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General The "a" Manifesto

The “A” Manifesto
By: Sinister
May 29 2008

Ave, to All Ambiguous Agnostic’s that Abdicate Absolutism, May the Acceptance of the Abysmal Abyss lead us to An Alliance in this Abrupt, Amiable And Albeit Academic Adventure; life.

Agnostic’s And those Anointed With Amrit Are Alike, not Antagonistic?
They Are Animals in An Animated world.
Like Amusing Actors in An Amphitheatre they Are Adamantly Alienated by Anomalies And show Antipathy to Anomie.

Ancestrally, Applicably, Aesthetically And Anatomically the same, yet Assigned, Assorted And Assumed different?

Annihilate, Annex, Attenuate the Anthropological Antagonisms And drop the Antics to reduce Atrophy of existing Axosomatic synapses.

The Amenable Argument, to which I Allude may Arise from A milli-Ampere of Activity from your Amygdalae’s, Assuming you have Annulled your ‘Ambassador’ from the Aviary.


Accelerate, Accumulate, Accessorize, Account, Assess

An Ample Armada of messages Arraying from Antenna’s owned by Aristocrats And Associated Arbiters. They Assassinate the Anarchist And Asphyxiate the Auxiliary…
They sing, ‘Amnesty for few Amnesia for ALL!’

The Adorable Amateur Advances up the Acclivity And Aggrandizes his Afflictions by Avoiding Alterations And Affirmative Action. Alternatively reduced to An Amanuensis, Abiding Along what the Autocrat has Assembled for him.
In Anticipation of one day Achieving the Admission into the few…They Annoyingly start to sing together, ‘Amnesty for few Amnesia for ALL!’


Alumni, Ambition, Articulation And Ambidexterity is the Ammunition of today. Most Artisans Anticipate to live like Autocrats but will die like Aphids. We Adapt to Accretion, Adjust to the Acerbic taste on A tongue And Acid in the Abdomen. Announcing Arbitrary victories, Alleviating Adrenalin As we Arduously fight Arguments, like Apprehended Assassins Awaiting the last punishment to go Askew.

ACCUSE-APOINT-ACCUSE-APOINT….. The cycle of Allowances continues As Administrators come And go.

Accelerate, Accumulate, Accessorize, Account, Assess


The Architect, the Alpha, the Amuser, the Altruist, the Amplifier, The Admiral And the Anonymous…Antiquated, Archaic, Artificial? Or An Axiom?

I Ascribe APATHY towards both Apologists! Yet the Awry Affinity, Affection And Amity towards All fellow Apes Arises even Amongst the most cynical Agencies. With simple Apparatus All of us construct An Arid Aqueduct, An Atmosphere without Air, An Analysis without An Analogy.

So let us sing together, Amnesty for few Amnesia for All”

What An Adverse Appurtenant Alliance



May 29, 2008
Sat Shri Akal!

Wah Ji Wah! I nevr thought English can be so expressive until I stumbled upon this Manifesto. I felt obligated to register and commend the brilliance.

Entertaining, brilliant and thought provoking, structured like a master statesman…But its still not “Androgynous” (you left out this word) if ya know what I mean (its kinda a guy poem)

‘Arid Aqueducts’ ; the ending was the best
You can tell that this post came from the heart!

warm regards (i love the cheshire cat)
Sinister ji,​

What about Avatars?

you left them out.



Apologies extended to Antonia, Warning, Appeasement of Avatars may not follow:

Avatars Are Anachronisms, damn All’of’em back to the Alpha with their Apocryphal Apparel And their Agitating ways!

As I hear Absurd Adages/Anecdotes/Allegories of Avatars and their Agenda’s Articulated As if they Are printed in the Annals I let out An Aching moan, similar to A moan I make when the Aperture of my A.nus expands.

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Sat Shri Akal!

Wah Ji Wah! I nevr thought English can be so expressive until I stumbled upon this Manifesto. I felt obligated to register and commend the brilliance.

Entertaining, brilliant and thought provoking, structured like a master statesman…But its still not “Androgynous” (you left out this word) if ya know what I mean (its kinda a guy poem)

‘Arid Aqueducts’ ; the ending was the best
You can tell that this post came from the heart!

warm regards (i love the cheshire cat)


Most of this rhetoric stems not from the heart but the **** (the last opening of purity left for the ‘Great Apes’ and the only one that starts with an A.... aside from the auditory canal, but you cant really use that in any humorous sense)

(jokes, btw… thanks for the comment and constructive critique...boys will be boys, eh? A? :up:)

I bid All Adieu



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sinister ji

Alas! Asynchronous attenuations of the antipodal aperture of atma? Tis like unto the annus horribilis run amok amidst the anglican anarchy in recent date anno domini.
Aad Ji,

Asynchronous Attenuations of Atma? :eek:AAAAAAHHH!!!:eek:..Requires An Avid belief in Apparitions? Are such Asynchronous Attenuations An Antidote? Or An Anesthesia?

Abandon this Abbreviate Analysis And recognize it As Abated.

The ‘Anglican Anarchy’ (Reason), Attenuates All Atmas And touches All Angelic Artists.

Amputated Are the Agencies that do not Assemble Any Amount of Animosity towards their Attitudes.

Apostates I Say! The bringers of Armageddon!


sinister Ji

Why I think of V for Vendetta after reading all that row of A s

I love V, hes my hero
"There is no certainty, only opportunity."
