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Sikhism Ready For Turban


Dec 3, 2011
I've been growing my hair for over 16 months now and it's pretty long.
Over the last few months I've had it in a pony just to keep it a little neat.
I never actually planned this or anything but I just came to a point where I felt like I didn't want to cut my hair.

This is all in line with my increased spirituality. Since feeling more spiritual and more aware as well as more detached from my gadgets and belongings (I no longer carry a cell phone, wear a watch or worry about my guccis and versaces!!)
I automatically felt more attached to my hair- Don't get me wrong, I have always been attached to cool looks and cool hairstyles and was always known for my trendy hairdo's. But now, it's a different kind of love, it's like an essential limb to me now.

As I have had my hair in a pony and look more like a gangster, I have also been growing my beard. However, this has resulted in getting bad looks of anger and disrespect from fellow sikhs sometimes.
I can tell they see me and think that I'm one of those turbaned sikhs who has cut his hair and is tying it in a ponytail. I sense their tongues tutting and a no no shake of their heads.

Anway, I have been waiting for my hair to be the right length so that I can do a jurrha and now I can manage a small kiddie one.
This weekend, I went and bought my 1st turban- a black full voile and also a small patka of the same material. I had told the merchant who had a turban himself, that it was my first and I'm learning- he recommended that material.

I have been trying for the last few days but I just can't get the neatness.
I have watched many videos on you tube and they make me feel confident, but then it comes to the final choice.
I just can't decide wether to start wearing a patka and then slowly introduce the bigger turban.
Everytime I do a patka, I feel that I should have the turban, it just feels''half a job'' and when I do my messy turban, then I feel that I should just stick to the patka.,, Help!!!

I really need some help, advice and good videos for both turban and patka. I feel that I should just get the neater job done properly and not be switching inbetween going back to a ponytail.

I have been mona all my life -40 damn long years and I probably made the most of it. But now, I want to be Khesdari and want to make the most of it and be proud.

I do have a few uncles who have turbans that can help but I'm a little worried to bother them incase their styles don't suit me and I offend them. For this reason I would rather just learn myself and find the right one for me.

Kaur 1968

Dec 29, 2010
canada bc
lucky veer ji, Gurfateh!

turban tying decision is better than patka like little boys. it is not that difficult , very easy for you if you have passion with Guru's wounderfull gift. Get help from your family members or friends.
A year ago, my husband started growing his beard , but no tuban on his head, he looked like muslim to himself, then he decideded to wear a turban. First he was very sad thought i can never learn how to tie good turban. Few days i helped him, i didnot learn from anywhere, only from my son. i used to tie turban for my son, everytime i tied, he forced me to do it again, didn't like the style, that's how i learnt turban tying skills. Now my son is 13, he can make himself. so is my husband. I would say watch few you tube videos then do lots of practices on your free time will be extremely helpfull
forgive for my mistakes
best of luck

gurfateh to all


Mar 30, 2011
I give you a tip if your "Layers/Larrhs" are not neat and tidy, sprinkle the turban with Water and tie it stretched.

Here is another tutorial as well , personally I like Dhumalls and flat Paghs this one is great too, and the explination is in Punjabi!

Learn Best Dastar - Pagg Training - Tying Turban - YouTube

Lastly , I want to say CONGRATULATIONS !! One more guy who looks like this:) Very nice step!
SO CHAI FOR ALL!!:singhsippingcoffee::sippingcoffeemunda::sippingcoffee:

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Lots of vids for men! :( Not so many for women.... The only vid I found for women style turbans was the 3HO girl... and that's not the style I want to learn. I want to learn the basic women round style turban.

What style are you going with Luckysingh? Posting any pics once you get it? :)


Dec 3, 2011
Lots of vids for men! :( Not so many for women.... The only vid I found for women style turbans was the 3HO girl... and that's not the style I want to learn. I want to learn the basic women round style turban.

What style are you going with Luckysingh? Posting any pics once you get it? :)
I haven't really gone for a specific style as yet. I will try and see how I get on with the different kinds.
It must be practical and convenient for me, not so much about the looks.
The problem I have is my height, I'm 6ft 3 and getting in and out of cars, lets say may be a problem if the turban is too high. Although I have moved away from low heighted cars where one has to lower themselves down to get in as opposed to a truck where one climbs up to get in.- Now, most of my travelling is done in a truck and this should be more accomodating for a turban.