Oh yeah! I know all such sites.... One of my Muslim friend has
downloaded EVERY major anti-Islamic website in his PC... He refute the points of anti-Islamic loons against Islam... You won't know but we Muslims have our own 'favorite' anti-Islamic sites...and we'll give reasons why we like this particular anti-Islamic site..like this site is organized..this site has great articles against Qur'an..this site is fun to be on etc etc.. Whereas people on those sites think that they are doing some great 'Jihad' that will lead to downfall of Islam lol
On a good note though : These abundant anti-Islamic websites have caused Islamic Apologetics to rise , Mashallah..
Anyways , coming to the topic of Taqayyah ... most Muslims don't even know what this word mean.... I came to know of this word when some Christian poster accused me of 'doing taqqayah' about 2 years ago...I was like "What is this?"

...then I googled the word and found the meaning of it...
Jews were accused of same in the Nazi Germany. When Jews tried to explain themselves , Nazis told people "The Jew is commanded to lie in his faith. How can you believe anything coming from the Jew?" ...This is a classical fear-mongering technique that effects people's psychology..People would think "no no , Muslims aren't lying..there is no taqqiyah....but..
uhhhhhh what if this is true?" This is a classical propaganda tactic... In psychology classes , you will read about it ...
In the Sunni Jurisdiction (90% of Islam) the word taqqiya
doesn't even
exist.. It exists in "Shi'a" jurisdiction and it means to 'hide your faith under the threat of persecution' ..Like If any Hitler rises up again and start killing Muslims (like he did to Jews) and his soldiers are coming home to home and asking "Are you Muslim" and if the answer is yes then the male of the house is killed,women/daughters are raped or taken away etc etc..Then ONLY in such situations ..It is allowed to hide your faith by 'lying' that you are not a Muslim. And I am pretty much O.K with it...
ANYONE will agree that 'lying' in such condition is not morally wrong.
Anti-Islam loons will argue "Muslims lie to further their faith" ..Well lets try that with simple logic : Suppose I'm a liar doing Taqqiyah...I tell you..Islam is this and that..great..amazing..peaceful..etc...and you convert! Now after you have 'converted' , you will start practicing Islam, right? And you will come to know that "Oh no , all that I was told was BS..Actual Islam demands me to do this this this bad stuff" ..Would you even remain a Muslim? Does this even make any sense? ... smh ..