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Hinduism Sakhi (Baba Jawala Singh Ji)

inder preet

Jun 11, 2013
baba jawala singh harkowahal's updesh about dhyan.

balee ji became amritdhari and was renames janak singh ji .he would do his seva diligently and recite gurbani and do simran.unlike others ,he didn't talk needlessly about gurmat ,electing to keep in guruji's bhana instead .one day he overheard baba jawala singh say "one's mind can't be controlled or stabilised without focussing on the guru "(meaning one should focus on their guru while meditating).
from that day on ,janak singh started focussing on baba jawala singh ji as his gurdev .once as he was doing this he fell to the ground ,and baba jawala singh ji came running out of his kutiya and brought janak singh back to his conciousness.as he brought him to consciousness he said "don't ever ,for any reason focus on my body".
. janak singh replied back humbly,"i overheard you discussing that one can't stabilise their mind unless they take their guru's body /form into their concentration,and that is why i start doing this".
at that point ,baba jawala singh harkowahal gathered all the sevaks and singh's together and gave the following updesh:
"by focussing on dhyan and going down that route alone will not achieve moksh(salvation).there are four types that you will get to though.They are:1. salok muktee: the form (vyagtheegat) you focus on ,you can get to their realm,i.e. shivji -shivlok, brahmji-brahmlok.
2. smeep muktee: that form that you focus on ,you can get close to it,but never fully part of it.3. saroop muktee: you will become like the form that you worship ,but you won't be the form.
by following these routes you are not at a stable state(atal avastha),because a time will come that no form of maya whether it be asthool(tangible,body,gun)or sooksham(astral spiritual)will remain.all will devour.that is why guru gobind singh ji's singh doesn't want any of these muktee's.these muktee's will not allow one to dissolve in to akal purakh. the following ques. was then asked ,how does one get to that point where we become one with god? baba jawala singh ji answered ,hey pyare gurmukho,"the shabad,which is the emanation and form of guruji's heart,that shabad is brahm."get absorbed in that shabad and you will find that you no longer exist and that is the way that you will get muktee.guruji used the following lines in gurbani to explain this...1."sabad gur peera ,gaher gambeera,bin shabadai jag baugaanang.2 .satgur bachan,bachan hai satgur paadhur mukat janavago.

inder preet

Jun 11, 2013
re: Sakhi (Baba Jawala Singh jii)

it is for this reason that gurmat is focusing on god through shabad (gurmat hai shabad brahm di upashana )because shabad has three forms according to wise mahapurakhs:
1. asthool: when your eyes gaze on a granth and you read those letters out loud.
2. misrat: when one's birti (focus/attention) becomes attuned to the shabad ,the shabad is both suksham and asthool because the mind is made of the(tatta da sato ansh..)the sat(virtue/true/purest)form of the qualities.
3. sukham =sookham(astral/spiritual).
when the shabad abhyaas (meditation on the shabad) surpasses the consciousness(surat)of the mind,and gets absorbed in the paar baani(the celestial emanations of the primal sound )..(this is also called ,naabhi di baani ((sounds of the naval chakra).that baani has the ability to take the jeev's surti(the consciousness of the being)to the pinnacle point of brahm (the point from which creation was started).
for this reason ,we should all focus on the shabad.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
re: Sakhi (Baba Jawala Singh jii)

salok muktee: the
form (vyagtheegat) you focus on ,you can get
to their realm,i.e. shivji -shivlok, brahmji-
Where on the atlas are these places?
I'm afraid to say there isn't an iota of Gurmat philosophy in this alleged statement. Thhis is typical Hinduistic rhetoric and for this reason I could not care enough to read the whole post down to the end. Time well saved! :D


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
re: Sakhi (Baba Jawala Singh jii)

This thread has been moved to Interfaith Dialogs/Hinduism from Sikh Sikhi Sikhism. I agree with artistotle ji. The essence of these messages comes from the vedic tradition and the thread is in the wrong place.

None of the following is consistent with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji who is the guru of the Sikhs and trumps "wise mahapurakhs" every time.

The following statements are not supported by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and are examples of baba-style instructions to sangats.
shabad has three forms according to wise mahapurakhs:

1. asthool: when your eyes gaze on a granth and you read those letters out loud.

2. misrat: when one's birti (focus/attention) becomes attuned to the shabad ,the shabad is both suksham and asthool because the mind is made of the(tatta da sato ansh..)the sat(virtue/true/purest)form of the qualities.

3. sukham =sookham(astral/spiritual).
when the shabad abhyaas (meditation on the shabad) surpasses the consciousness(surat)of the mind,and gets absorbed in the paar baani(the celestial emanations of the primal sound )..(this is also called ,naabhi di baani ((sounds of the naval chakra).that baani has the ability to take the jeev's surti(the consciousness of the being)to the pinnacle point of brahm (the point from which creation was started).
The last statement is frequently brought up to be the essence, the most profound experience, of Shabad Guru. Where is there a shabad in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji that teaches this? Various words like the "brahm" may be mentioned. But where is this paragraph offered by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in the form of a shabad so that we may see the complete context, and not make it a matter of pulling out an idea here and there in order to score metaphysical points about things like the "naval chakra" or the "pinnacle point from which creation was started."

A good place to start looking is Japji Sahib if we have any inkling to understand how "creation was started" or whether and how baani takes conciousness to the pinnacle point of brahm.:singhfacepalm:
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Sakhi (Baba Jawala Singh jii)

baba jawala singh harkowahal's updesh about dhyan.

balee ji became amritdhari and was renames janak singh ji .he would do his seva diligently and recite gurbani and do simran.unlike others ,he didn't talk needlessly about gurmat ,electing to keep in guruji's bhana instead .one day he overheard baba jawala singh say "one's mind can't be controlled or stabilised without focussing on the guru "(meaning one should focus on their guru while meditating).
from that day on ,janak singh started focussing on baba jawala singh ji as his gurdev .once as he was doing this he fell to the ground ,and baba jawala singh ji came running out of his kutiya and brought janak singh back to his conciousness.as he brought him to consciousness he said "don't ever ,for any reason focus on my body".
. janak singh replied back humbly,"i overheard you discussing that one can't stabilise their mind unless they take their guru's body /form into their concentration,and that is why i start doing this".
at that point ,baba jawala singh harkowahal gathered all the sevaks and singh's together and gave the following updesh:
"by focussing on dhyan and going down that route alone will not achieve moksh(salvation).there are four types that you will get to though.They are:1. salok muktee: the form (vyagtheegat) you focus on ,you can get to their realm,i.e. shivji -shivlok, brahmji-brahmlok.
2. smeep muktee: that form that you focus on ,you can get close to it,but never fully part of it.3. saroop muktee: you will become like the form that you worship ,but you won't be the form.
by following these routes you are not at a stable state(atal avastha),because a time will come that no form of maya whether it be asthool(tangible,body,gun)or sooksham(astral spiritual)will remain.all will devour.that is why guru gobind singh ji's singh doesn't want any of these muktee's.these muktee's will not allow one to dissolve in to akal purakh. the following ques. was then asked ,how does one get to that point where we become one with god? baba jawala singh ji answered ,hey pyare gurmukho,"the shabad,which is the emanation and form of guruji's heart,that shabad is brahm."get absorbed in that shabad and you will find that you no longer exist and that is the way that you will get muktee.guruji used the following lines in gurbani to explain this...1."sabad gur peera ,gaher gambeera,bin shabadai jag baugaanang.2 .satgur bachan,bachan hai satgur paadhur mukat janavago.

I am puzzle always by such upadhes. Was this the philosophy of Bhai Mani Singh to become one with Akaal when he was being butchered to death bit by bit? When he lost fingers, hands, arms and legs was he thinking, "This is not real?"