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Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Admin note: Forum member ji - The thread starter has proffered many distortions of Gurbani and Sikh history on this thread. Read with caution.


deleted as proselytizing.

This Kalyug belongs to the spiritually sick people and the Spiritual Doctors appear among them so that the satanic people would listen to their own but the own loved Mammon so much so that they rather tortured and killed their Own Spiritual Doctors. In the Middle East Christ Jesus was killed by the people of Judah tribe and in the East, the Second anointed Christ Nanak Dev Ji by the people of Khatri tribe. People of the Judah tribe had some conscience and for this they were addressed by Christ Jesus as the Princes of Darkness or the Baby Sons of Satan whilst in the East, the Khatris had no conscience as Prithvi Chand used to collect money and take it to his own house, twenty two impostor Satgurus appeared at Baba Bakalae to fleece the simpletons, etc and for these qualities they were known as Kings of Darkness or king hypocrites. The Khatris of Kashmir who became Mullahs and sat in the court of Emperor Aurangzeb, they were Emperors of Darkness, the top quality sons of Satan who killed the last on earth Christ in the name of the Sixth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji and his devoted Sikhs, the “Dass”, Super Servants, Who were sealed to serve God only were killed mercilessly. Today, these Kashmiris are repaying for their atrocities and there shall be no Peace in Kashmir but they are being grounded between India and Pakistan. Kings of Darkness, the Khatris of the Punjab and of the Pakistan turned Mullahs or Sheikhs shall repay during the Atomic War in 2012.

Now, the Functions of the Five Satgurus after Satguru Nanak Dev Ji are: -

1. Satguru Angad Dev Ji prepared the Field by removing the obstacle HAUMAE or Ego from the minds of people so that they submit themselves fully to the Will of God and not be led either by their own wisdoms dominated by ego or by any other person such as the Tapa in the village. This he achieved by serving communal kitchen or Langar in which the tribal ego of people was subdued and by encouraging wrestling in which the ego of physical strength was also subdued for spiritual Service, Sewa and not the military of killing people. By not allowing rain to fall, an enticing Tappa or Fakir taunted them to leave Satguru Angad Dev Ji in favour of him, which the once born people did by asking Satguru Angad Dev Ji to leave the village, etc. When the Field was well prepared in which the people had sown their tribal seeds or had become Brethren, Bhai, in God exercising Agape, Devine Love, the moisture that encouraged the Plants to grow, then the Field of submissive to the Will of God people was handed over to the Second Satguru Amar Dev Ji, who being of spirit or Surti received the Keys to the Treasury of God. Now, the twice born people are prone to the temptations of mind or Munn, LOBH and MOH, in which they exploit the simpletons, the stones, for material wealth. This is called DUBDA or Doubting stage and Satguru Amar Dev Ji guided the Sikhs how to produce Fruit, the Gospel Treasures, His Wealth and not to go for or hanker after Mammon as these Babaes do. Those people who overpowered DUBDA and became sealed to serve God, they were guided by Satguru Ram Dass Ji. This is the Crop ready for maturing to bring in maximum Fruit. This work of ripening the Crop was completed by the Fourth Satguru Arjun Dev Ji Who accomplished it by reaching the same spiritual heights as Satguru Nanak Dev Ji. He ripened the Crop of submission to the Will of God by sitting on a hot iron plate with hot sand being poured over his head and that too in the hottest month of June when the fruits and crops ripen quickly too. Satguru Nanak Dev Ji has brought in the winnowing Fire that the Sikhs enjoy to become Gurmukhs. That is why Satguru Arjun Dev Ji was singing the praises of our Father whilst enjoying sitting on the hot iron plate. The Last Christ on earth, Fifth Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji then put the Sickle to the crop that was Sown by Satguru Nanak Dev Ji producing the Dass, Super Servant Apostles or Saints.

2. Four Sachae Patshahs gave protection to the Crop. Thus, we have Six Satgurus in the second Sikh Panth and Four Sachae Patshah in the Third Khalsa Panth and the Fourth Nirmallae Santan Panth. Thus, we have the basic or Foundation, the First Panth or Samaj Hindu and the Fourth Panth of the highest order of the Apostles or Nirmallae Santans. Akal Takht is for the Nirmallae Santans and not for these sword brandishing Jathedars, who have no knowledge of their own tribal fathers never mind of our spiritual Father, Akal Purakh.

3. In fact, no weapon is allowed in this Complex but the Darkness created by the satanic Khatris who banged the Door of Harmandir Sahib at the very Face of Satguru Tegh Bahadur Ji and got it gilded from the Jatt Emperor Ranjit Singh Sandhu has resulted us into this MESS. I will explain this in details as I make Videos on Youtube. God bless you.

Ch. Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Retired Lecturer in Metallurgy.
Remember that to your Three moral “Gurus” mother, father and Pandit, you render money,
To your spiritual “Satguru” Nanak Dev Ji/Christ Jesus, you render your MUNN or "mind" AND,
To your “Sachae Paatshah” Gobind Singh Ji, you render your TANN or "physical body" as sacrifice.
SACH is bitter but it leads you to heaven whilst SATT is extremely bitter but it leads you to ANAND/Salvation.
Falsehoods or KOORRS are extremely sweet, MAKHAEON MITHHA, but they lead you to Hell.
Unless you are a Hindu, you cannot be a Sikh, Khalsa or Nirmallae Sant.
More you spend "His Treasures", preach Gospel, more you please Father to receive more.
Scriptures + holy spirit (common sense) = Gospel
deleted as proselytizing


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
nijjarrjatt ji

I can see that your threads/posts are going to be a moderation challenge. Let me explain once again that proselytizing is forbidden.

Since you consider yourself to be the Second annointed Nanak then I have to remove any and all references to any other second nanak who is not Guru Angad Dev ji. For this reason all references to your web sites have been taken out.

What is left are some debatable arguments that are guaranteed to inflame many members of this forum. They are there, with all of their undocumented and questionable content, because they can be debated. For no other reason than that.

This is an official warning - No proselytizing. NONE. How many more warnings you will receive before we take the next step -- I cannot say.

Also consider the forum rule that accompanies Interfaith dialogs - No undermining of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj. Most of what you have written above strikes me as just that.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
NijjarJatt ji,

Guru Fateh.

What Christian denomination do you belong to?

I am sorry to say that your little essay makes no sense. You seem like a lost sheep who has no shepard and is scared that you will be slaughtered soon by anyone.

The fact is that you killed yourself from the within when you embraced a religion called Christianity which breeds hatred, disdain and anger because the " God" you serve is hateful, vengeful, evil, rapes married women and kills innocent babies.

One last thing, you will never be able to insult our Gurus the way you have tried, no matter what. Our visionary Gurus were above all that and SGGS, our ONLY GURU shows us that.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
faujasingh ji

This and several other of your replies are in the next few minutes going to be moved to Leaders in a thread of their own for inspection and review. :)


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
nijjarrjatt ji

I can see that your threads/posts are going to be a moderation challenge. Let me explain once again that proselytizing is forbidden.

Since you consider yourself to be the Second annointed Nanak then I have to remove any and all references to any other second nanak who is not Guru Angad Dev ji. For this reason all references to your web sites have been taken out.

What is left are some debatable arguments that are guaranteed to inflame many members of this forum. They are there, with all of their undocumented and questionable content, because they can be debated. For no other reason than that.

This is an official warning - No proselytizing. NONE. How many more warnings you will receive before we take the next step -- I cannot say.

Also consider the forum rule that accompanies Interfaith dialogs - No undermining of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj. Most of what you have written above strikes me as just that.


In Gurban and Christianity, one has to submit oneself to the Will of God and not to the wills of the Babaes, Pope, Bishops, etc.

That is, you need to be a solitary or NIYARA. So, I am a Solitary Gnostic and I have no desire to make a following. If I make a following, then I become a KANJJAR and those who would follow me would be KAMJAATT or KANJRIAN.

Here is a link to my Videos on this topic:-


So, are you making me a KANJJAR?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

In Gurban and Christianity, one has to submit oneself to the Will of God and not to the wills of the Babaes, Pope, Bishops, etc.

That is, you need to be a solitary or NIYARA. So, I am a Solitary Gnostic and I have no desire to make a following. If I make a following, then I become a KANJJAR and those who would follow me would be KAMJAATT or KANJRIAN.

Here is a link to my Videos on this topic:-


So, are you making me a KANJJAR?

Kanjjar is harsh language. I wouldn't call someone that. Never have up to this moment. I am asking you to consider why you get the reaction that you get from Sikhs who find what you post offensive. Basically I am betting that even if you think you are a satguru, you also allow a window of decency open in which you evaluate your interactions with other people. If I am wrong about it, still I wont' call you a kanjjar. Tsk!

It is really strange. You think of yourself as the second annointed Nanak (putting you in the position of Guru Angad Dev ji). I know someone else who says he is inhabited by Guru Amar Das (placing himself in the position of the 3rd Nanak). Two of Nanak 2 and two of Nanak 3. Neither of you are concerned that 11th Nanak is where it ends. What is all this about?


Sep 26, 2009
Reading, United Kingdom
Kanjjar is harsh language. I wouldn't call someone that. Never have up to this moment. I am asking you to consider why you get the reaction that you get from Sikhs who find what you post offensive. Basically I am betting that even if you think you are a satguru, you also allow a window of decency open in which you evaluate your interactions with other people. If I am wrong about it, still I wont' call you a kanjjar. Tsk!

It is really strange. You think of yourself as the second annointed Nanak (putting you in the position of Guru Angad Dev ji). I know someone else who says he is inhabited by Guru Amar Das (placing himself in the position of the 3rd Nanak). Two of Nanak 2 and two of Nanak 3. Neither of you are concerned that 11th Nanak is where it ends. What is all this about?


I appreciate your replies but this Bani or His Word being of the Satgurus, only people with ANTTAR SATGURU called "innerman" in Christianity, the solitary, whose praises lie with God and not with people, can understand it and not those who seek the praises of people and sell their own conscience or reasoning power to their supporters.

Now, about KANJJAR. You know the word KAMJAATT in Bani means a KANJJRI in spiritual sense. So, there must be a KANJJAR to whom they follow and such a person is called an adulterer. This cocept is outlined by the First Satguru in the world, Christ Jesus in Matthew 19. Nanak was the Second anointed Christ or Satguru. You will find it hard to understand my language as you do not excercise the reasoning power of your own Budhi.

If you do not like my views, take all my posts out. You will suffer in the Darkness and not me who criticise the Darkness created by the most greedy and spiritually sick people of Khatri and Arorra tribes, who need Doctor Nanak the most. Tell me why Nanak was not born among the Jatts or Tarkhan, Lohar, Chhoohrre, Chamiars, etc but of Khatris?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Nijjarjatt ji

All I can say is that Guru is the one who dispels darkness. I agree that without the Guru there is pitch darkness. Your Guru and My Guru are not the same.
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