With all this Da Vinci code madness going on I have been getting back into the David Icke stuff. Anyway...
I found some footage on YouTube that suggested The Golden Temple was part of the Illumanati. It was showing Illumnati patterns and linking them to the path way of the Golden temple (in Particular the round patterns in the doorway-does anyone have a picture of this?).
In my years I have also come across a South African Sharman called Credo Mutwa (what we probably call a desi doctor) who studies such things as the illumanati and he said sikhs (he was refering to Nihangs) wear the turban to represent the superior race on this planet. I cannot go into what this means here as it is a long story (so I suggest some reading). But basically the Eygiptians used to wear a ceratin style of head dress (similar to Nihangs) that represented they were the illuminated ones/people of the sun, to make the heads taller as they thought this is what the illumanated ones look like.
Rastafarians apparently do this for the same reason.
Then Icke himself says that the Symbol of the Illumanati is the Lions head representing the Sun as the illuminated ones.
Singh Meaning Lion - again Rastafarians do this too. Remember Rastafari is African/Ethiopian so close connections to Eygpt.
Then I started thinking of 5 (panj) as this is a sacred number to the illumanati. The Five Rivers of Punjab (punjab meaning five rivers), the five Ks, The Five beloved ones. Is there more? So why 5 in Sikhism and not six beloved ones, 7 ks etc?
Now I know both Credo and Icke are seen as crazy crack heads. So I was just wondering what other people made of all this....
One thing I did from this experience is I could Empathise with Christians and how they must feel with all this Da Vinci Hoo Haa as my reactions were of defense/offended/unsettling/upsetting, so
My Wife said to me the she always saw Sikhs as the superior aryan race (and there are science reasons that could support this, survival of the fittest and all that)-but then she has to say that, she is married to me!
I found some footage on YouTube that suggested The Golden Temple was part of the Illumanati. It was showing Illumnati patterns and linking them to the path way of the Golden temple (in Particular the round patterns in the doorway-does anyone have a picture of this?).
In my years I have also come across a South African Sharman called Credo Mutwa (what we probably call a desi doctor) who studies such things as the illumanati and he said sikhs (he was refering to Nihangs) wear the turban to represent the superior race on this planet. I cannot go into what this means here as it is a long story (so I suggest some reading). But basically the Eygiptians used to wear a ceratin style of head dress (similar to Nihangs) that represented they were the illuminated ones/people of the sun, to make the heads taller as they thought this is what the illumanated ones look like.
Rastafarians apparently do this for the same reason.
Then Icke himself says that the Symbol of the Illumanati is the Lions head representing the Sun as the illuminated ones.
Singh Meaning Lion - again Rastafarians do this too. Remember Rastafari is African/Ethiopian so close connections to Eygpt.
Then I started thinking of 5 (panj) as this is a sacred number to the illumanati. The Five Rivers of Punjab (punjab meaning five rivers), the five Ks, The Five beloved ones. Is there more? So why 5 in Sikhism and not six beloved ones, 7 ks etc?
Now I know both Credo and Icke are seen as crazy crack heads. So I was just wondering what other people made of all this....
One thing I did from this experience is I could Empathise with Christians and how they must feel with all this Da Vinci Hoo Haa as my reactions were of defense/offended/unsettling/upsetting, so
My Wife said to me the she always saw Sikhs as the superior aryan race (and there are science reasons that could support this, survival of the fittest and all that)-but then she has to say that, she is married to me!