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USA Shooting At Sikh Gurudwara In Wisconcin


Jul 1, 2012
I felt like crying when I heard this, it shook me to the bone.. I only heard about it this evening, and I realized that around the time it was happening (9pm GMT) I was in the middle of a conversation with a friend and his grandmother about Sikhism, and the Sikh people.. she lived in London in an area with a lot of Sikhs and she excitedly told us of their unbelievably kind and caring nature. I took delight in filling her in about the religion of the Sikhs and its spirit of charity, equality, good-will, love of God and peace.

This is really sad. It is enraging and saddening how an ignorant, heartless and brain-dead animal can take and change the lives of so many innocent, good people. It brought a tear to my eye to read about the president of the gurudwara and how he died so heroically, exhibiting so many desirable qualities of the Sikh religion..

Very sad. How crazy is the world today?


Dec 3, 2011
I don't know what to say. Again we are not sure if this is mistaken identity, as he had a 9/11 tatoo on him. The message of who we are has been repeated time and time again, we just don't know if it gets through.

I hope the President makes it clear and addresses the nation that we had nothing to do with 9/11.- Because the story that all journalists will be after is that he blamed us guys in turbans for 9/11!

I'm still trying to come to term with this, especially the 84 yr old baba that couldn't have even lifted a finger to this psycho.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Heres the White Supremacist who believes Sikhs made 9/11 happen...and he had to storm the Gurdwara in revenge...strange times..strange people..BUT at least ONE THING is CERTAIN...UNLIKE in the Worlds BIGGEST DEMOCRACY where after 28 years the same type of killers remain free and anonymously protected..this killer was instantly identified and justly served...thats REAL DEMOCRACY at work...


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I think for us the guy wasn't a white one or a supermacist one. He was an agent of hate. We have to stand up against hate crime. We have to stand against any kind of hate, from anyone to anyone.

Moreover for me, 5 August should be World Sikh awareness day. We should invite all non-Sikhs every year to Guru's Darbar, not the leaders but local communities.

I have seen people in India protesting with one guy brandishing two swords and other one tearing up the US flag. We don't need such jokers. If we blame our leaders, let me tell you Sikhi has no leader other than Guru Granth Sahib. Human leaders will fail us. More than that we fail ourselves, like those people protesting in India for no reason, not thinking how they are projecting Sikhs. We fail to represent Sikhi the way it deserves to be shown. It's time to get our act together.
Jul 15, 2012
Overland Park, Kansas
I read about this right after it happened on Sunday while I was on my lunch break at work. Tears came to my eyes over such a senseless tragedy. Ignorance in 2012 is ludicrous. It takes half of a second to Google anything to find out info. Although I'm really just beginning to explore Sikhi, I took the time to talk to some of my co-workers today about who Sikhs really are, and why this white supremacist idiot was sorely mistaken. This evening I found out some people burned down a mosque today about 2 hours from where I live. I pray for my country. Not all of us are racist {censored}s, I promise you.

There is a candlelight vigil being held at my local gurdwara in memory of the victims of Oak Creek this Friday. I've never been because I'm afraid of being judged for not being Indian, but I don't really care anymore. It's something I feel I need to attend.
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
AWARENESS is the RIGHT WAY...Sikhs must use the Immense publicity generated by this unfortunate incident to bring about AWARENESS - because we dont get much publicity otherwise...Let each SIKH make full use of Facebook gmail, etc to get the word out SIKHS are peaceful hard working religious etc and dont deserve this sort of hate..

Ben Bet Beh

Jul 29, 2011
My thoughts and prayers are with the Sikh community during this time. There is a nice memorial dedicated to those who have lost their lives near the temple. May God's healing be upon all those affected by the tragedy especially the loved ones of those who have lost their lives in this senseless act. Peace.
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