- Jan 9, 2008
- 271
- 6
Aapey Laayo Apna Pyar
Sada Sada Tis Gur Ko Kari Namaskaar
Dhann Guru Nanak Satguru
Sada Sada Tis Gur Ko Kari Namaskaar
Dhann Guru Nanak Satguru
Sri Guru Nanak Sahib started opening the flood gates of Divine Wisdom by uttering wonderful hymns from his very tender age. The Teacher of the Teachers, this Child World Teacher illumined the hearts of the Pandit and the Maulvi with true spirituality when taken to the school for education. These worldly teachers otherwise groping in dark saw a vision of True Enlightenment in the lustrous face of the Child God and fell at His feet, at the feet of the World Teacher of True Illumination. With the holy hymns uttered, Guru Nanak in His mere infancy pointed to the supermacy of Divine Wisdom over all other types of worldly and materialistic education. Without illumination of one's heart one cannot teach others, one cannot illumine other hearts. Without this spiritual education and wisdom which is the basis of all morality and other education, one cannot enjoy the bliss of perpetual joy, contentment and satisfaction.
Divine wisdom, the true education then imparted by Sri Guru Nanak Sahib at that tender age delights the soul, illumines the heart, is the basis of all morality, is the foundation of all truthful living, is the source of true character building. It is the prime source of emancipation. It stimulates self-introspection, self-analysis and self-realisation. Like other education it is not time bound in matters like bread earning and job satisfaction only. It provides perpetual satisfaction and joy of the soul. It provides true contentment, enlightenment and illumination in the Light of Eternity. It bestows freedom from bondages, from false pride, vanity, arrogance and ego.
The World Teacher had started reforming the teachers. His grand mission was clear from His very infancy. He had started preaching the mystic knowledge and the universal truths as an infant. He had incarnated to reform the teachers, the spiritual giants. He had come to dispel clouds of darkness, clouds of ignorance, clouds of superstition.
The aim of true education and knowledge is character building. It is to raise a person from animal instinct to a fine human being, from a human being to a fine spiritual being, and from a true spiritual being to ultimate divinity.
'Mystic grandeur of the Divine Child had thus started revealing itself to this mundane world from that very tender age. It was becoming increasingly clear that a World Prophet, a World Teacher, a Great Messiah had appeared on the World Scene in this Dark Age, Kalyug.
This luminous experience cast a flash of reverential shudder in the minds of so-called teachers and awestruck they all bowed down to the Great World Teacher, in all humility.
The Nectar of Gurbani had started flowing from the holy lips of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib from that very tender age and His holy presence had started sanctifying the world.
This pure stream of Divine Wisdom flowing from the Child God had made the world holy and blessed. It had started dispelling the clouds of ignorance and darkness and had started filling the world with pure light of luminiousity.
He imparts a unique knowledge. Each and every letter of alphabets acts as a seed-bed of wonderful spiritual ideas and Divine thoughts.
His whole emphasis is on pure conduct and truthful living. At that very tender age He starts preaching the perception of universal harmony and an ethical and pure life. This perception of Universal Harmony and Universal Love and Tolerance later emerges as the greatest Marvel of the World in the Divine Manifestation of Holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Sri Guru Nanak Sahib had in the process, divinised the whole range of alphabets. Each alphabet started flashing divinity.