In my youth it mean opium through a pipe. Since I cannot see the facebook page I don't know what is going on.

A hookah is a device used for smoking anything that can be normally smoked in other methods.
I believe that the original hookahs were used with just tobacco and with additional added flavours for taste.
It was this method that has inspired the popular menthol flavoured cigarettes of today.

The tobacco or whatever is being combusted passes through a water bath and this gives it a more pleasant and less irritating taste.
This added affect with the water, leads smokers to believe that the hookah smoking is less harmful than cigarettes!

The truth is that it is NOT any safer at all, but just that the dry and irritating effect on the throat is not there. The harmful and toxic matter is still there.

Yes, marijuana, opium or heroin are widely used nowadays but for a drug user this method turns out expensive because more opium gets burnt than absorbed, therefore the cheapest alternative is always going to be to inject the drug and make sure that even a slight milli or microgram does not get wasted !!

From what I gather , the proud singh shown in the picture is showing off the hookah as a 'status symbol' !!
Around the world and in punjab it is considered very low status to be seen smoking a typical birhi or cigarette sat down in some areas.
They associate this with lower castes.
But sitting at a tabha and smoking a hookah makes you 'cool' amongst he crowd.

However, if one is wearing a suit and shirt lets say, and walking around with a cigarette, then that is considered cool, because the guy is on the move and has a busy lifestyle, as he is not sat down smoking !

This is why the singh in the picture looks proud- 'PRAT!!'

Anyway, I have noticed that smoking associated with a status symbol is something that happens in many corners of the world !!
I have seen that in certain parts of Cuba it is also considered 'low' to be smoking cigarettes as they prefer to see 'cool' and upmarket people with big hand rolled Cigars !
You can find this trend around many hispanic areas around the americas, especially in places like Miami.

The world is getting very sad when people take these extremes just to be with the 'in crowd' or be cool.

I remember a time when the coolest guy was cool for just giving his two thumbs up to the crowd, and they called him 'The Fonz' ! (from Happy Days)


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

The title should change to "The Hookah Smoking, Mali-BOOM BOOM Drinking "Sikhs"" :grinningsingh:
This is one the main problem i see with the people today, not just sikhs. The fact that we are all a slave to what rubbish society sell us today before smoking cigerette, and wine was meant to help people medically, however science completely back fired and lost once again to Waheguru Ji Intellegent.

I have friends who smoke weed, cigarette, hookah and drink alcohol, but for everyone of them they all have an excuse on why they do these sort of things and 100% of the time the reasons are always stupid, "oh i smoke cuz it relieve pressure", "oh i drink because well it make me feel happy", "oh well we don't much time to live, so you might aswell enjoy life to the fullest". I mean the amount of rubbish answer i get just make me laugh, when ever i bring up the issue about health they all seem to just raise their eyes and say "well you know", yeah i know your stupid.

But this is the main issue with sikhs in general especially those who keep a kesh and when on Facebook they proudly chant "Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!", it just an embarresment to be under the same lifestyle/religion as these neanderthal. But the worst is when a women does these sort of things, i mean yeah i know women can do these sort of things but when you see a sister do it my stomach just feel like crap, i mean just because every R-tard man does it, doesn't mean a women should do it.

The world is getting very sad when people take these extremes just to be with the 'in crowd' or be cool.

Mr Luckysingh Ji it's all brain control, due to the music and media today, everyform of media has controlled our brain into making us think that hey its all good, there is nothing wrong with our stupid action. I am not gonna lie i was nearly brianed controlled once, but Akal Purakh Waheguru Ji saved me. So i'm happy i didn't walk down that road.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

P.S Mr Luckysingh Ji "Hey!" :redturban:
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