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Talented at Meditation or a Serious Problem?

Oct 6, 2023
I heard of meditation and the goal of detachment.
I have had a problem with sudden staring and detachment at random. I start to feel like something is wrong and then I sit down and slowly become unaware of my surroundings and my limbs feel cold and far away.
What I am not sure is if it is a sign from God and I’m really good at meditation or something like that or something seriously wrong with me.
If it is spiritual I will ask someone to teach me how to meditate more purposefully. If not I will go to a doctor asap.
I am often “in my own world” but this is way beyond that. If I fight this detachment it goes away and comes back with a vengeance.
Anyone who meditates please answer

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
youu are hyptonized by old saying, that if you start meditating then these signs happen. that is in the back of your mind, by the way it is not meditation. sggs deal with only 3 things entirely, you, you mind. straighten your mind through gurus teaching. rest is all hear say like you
Oct 6, 2023
youu are hyptonized by old saying, that if you start meditating then these signs happen. that is in the back of your mind, by the way it is not meditation. sggs deal with only 3 things entirely, you, you mind. straighten your mind through gurus teaching. rest is all hear say like you
I can’t stop. I don’t really want to accidentally meditate in class while I’m supposed to be taking a test or meditating while I go to the bathroom
Jun 12, 2024
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
The best advice I ever heard on Naam Simran or Naam Japo was "Do it and expect nothing...", meaning to say, do not focus on the stories you have heard from others. Various people will claim to have experienced various phenomena, and all to often it turns into a sort of peeing match: see who can get furthest. I can only speak for myself, and for me it is a very personal thing between Guru Ji and myself.

You cannot pick and choose, I don't think, as to where and when. But personally I do not know of any spontaneous sensations like you describe come crashing out of the blue. Happening, maybe yes, but not like that. I have only been in Sikhi for 8 years, so I could be wrong. Either way, rule out a medical reason first, and do not wait. It could be anything from hyperventilating to anemia to a sinus issue to something more serious. So, go. If all that is just fine, Guru Kirpa, then just relax and enjoy your Naam. If you trusted Guru enough to pledge your head to Him, then trust Guru enough to lead you in this.
To meditate thy true naam by sitting in Transcendent position is not Sikh way, its a pratice done by Hindu monks/Yogis. Gurbani doesn't permit it. So I agree with you and hoghly appreciate your views. Gurbani permits us to chant naam while doing our work also, simply by following HAATH KAAR MUKH DAATAR. That means you may chant thy true naam by your mouth while doing your job by hands.
Gurbani says;
ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਮੜੀ ਮਸਾਣੀ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਤਾੜੀ ਲਾਈਐ ॥
Jog na bāhar maṛī masāṇī jog na ṯāṛī lā▫ī▫ai.
Yoga is not wandering to the tombs of the dead; Yoga is not sitting in trances.

ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਦੇਸਿ ਦਿਸੰਤਰਿ ਭਵਿਐ ਜੋਗੁ ਨ ਤੀਰਥਿ ਨਾਈਐ ॥
Jog na ḏes disanṯar bẖavi▫ai jog na ṯirath nā▫ī▫ai.
Yoga is not wandering through foreign lands; Yoga is not bathing at sacred shrines of pilgrimage.

ਅੰਜਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਨਿਰੰਜਨਿ ਰਹੀਐ ਜੋਗ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਇਵ ਪਾਈਐ ॥੨॥
Anjan māhi niranjan rahī▫ai jog jugaṯ iv pā▫ī▫ai. ||2||
Remaining unblemished in the midst of the filth of the world - this is the way to attain Yoga. ||2||
Placing "Yoga" under title of Guru Word is Complete Distortion of Reality.Gurbani do not recommend any kind of Yoga kind of Rubbish to common Folks. On the contrary the yoga practice is practised by hypocrites that have nothing better to do or do some constructive service in the community to fellow human beings and Waheguru's Creation. Gurbani advise Sikhs to Do Kirat, Do Service (Wand Chhako, and Remember the Eternal Creator at all times. If the all the instruction in Gurbani are followed properly there is no use of any kind of YOGIC HYPOCRISY.

There is no holiness in Yogic exercises of holding breath and pushing stomach inside outside. Normal simple exercises are enough to keep the body fit to serve the world. May be few Sikhs receive lot of praises from Mr. Modi, BJP and RSS members etc on this and some personal benefits and praise ? I can write a detailed essay quoting Gurbani ,but I am quite occupied with Community Service and Thoughts of Gurbani. Therefore I will not say much at this time because that would be a waste of time just like so called Yoga exercises. One wonders whether the Sikhs doing Yoga are really Sikhs? In reality "yoga is an heretical sham and curse instead of any kind of gift. Please give us Sikhs a break ! If we tune our thoughts to Sabad Guru and keep occupied in serving the Lord's Creation there is no need for any kind of YOGA PAKHAND. "Haath Paon Kar Kaam Kar Chit Naranjan Nal....' Such Sikhs are requested to not to mislead the gullible ones among us.

If Guru Sahib Ji wanted Gursikhs to practice Yoga they would not have quoted this SABD, ".......................ਜੋਗੀ ਜੁਗਤ ਨਾ ਜਾਣੈ ਅੰਧ ਤਿੰਨੋ ਉਜਾੜੈ ਕਾ ਬੰਧ !!

My respect.
Ajmer Singh Randhawa
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
The best advice I ever heard on Naam Simran or Naam Japo was "Do it and expect nothing...", meaning to say, do not focus on the stories you have heard from others. Various people will claim to have experienced various phenomena, and all to often it turns into a sort of peeing match: see who can get furthest. I can only speak for myself, and for me it is a very personal thing between Guru Ji and myself.

You cannot pick and choose, I don't think, as to where and when. But personally I do not know of any spontaneous sensations like you describe come crashing out of the blue. Happening, maybe yes, but not like that. I have only been in Sikhi for 8 years, so I could be wrong. Either way, rule out a medical reason first, and do not wait. It could be anything from hyperventilating to anemia to a sinus issue to something more serious. So, go. If all that is just fine, Guru Kirpa, then just relax and enjoy your Naam. If you trusted Guru enough to pledge your head to Him, then trust Guru enough to lead you in this.
Jun 12, 2024
Yoga is as relevant to Sikhi as cricket. Or pickle-ball. Or cross country running. Namely, not at all. I do not disapprove of it per say. If you practice honest, traditional yoga, for health reasons, being they physical or mental, more power to you. But it is NOT a Sikhi thing. But, the fact that it is heavily ingrained in Western Sikhi mostly, we only have ourselves to thank for that. Well, not me, because I never supported it from day one of my journey into Sikhi. But, from the moment Yogi Bhajan was let loose on us, as "the representative of Sikhi in the Western World", with the blessing and support of several official Sikh bodies, such as Akal Takhat and SGPC, it was a done deal. He received support for his 100% commercially based Kundalini empire and for his abusive 3HO empire, which is still shooting up from Western Sikhi like cordyceps. Unstoppable and detrimental.

For that same reason, we non Punjabi speaking Sikh, have to work with a less than sub standard English translation of SGGS, from the hands of Sahib Singh, from the same 3HO nest, which also received the blessing of SGPC as "the best translation available". I will be the first to acknowledge that most all translations suck eggs, but his is not even the best of all the bad ones. Far from it.

I stay away from even traditional yoga myself, for the purpose of Naam, like I stay away from Shaheedi deg: not wanting to influence my Naam with anything that may change my physical and mental state artificially. So, no chemicals, no hyperventilating.

All this said, I am a bit stoic and maybe even a bit lethargic. Whole groups of people have taken on this subject, with little to no lasting effect. Victims of the highly abusive Kundalini era and the Ashram and the Miri Piri school. Too many books by victims of the physical and sexual abuse and it is still like they are mopping with the tap open. Followers of Bhajan still condone his behavior and worship him like they should only worship Guru Ji. So, in the end, I think, "Well, this is Kalyug after all and it has to play out and I will trust my Guru that it has to play out like this...." Not always pleasant from where we stand, but if it is Guru's Wish, I gave my head after all.
Yogi Harbhajan Singh, a highly qualified but who had chosen the easiest way to earn by teaching Yoga to American Sikhs. He knew, he couldn't teach their Yoga to Indian Sikhs because it is forbidden in Sikhism like idol worship and Sikhs in India do not practice Yoga. By teaching to western Sikhs they could earn dollars, so they preach there in western countries only.
Yoga Terminology in Sikh Scriptures

The learned Writers of the article, "The Secret Science of Yoga as Seen Through the Eyes of a Sikh," make a sweeping statement which is extremely misleading. They say, "It is also true that Yogic terminology and the objectives of Yogic practices was totally in accord with the realization which Guru Nanak was sharing during his life time." [Sikh Sansar, March 77 p 28) The mere fact that Guru Nanak has used the word 'yoga' a number of times and also some other words from other Hindu and Islamic systems, does not in the least indicate that the Sikh Gurus either subscribed to these systems or adopted them in any subtle or crude form in Sikhism.
You re requested to open this link which I wrote in December 2010.


May 28, 2024
Dude you are dissociating, you are gonna screw up your life if you don't see a doctor soon. You have to be present.


May 28, 2024
Please elaborate who you have addressed to. I mean whom do you convey this message?
To this user at the top of the thread

I heard of meditation and the goal of detachment.
I have had a problem with sudden staring and detachment at random. I start to feel like something is wrong and then I sit down and slowly become unaware of my surroundings and my limbs feel cold and far away.
What I am not sure is if it is a sign from God and I’m really good at meditation or something like that or something seriously wrong with me.
If it is spiritual I will ask someone to teach me how to meditate more purposefully. If not I will go to a doctor asap.
I am often “in my own world” but this is way beyond that. If I fight this detachment it goes away and comes back with a vengeance.
Anyone who meditates please answer”
ਜੋਗ ਸਿਧ ਆਸਣ ਚਉਰਾਸੀਹ ਏ ਭੀ ਕਰਿ ਕਰਿ ਰਹਿਆ। ਵਡੀ ਆਰਜਾ ਫਿਰਿ ਫਿਰਿ ਜਨਮੈ ਹਰਿ ਸਿਉ ਸੰਗੁ ਨ ਗਹਿਆ।

ਜੋਗ-ਮਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਿੱਧਾਂ ਦੇ ਪ੍ਰਸਿੱਧ ਚੌਰਾਸੀ ਆਸਣ ਹਨ। ਇਹ ਆਸਣ ਕਰ ਕਰ ਕੇ ਭੀ ਮਨੁੱਖ ਥੱਕ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਉਮਰ ਤਾਂ ਲੰਮੀ ਕਰ ਲੈਂਦਾ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਪਰਮਾਤਮਾ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਾਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਣਦਾ, ਮੁੜ ਮੁੜ ਜਨਮਾਂ ਦੇ ਗੇੜ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਿਆ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ!
There are eighty-four famous asanas of the Siddhas in Jog-Mat. A person gets tired even by doing this asanas (postures). He may be blessed with a long life, but in this way union with God is not made, he remains in the cycle of births again and again.


Sep 19, 2007
I heard of meditation and the goal of detachment.
I have had a problem with sudden staring and detachment at random. I start to feel like something is wrong and then I sit down and slowly become unaware of my surroundings and my limbs feel cold and far away.
What I am not sure is if it is a sign from God and I’m really good at meditation or something like that or something seriously wrong with me.
If it is spiritual I will ask someone to teach me how to meditate more purposefully. If not I will go to a doctor asap.
I am often “in my own world” but this is way beyond that. If I fight this detachment it goes away and comes back with a vengeance.
Anyone who meditates please answer

In meditation or in Maya?? Check it yourself----

One is either in the akaal, timeless, present moment(Self, God, in meditation) or in kaal, Bhoot, Bhavikh, thinking(mind).
Most of us are switching between the two to varying degrees until we become Jiwan Muktas.

Check with yourself which category you are in when you are in doubt. Since there is no other context you have given about your situation in terms of spirituality or worldly matters like if you are following a certain path or not, or what your medical condition is, you are going to get many views and suggestions- including this one. Either you give more details about your journey or check your state yourself. That is considering you are still looking for answers at this forum since your query was posted many months ago.
The good news is since you are questioning what state you are in, that means you are aware of when you go into these moments of blankness. Definitely check with your doctor for peace of mind.

About the yogic path versus Gurbani. My observations:
There are four main paths with same goal.
Yoga Marg
Karma Marg
Gyaan Marg
Bhagti Marg

Gurbani is predominantly Bhagti Marg with all the Gyaan included in SGGS and Guru Gobind Singh Ji's banis.
If one wants to make some progress, one needs to find which marg suits one best and follow that. If one tries to follow multiple paths, it will only prolong the end goal. Like trying to climb on two boats at the same time.

If you want to know what Gurbani says on how to Naam Jap, you can reply to this message and I’ll post another response.
Hope that helps.
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In meditation or in Maya?? Check it yourself----

One is either in the akaal, timeless, present moment(Self, God, in meditation) or in kaal, Bhoot, Bhavikh, thinking(mind).
Most of us are switching between the two to varying degrees until we become Jiwan Muktas.

Check with yourself which category you are in when you are in doubt. Since there is no other context you have given about your situation in terms of spirituality or worldly matters like if you are following a certain path or not, or what your medical condition is, you are going to get many views and suggestions- including this one. Either you give more details about your journey or check your state yourself. That is considering you are still looking for answers at this forum since your query was posted many months ago.
The good news is since you are questioning what state you are in, that means you are aware of when you go into these moments of blankness. Definitely check with your doctor for peace of mind.

About the yogic path versus Gurbani. My observations:
There are four main paths with same goal.
Yoga Marg
Karma Marg
Gyaan Marg
Bhagti Marg

Gurbani is predominantly Bhagti Marg with all the Gyaan included in SGGS and Guru Gobind Singh Ji's banis.
If one wants to make some progress, one needs to find which marg suits one best and follow that. If one tries to follow multiple paths, it will only prolong the end goal. Like trying to climb on two boats at the same time.

If you want to know what Gurbani says on how to Naam Jap, you can reply to this message and I’ll post another response.
Hope that helps.
Well find it introductory only.
Guru Gobind Singh says to his Sikhs before going to Sachkhand that whenever they wish to talk to me, they can, they should recite Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib ji and will talk to me.
And its true.
I do not search hither-thither in search of him. I don't need salvation and Sikh is never is. We wish our Guru may always be with us whether this world or other.
So the fear of death disappears.
I am 75, feeding belly and spending time with friends etc is not life, Life is to do something for uplifting the religion. At every step we have enemies of Sikhs in India, we are indulged in legal battels or kept engaged on social sites by abusing us and wasting our time and energy by countering them. So write books, (publish or not) but pen down the knowledge you have, enlighten others and spend your time talking to Guru.
It keeps one active, I never performed Yoga but am I not aware of three forms of Maya?
Yes I do but,
I walk on true path shown by Gurus un-shattered.
My respect to all readers.
In meditation or in Maya?? Check it yourself----

One is either in the akaal, timeless, present moment(Self, God, in meditation) or in kaal, Bhoot, Bhavikh, thinking(mind).
Most of us are switching between the two to varying degrees until we become Jiwan Muktas.

Check with yourself which category you are in when you are in doubt. Since there is no other context you have given about your situation in terms of spirituality or worldly matters like if you are following a certain path or not, or what your medical condition is, you are going to get many views and suggestions- including this one. Either you give more details about your journey or check your state yourself. That is considering you are still looking for answers at this forum since your query was posted many months ago.
The good news is since you are questioning what state you are in, that means you are aware of when you go into these moments of blankness. Definitely check with your doctor for peace of mind.

About the yogic path versus Gurbani. My observations:
There are four main paths with same goal.
Yoga Marg
Karma Marg
Gyaan Marg
Bhagti Marg

Gurbani is predominantly Bhagti Marg with all the Gyaan included in SGGS and Guru Gobind Singh Ji's banis.
If one wants to make some progress, one needs to find which marg suits one best and follow that. If one tries to follow multiple paths, it will only prolong the end goal. Like trying to climb on two boats at the same time.

If you want to know what Gurbani says on how to Naam Jap, you can reply to this message and I’ll post another response.
Hope that helps.
Please be kind and shed some light on Naam also. We are Sikhs so we believe in the naam given to us by our Gurus but I get confused whose given naam is true as Radhaswamis or Nirankaris or by Sikh Gurus? They too give naam to their followers? Whose naam should one japp and Why?
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Sep 19, 2007
Well find it introductory only.
Guru Gobind Singh says to his Sikhs before going to Sachkhand that whenever they wish to talk to me, they can, they should recite Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib ji and will talk to me.
And its true.
I do not search hither-thither in search of him. I don't need salvation and Sikh is never is. We wish our Guru may always be with us whether this world or other.
So the fear of death disappears.
I am 75, feeding belly and spending time with friends etc is not life, Life is to do something for uplifting the religion. At every step we have enemies of Sikhs in India, we are indulged in legal battels or kept engaged on social sites by abusing us and wasting our time and energy by countering them. So write books, (publish or not) but pen down the knowledge you have, enlighten others and spend your time talking to Guru.
It keeps one active, I never performed Yoga but am I not aware of three forms of Maya?
Yes I do but,
I walk on true path shown by Gurus un-shattered.
My respect to all readers.

If you have found a connection with the Guru, there is no need to look for any more answers. Having connection with the Guru is the most precious blessing.
Hearty congratulations to you if you have made a connection with the Guru.
Guru Gobind Singh ji has taken care of me like a father and mother all the time. My experience is that He is there unconditionally and lovingly taking care of every need of whoever goes to Him. What a precious blessing Guru Gobind Singh ji is. We just need to see and acknowledge His benevolence. I feel that leads to Bhagti.

One way to handle any outside negativity is ‘you do what is in your capacity, capability and control that needs to be done at any given moment’ and leave the rest to the Guru. Remember nothing happens without the will of God. If you get upset by what is happening in the world, it is your ego that is making you upset about it.


Sep 19, 2007
Please be kind and shed some light on Naam also. I get confused whose given naam is true as Radhaswamis or Nirankaris, they do give naam to their followers? Whose naam should one japp and Why?


Deep within worship the Guru. With tongue chant Guru’s name. Let your eyes behold the true Guru. With your ears, hear Guru’s name. Imbued with the true Guru, you shall find a place in the Lord’s court.

What is Guru’s Name – It is told by Bhai Gurdas ji to be Waheguru.

Hold your Guru in view and touch His feet. That makes the CHit(SatCHitAnand), consciousness open up to you(you are consciousness too but have been separated by mind’s mail), whereas, Guru is always one with and is Consciousness. Chant the name. Feel the presence of God Consciousness. With ears hear the name. When you immerse yourself in this experience, you become one with the Consciousness.

You can use the same method for Waheguru simran or when doing path. Just to clarify here, SGGS ji is living Guru, so you can bow down to SGGS ji unless you feel like going to Baba Nanak one day and say Guru Hargobind ji another day.

That is the method prescribed by Gurbani.
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