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India SGPC Task Force Members Thrashed A Devotee Over Verbal Duel


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
SGPC Task Force members thrashed a devotee over verbal dual

AMRITSAR: The members of task force of SGPC on Tuesday night attacked a devotee who retaliated and stabbed one of the task force employee with his small sword in the Golden Temple complex here.

The devotee Navroop Singh who comes daily to Golden Temple at midnight to clean the Sanctum Sanctorum was reportedly offended by member of Task force Sarbjit Singh which led to verbal dual between the two.

Navroop was allegedly given severe thrashing by members of task force. One task force member Sarbjit Singh was injured when Navroop took out his mini sword and pierced in the body of assailant who was immediately shifted to Government hospital with severe bleeding.

According to information, incident took place previous midnight, when regular devotee to Golden Temple Navroop attempted to have seat in the VIP enclosure inside the sanctum Sanctorum of the Golden Temple was prevented by Sarbjit Singh.

Situation took ugly turn, when Task Force Member Sarbjit Singh managed special sitting arrangements for two visitors who were known to him and it was objected by Navroop Singh. Navroop held Sarbjit Singh accused for extending favour to his near and dears which had depicted his biased attitude towards another devotees. Navroop when raised his objection over the favoritism by member of taskforce was given seat in the VIP enclosure.

But after an hour when Navroop Singh came out from sanctum sanctorum and arrived in the marbled periphery of the Golden Temple around pool of nectar he was cordoned off by the five members of task Force led by Sarbjit Singh.

Navroop was given severe thrashing, whereupon Navroop took out his mini sword in defense and attacked on Sarbjit Singh who injured seriously and fell on the marbled floor of periphery drenching in blood. Thereafter, injured Sarbjit was shifted to Government Guru Nanak Dev Hospital, where his condition was described stable.

Confirming the incident, Secretary SGPC Dilmegh Singh said that after the incident member of task force raised demand of pistols which was rejected forthwith by the SGPC, since in such a pious place, lethal weapons could never be allowed since it would hurt the sentiments of humble Sikh devotees. He said such a frivolous demand of task force members even in future would never be honored keeping in view the sanctity of Harmandhar Sahib. The demand of Task force members for the registration of criminal case against Navroop was also rejected.

Adding further Dilmegh Singh described this incident unfortunate and held devotee Navroop Singh accountable, since he should have approached to senior SGPC officials rather to play with the sanctity of this pious place and to disturb law and order.

Dilmegh said that as per law, Navroop could be prosecuted but SGPC didn’t want to blow the matter out of proportion but certainly issue warning to him to take care in future. If in future such kind of situation developed should be reported to senior SGPC officials rather to solve its own way.



Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Confirming the incident, Secretary SGPC Dilmegh Singh said that after the incident member of task force raised demand of pistols which was rejected forthwith by the SGPC

They are empty handed and are thrashing devotees for verbal arguement. Wonder what they will do once they have guns. Going from Sewadar to Task Force Member calls for a lot of change I guess.

Adding further Dilmegh Singh described this incident unfortunate and held devotee Navroop Singh accountable, since he should have approached to senior SGPC officials rather to play with the sanctity of this pious place and to disturb law and order.

Next time I get beaten up, I will ask people to give me 2 mins break so that I can report to their seniors, I wonder will they accept my request or not!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Daily watch Live telecast and see how these task force behave with devotees...or better still go there personally and wittness how dedicated they are...most are confirmed offenders facing charges...sgpc says they were employed on "temporary" basis which doesnt require Police clearance..and later they are made permanent...wow..logical indeed..
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