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Supernatural Reincarnation Evidence: Boy Was WWII Pilot


Mar 30, 2011
But one question I don´t understand what is the sense of reincarnation, if we remeber nothing from the past lives (as an animal or rock or whatever)? I mean why should I care as what I will be reborn? In the end , if I get a "chance" to be reincarneted as a human, I won´t remeber anything. So , why is this important? Where is the sense behind reincarnation? Please explain.. what are countless incarnations useful to, if I don´t even remeber a single one?

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
I believe that although we can't consciously recollect the lessons learned in past lives while awake in this world, we still have access to that information subconsciously. I believe dreams are one way to access that information. It's also why meditation is so important. you need to connect with the part of you that is NOT the human here in this lifetime.... the REAL you. I believe that it's possible! I believe kids still have that connection before they become so fully immersed into this illusion we call life. Too many children can recollect images from past lives to ignore.

As for animals... I don't believe animals store memory the same way we do (consciously as having an inner world and thinking 'I AM' type of sentient consciousness) I believe animals all work completely or nearly completely in the subconscious and their link here is mostly instinct, so memories would not be able to be recalled as if consciously experiencing them. (but that's just my thoughts on it) It would be hard for us to interpret looking at animal memories from a human perspective of consciousness I would think...
Oct 11, 2006
All these stories about reincarnation are *********. So many frauds have seen uncovered.
How is it that reincarnation happens in the same country and very close to the place where the death occurred?
Have there ever been an incidence of a person being reborn in a far away country eg. in China or Germany and remembering his previous birth in India?
Is reincarnation bound by man-made boundaries?
Has there been any instance of a reincarnated person remembering anything that he studied in his previous birth, like physics or calculus. Why is memory so selective?
Just because some publicity seeking person write some book,are we supposed to believe him?
Where is the scientific inquiry?swordfight


Dec 3, 2011
I believe that although we can't consciously recollect the lessons learned in past lives while awake in this world, we still have access to that information subconsciously. I believe dreams are one way to access that information. It's also why meditation is so important. you need to connect with the part of you that is NOT the human here in this lifetime.... the REAL you. I believe that it's possible! I believe kids still have that connection before they become so fully immersed into this illusion we call life. Too many children can recollect images from past lives to ignore.

As for animals... I don't believe animals store memory the same way we do (consciously as having an inner world and thinking 'I AM' type of sentient consciousness) I believe animals all work completely or nearly completely in the subconscious and their link here is mostly instinct, so memories would not be able to be recalled as if consciously experiencing them. (but that's just my thoughts on it) It would be hard for us to interpret looking at animal memories from a human perspective of consciousness I would think...

Akashji, your thoughts make so much sense.
Although they are thoughts, we don't know the true answers.
You are right, it's the kids stories that are normally amazing and difficult to prove wrong.
We have all travelled to another part of the world at sometime. What can be quite weird sometimes is when in a place many thousands of miles away for the first time, we get a sudden sense of 'deja vu'!!
- You just never know !!

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
How is it that reincarnation happens in the same country and very close to the place where the death occurred?

What if the only reason it seems that in these stories, the fact that the past life was close by physically in the same geographical area was just the trigger factor that caused them to remember?? It doesn't mean that ALL reincarnations happen near by physically (or that it's even being suggested here)... just that the only ones that seem to remember, their memories may be triggered by being close to the same areas... the familiarity.
Oct 11, 2006
What if the only reason it seems that in these stories, the fact that the past life was close by physically in the same geographical area was just the trigger factor that caused them to remember?? It doesn't mean that ALL reincarnations happen near by physically (or that it's even being suggested here)... just that the only ones that seem to remember, their memories may be triggered by being close to the same areas... the familiarity.

And greater get the chances of fraud,chicanery and hoax.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
How do New Born Chicks get the "knowledge" about Bird Migration over hundreds of thousands of miles and back...how do salmon babies get the knowledge to go back hundreds of thousands of miles up fresh rivers in Canada to breed AFTER spending their youth growing up in the Salty OCEANS...ALL this is DNA..in the BLUEPRINT of Life that each Salmon is born with...each migratory bird chick is born with..etc etc..ONLY HUMANS need to "LEARN" consciously...NO Human has ever been born a Physics PHD..or a Doctor..or had the knowledge to walk to the Artic and back all by himself like the Stork etc..Lots in Nature that is mysterious...YET based on Natural LAWS of HUKM...REINCARNATION is a MYTH ..we are REINCARNATED every MOMENT we LIVE...according to what actions our Mann makes us DO


Apr 3, 2005
All these stories about reincarnation are *********. So many frauds have seen uncovered.
How is it that reincarnation happens in the same country and very close to the place where the death occurred?
Have there ever been an incidence of a person being reborn in a far away country eg. in China or Germany and remembering his previous birth in India?
Is reincarnation bound by man-made boundaries?
Has there been any instance of a reincarnated person remembering anything that he studied in his previous birth, like physics or calculus. Why is memory so selective?
Just because some publicity seeking person write some book,are we supposed to believe him?
Where is the scientific inquiry?swordfight

Even if a team of scientists conduct investigation and say that reincarnation is scientific then will the skeptics will believe in it? The answer is no. The fact is majority of people just have their views and they hardly change it.If some scientists say that they conducted investigation and found reincarnation to be true then most of opposers will start finding flaws in scientists and in their theory and then if some other scientists refute their theory then they all go gaga over it.the same is true for supporters too.

The fact is science cannot answers many questions.It just become tool in the hand of supporters and opposers .Just look at homeopathy for many skeptics it is the world's biggest legalised quackery with no scientific base but for many it is the best alternative medicine.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Does Sikhi believe in Reincarnation? Or is it just metaphorical?

SGGS (GURBANI) IS.....ALL 100% About the PRESENT HUMAN LIFE and HOW and In what WAYS one can IMPROVE Daily LIFE, CHANGE our Daily Habits, behaviors etc in order to become GURMATT ORIENTED as much as possible. These Changes should reflect in our Faces..our daily lives..people should be able to "SEE the Difference"....that is called JEEWAN MUKT - because as Bhagat namdev Ji declares..."MUKTEE/SALVATION..Blah Blah Blah..is OF NO USE after DEATH..simply because not me, not anyone else can SEE what happened after I am DEAD...the Chapter is CLOSED and its PERIOD. SO IF theres going to be nay Muktee whatever..it has to be NOW..when I am ALIVE and KICKING in THIS WORLD...and so everybody cna SEE and vouch that I have GOT IT.

So a SIKH lives in the Present, Beleives in the Present..is FOR the Present..BY the Present and OF the PRESENT.....HUM AADMI HAAN EK DAMMI..declares GURU NANAK..ONLY the PRESENT MATTERS.PERIOD.


Dec 3, 2011
Does Sikhi believe in Reincarnation? Or is it just metaphorical?

As a sikh, we are supposed to aim for mukthi or salvation whilst alive-in this living presence.
Some faiths believe that it is all about what happens after you die.
We shouldn't pay attention to that.

Are we supposed to believe Reincarnation ?
- Wether you believe or not isn't the real issue. However, as sikh's goal is to overcome or overide reincarnation, if it does exist.
To attain mukhti and salvation is to be ONE with Lord for eternity, not taking births and rebirths.- This is the Goal!!

Worrying about it is NOT the approach we should take.


Dec 3, 2011
On a slightly different note here-
Did you know that there are hypnotists and even a famous one that I have personally come across who can make any one of us go into our subconscious and see our past lives!!!
Apparently, one can actually learn to self hypnotise and do this by themselves.

-a liilte secret here, ssshhhhhh!!!!!
When I have tried the self hynosis on many occasions, I keep seeing myself as none other than GOD himself. -Yes, in my past life I was the True Lord himself or maybe I just saw the whole world as he sees it!!!!!
Afterall, we ALL merge and evolve from him.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2009
Does Sikhi believe in Reincarnation? Or is it just metaphorical?

Respected Sir,

Kindly refer Mool Mantar that is the opening line of Guru Granth sahib. It states clearly that The Creator is 'Ajoonie' as he is "saibhung".

I am not self created and the product of 'Rakt' and 'bind' i.e Bindi-produce; hence I am not Ajoonie and would be governed by Reincarnation as per Laws of Karma.

Yes, it is difficult to imagine as to which Joonie I shall be next time and hence, as rightly said, it may be meaningless to us.
All that is required to be conveyed is that there is reincarnation in sikhi. Many sikhs believe and some may not believe. The best way to resolve the doubts of mind is to refer our only Living Guru i.e Guru Granth sahib ji.


Mar 30, 2011
Wow, thanks for all the answeres! Lol, I myself don´t believe in Reincarnation. And only on the here and now , the Mann , the creator of heaven and hell.

I wrote a post and it somehow get chopped off and only last 2 Sentences remained(the one with reincarnation) ... I was just asking ironically/sarcastic , not " serious". But thanks for clarification!
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