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Sects Propaganda Against Radha Soami Satsang Beas Dera


Aug 2, 2012
Sat Shri Akal ji,

This is my first post n thread on the Forum.First of all,i would like to tell you about my objective to come here.I love a girl who shares Khalsa as surname and i was not aware about that there are issues b.w us and i tried to search about the mess then i came to know about the website.I have something to share with you and we believe in sant mat n disciples of Guru granth sahib n girl parents are against RSSB.

I hv heard a lot of things which are anti RssB and which is completely false..


1) Dera allows tobacco etc?? no...
2)Dera allows drinking/Meat etc?? no..
3)Dera captures land etc?? i think no....

We are 6-7 friends who live together and one of them was at gurudwara about which a lot of propaganda was created that dera occupied it by force but its false..

He told me that Land was purchased in 7 crore Rupees and proper registration was done and with full respect Baba ji' guru granth sahib was placed to other place with respect and land was allotted to place Baba ji 's granth.But media and other religious parties made a propaganda that dera occupied land.its rubbish....Even Baba gurinder singh did ardaas and Guru Granth Sahib was respect fully placed to other place..now see wat media says...

4)A week Ago,near ludhiana a satsang ghar was attacked and every thing like doors,taps,walls were hammered by few groups..but they thought that Dera will complain about it but dera dint do it and every thing was fixed in before morning and satsang took place.no paper reported it n not channel.

5)Dera get donations from people....Thats rubbish..watever people send there as donation......you cant arrange a langar of one time with that money....

6)Dera speaks against sikhism?? n ask dem to leave sikhism....no..

I never heard it and there are satsangs on internet ...see where they said so..

and one important thing...i would like to share wid u..it was time when sant maskeen ji was in his last days..

We know that Sant maskeen ji never agreed with dera on one issue and it was that live guru...so few days before his swargwaas,maskeen ji arrranged a meeting with his 12-15 followers with baba gurinder singh.
Since He was against RSSB and baba gurinder singh so he asked his followers with him to ask questions while he will remain silent and he had no respect for baba gurinder singh.He taught 12-15 Questions to all his follower who were with him that u will ask this n that question to baba as ur own questions...in actual,these were the questions in the mind of maskeen ji but he dint want to talk with baba gurinder singh.

During meeting every question was raised n answered by baba gurinder singh ji and maskeen ji remained silent and when discussion was over then baba gurinder asked maskeen ji...

"" Hor koi Question hai tawade kol Maskeen ji jeda tusi poochna chandey ho???""

Maskeen ji got shocked and den he said that its my mistake of whole life that i couldnt recognize you.

There are loadz of bad things said about dera etc but these are false n misinterpreted mostly...I say 10 things wrong and these things changes into 100 in no time...

i would request every body to dont loose your faith n religion but once go to dera and listen n search wat they say....u will get answers of this propagandas.....

So my apologies are in your feet mere bhain prawo....kisi da dil dukhey te hath jod ke maafi hai ...but main rok ni sakya apne aap nu.....

kaafi kuj galat kya gya hai.....
even Radha Soami da matlab hi shiv dayal singh di wife naal jod ke vekhya gya hai....jo bilkul galt hai....

Gurinder singh khud hi bot rich ne n he doesnt control dera etc..n he doesnt own property of dera....

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

OUR one and ONLY GURU is SGGS. AS long as you dont VIOLATE that guideline and preach about Living dehdharees...doesnt matter what you call them..guru, satguru, sant baba whatever...its ok to post your views. Disrespect towards SGGS, SRM, Sikh Maryadas, History etc wont be allowed without a suitable rejoinder.


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Dear Gurjot Ji

It's good that you put forward your views but my only small quest is -

Whats the need of Deras? The same teachings or say teachings are of Guru Granth Sahib Ji can be conveyed thru Gurudwaras.

Sant / Baba etc etc are just mediums to convey the teachings ..... why it can't be done through Gurudwaras ? What's the need of construction crores of ruppess Deras whereas the same money can be used in other important prachar activites ....


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Dear Gurjot Ji

It's good that you put forward your views but my only small quest is -

Whats the need of Deras? The same teachings or say teachings are of Guru Granth Sahib Ji can be conveyed thru Gurudwaras.

Sant / Baba etc etc are just mediums to convey the teachings ..... why it can't be done through Gurudwaras ? What's the need of construction crores of ruppess Deras whereas the same money can be used in other important prachar activites ....

Deras are made of people and people comes from society.if you think its way of collecting the charity and money n business den its wrong..well,i agree there are lots of deras who do it but our point was wats the need of gurus whn gurudwaras are available?

As per bible,Jesus once said that i m here to collect those souls who are marked or those who i m allowed for.

Same satsang can be done in gurudwara and same can be done in Satsang ghar but the thing which creates difference is live guru.

You need teacher for even learning ABC and even if u want to learn anything..u will need guru...

So wat u think u can get ur soul away from trap of kaal w/o any guru?...no..

KAAL used its methods not only outside but also inside and its guru who saves inside and we can recognize guru inside only whn we have seen dem alive in real life.so we need guru in real life coz our real journey starts from inside and Kaal dont leave soul even inside coz its the ruler of every soul of earth or anywhere...and it doesnt allow any soul to pass freely.so its game and all religious books are telling us about the rules n regulations n how we can make our lord happy and other laws...Find out any holy book..u will find same but again the same qns is how can we get the way when we reach inside and who will save us??...Kaal will eat dat kind of souls alive who goes like dat coz they loss demselves n no body is there to show dem way.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Sikhi has to be a flat heirarchy. No man is greater or lesser. If we make other humans as our ideals, we only fall behind in the line after them.

This is why Guru Arjun Ji warns us in Sukhmani...Manukh ki seva BIRTHEE Jaan...and steers us TOWARDS seva only of the GURU-SHABAD-AKAL PURAKH ONLY. True SEVA of Shabad Guru is to FOLLOW the Teachings set forth in Gurbani to become HUMANS...rather than KARTOOT Passu ki Manukh Zaat...ALPHA MALE and ALPHA FEMALE are genetically ok for ANIMALS..becasue they need the pack mentality to survive..BUT any HUMAN who desires to be Alpha Human...Sant..Sri 108, Guru, Satguru, aacha Patshah, Maharaj, Mahapurash,Spiritual master, Master, Pujiah hoyah etc etc etc etc and have crowds FOLLOWING his every step...is NOT doing genuine seva of Akal Purakh becasue hes USURPING the Power of Akal Purakh for his own personal gain ..


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Sikhi has to be a flat heirarchy. No man is greater or lesser. If we make other humans as our ideals, we only fall behind in the line after them.

Only Humans can be made our ideals...God will never come to teach us this ns that coz we are not enough strong to face that almighty power or even we cant see that sun by looking at it through naked eyes den how can we see power who has created every thing.

Only left out creature is Human being whom we can understand and look at history,the arrival of saints never stopped..kabir saab,bulleshah,GuruNanak ji to Guru gobind singh ji.....they all came in human form.I mentioned in earlier post that why we need live guru?..

Although u will find none of the RSSB followers in counter arguments and i m no body to do it and i m doing wrong....so i apologize for it


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Only Humans can be made our ideals...God will never come to teach us this ns that coz we are not enough strong to face that almighty power

Hmm I think no human can teach us home building like birds or how to love like dogs. Remember, Sikhs are God Loving, not God fearing.

or even we cant see that sun by looking at it through naked eyes den how can we see power who has created every thing.

Well I see the sun all the time. I have stopped wearing sunglasses for I wanted to see the sun with naked eyes :D

Only left out creature is Human being whom we can understand and look at history,the arrival of saints never stopped..kabir saab,bulleshah,GuruNanak ji to Guru gobind singh ji.....they all came in human form.I mentioned in earlier post that why we need live guru?..

What we needed was Gyan! And that we have in form of Guru Granth Sahib!

So wat u think u can get ur soul away from trap of kaal w/o any guru?...no..

No Human Guru is free from Kaal (Death)

KAAL used its methods not only outside but also inside and its guru who saves inside and we can recognize guru inside only whn we have seen dem alive in real life.so we need guru in real life coz our real journey starts from inside and Kaal dont leave soul even inside coz its the ruler of every soul of earth or anywhere...and it doesnt allow any soul to pass freely.so its game and all religious books are telling us about the rules n regulations n how we can make our lord happy and other laws...Find out any holy book..u will find same but again the same qns is how can we get the way when we reach inside and who will save us??...Kaal will eat dat kind of souls alive who goes like dat coz they loss demselves n no body is there to show dem way.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

trouble is we just need to do what is written in Guru Granth Sahib. And remember, u dont learn to walk by watching someone else. u r helped, but u dont watch and learn. its when u need to reach things kept at a height, u grab at sm chair, take support and try stand up. reading from some scripture and looking at some living person is same thing, what is needed is the will to submit to Truth.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

The words of the tenth master either mean something or they do not.

Guru Maneo Granth is a pretty definitive statement, so, like plenty other things that others have to wrestle with, Sikhs do not have to debate or consider that which has already been decreed.

So who are you going to follow? the tenth master and the SGGS?
or some fat BMW driving charlatan who wants to sleep with your sister?

I would add that on this forum are many many Sikhs born outside of India, with English as a first language, and some with English as an only language, who seem to do very well without the benefits of a living breathing Guru. You see its all down to trust, who do you trust? As for the whole argument of living Gurus, or even Sants, or Babas, I am sure some very able people exist who can guide you, do you know how to spot them?

They will be the very quiet, softly spoken ones, who live modestly, have humility, reject the limelight, and go about their business helping all and sundry.

There you go, find someone like that.

The desire to show you know all, is described in the SGGS, p3

ਮੰਨੇ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਕਹੀ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥ मंने की गति कही न जाइ ॥ Manne kī gaṯ kahī na jā▫e. The state of the faithful cannot be described.
ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਹੈ ਪਿਛੈ ਪਛੁਤਾਇ ॥ जे को कहै पिछै पछुताइ ॥ Je ko kahai picẖẖai pacẖẖuṯā▫e. One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.
ਕਾਗਦਿ ਕਲਮ ਨ ਲਿਖਣਹਾਰੁ ॥ कागदि कलम न लिखणहारु ॥ Kāgaḏ kalam na likẖaṇhār. No paper, no pen, no scribe
ਮੰਨੇ ਕਾ ਬਹਿ ਕਰਨਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥ मंने का बहि करनि वीचारु ॥ Manne kā bahi karan vīcẖār. can record the state of the faithful.


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Hmm I think no human can teach us home building like birds or how to love like dogs. Remember, Sikhs are God Loving, not God fearing.

No Sir,You are going towards somthing else...Every body on earth is made out of 5 elements..like plants contains characteristics of 1 element and fishes etc contain 2 elements and so on....only human beings are the creatures who have the 5 elements body and only creature who can do new karam and get the result of the old karams or deeds ...after it,only god or that super power comes..

All of the other bodies or creatures come for getting results of old deeds.
You cant worship those bodies who are below ur level like trees or animals,so only two things are left...either another human who is of ur own status n that almighty power who is at the top.you cant see dat god ,so only human is option...There is smthing special in human body which is not present in other bodies...thats why it is called as the top of creation by god...

Well I see the sun all the time. I have stopped wearing sunglasses for I wanted to see the sun with naked eyes :D

u r equal to almighty den :D,well u dint get the meaning.. :D

What we needed was Gyan! And that we have in form of Guru Granth Sahib!

yes,Guru GRanth SAhib is source of gyan for every human..Our saints wrote every thing in very easy form and we cant describe praise in our words but again the question is if the gyan was the only thing then ravan who had knowledge of 4 veds and 9 shastra and 18 purans could get the every thing but wat happened to him...I m again saying and my again question is who will save u from inside ,when u will try to go coz real journey starts from inside...none of u answered it...

Guru Granth SAhib tells us n warns us about the needs n how to make that almighty happy....n so does every bible to kuraan...but my question is still ..

No Human Guru is free from Kaal (Death)

Kaal is not death but its part of that Maya and guru hv to come in human body which is part of maya ...but the power inside that suit or human body is not kaal or under kaal.... :)

trouble is we just need to do what is written in Guru Granth Sahib. And remember, u dont learn to walk by watching someone else. u r helped, but u dont watch and learn. its when u need to reach things kept at a height, u grab at sm chair, take support and try stand up. reading from some scripture and looking at some living person is same thing, what is needed is the will to submit to Truth.

Obviuously we need to do the teachings of Guru Granth SAhib but can u do it?...


You cant even imagine wat god expects from us?? and will that kaal let us to do so? no..

Can u control kaam,krodh,lobh,maya etc?? no...

Many tried for 10000 years but got nothing and this is power of mind...


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

See there is one thing to know that we have to control the 5 vices. And there is second thing to start controlling them. From first to second, it is all Gurprasad, what might be termed as Miracle or Change of Heart. Your mom will tell you 100 times to pick up your clothes from floor, it is only when you step on your laptop lost in the clothes that you realize you need to change!


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

The desire to show you know all, is described in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, p3

ਮੰਨੇ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਕਹੀ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥ मंने की गति कही न जाइ ॥ Manne kī gaṯ kahī na jā▫e. The state of the faithful cannot be described.
ਜੇ ਕੋ ਕਹੈ ਪਿਛੈ ਪਛੁਤਾਇ ॥ जे को कहै पिछै पछुताइ ॥ Je ko kahai picẖẖai pacẖẖuṯā▫e. One who tries to describe this shall regret the attempt.
ਕਾਗਦਿ ਕਲਮ ਨ ਲਿਖਣਹਾਰੁ ॥ कागदि कलम न लिखणहारु ॥ Kāgaḏ kalam na likẖaṇhār. No paper, no pen, no scribe
ਮੰਨੇ ਕਾ ਬਹਿ ਕਰਨਿ ਵੀਚਾਰੁ ॥ मंने का बहि करनि वीचारु ॥ Manne kā bahi karan vīcẖār. can record the state of the faithful.

I 100% agree wid dat.....Many saints came and when asked how do u describe GOd? or Do u know every thing? none of dem answered ..den how a creature like me dare to say that...??...no never...

so plz dont get me wrong....i m writing coz i hv answers to give wid my very very small knowledge and i m here to get knowledge from u ppl coz u all are better den me which made me to come here...


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

See there is one thing to know that we have to control the 5 vices. And there is second thing to start controlling them. From first to second, it is all Gurprasad, what might be termed as Miracle or Change of Heart. Your mom will tell you 100 times to pick up your clothes from floor, it is only when you step on your laptop lost in the clothes that you realize you need to change!

Sir see,WE are living in kalyug which is last phase of earth.In earlier yugs,Human beings used to have age in thousands and millions but ask dem could they get it? so how we can do in age which is not more than 70-80 yrs upto max in this kalyug?...

History is here to teach us and i gave example of RAVAn.. :)


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Oh you mean this Kaljug?

ਇਕ ਘੜੀ ਨ ਮਿਲਤੇ ਤਾ ਕਲਿਜੁਗੁ ਹੋਤਾ ॥
When I could not be with You for just one moment, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga dawned for me.

ਹੁਣਿ ਕਦਿ ਮਿਲੀਐ ਪ੍ਰਿਅ ਤੁਧੁ ਭਗਵੰਤਾ ॥
When will I meet You, O my Beloved Lord?
<LI class="post_count desc lighter">
ਮੋਹਿ ਰੈਣਿ ਨ ਵਿਹਾਵੈ ਨੀਦ ਨ ਆਵੈ ਬਿਨੁ ਦੇਖੇ ਗੁਰ ਦਰਬਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥੩॥
I cannot endure the night, and sleep does not come, without the Sight of the Beloved Guru's Court. (3)

ਹਉ ਘੋਲੀ ਜੀਉ ਘੋਲਿ ਘੁਮਾਈ ਤਿਸੁ ਸਚੇ ਗੁਰ ਦਰਬਾਰੇ ਜੀਉ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to that True Court of the Beloved Guru. (1)(Pause)


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Gurjot317 ji welcome to spn and your posts. I recently started reading some of yours.
History is here to teach us and i gave example of RAVAn.. :)
When did a novel became History? Stories and fables are not history. Can you please elaborate!

Babeys/Dehras in one way or another try to convince you to believe in stories/chamatkars/miracles as history and facts. This is done so that they can get you to believe their contortions as truths as well. You are lead towards believing without questioning so that you can become the perfect sheep to be lead and fleeced.

Sat Sri Akal.


Aug 2, 2012
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Gurjot317 ji welcome to spn and your posts. I recently started reading some of yours.When did a novel became History? Stories and fables are not history. Can you please elaborate!

Babeys/Dehras in one way or another try to convince you to believe in stories/chamatkars/miracles as history and facts. This is done so that they can get you to believe their contortions as truths as well. You are lead towards believing without questioning so that you can become the perfect sheep to be lead and fleeced.

Sat Sri Akal.

HaHahA lol...

Miracles used to happen during time of jesus,even during time of guru nanak saab,kabir saab,bulleshah ji....so they came for making us sheep?..

My question is still unanswered n i asked that who will save u from inside when kaal dont leave a soul outside through kaam,krodh etc?

Ramayan is not story and RAVAN etc just tell us that ur knowledge cant save you,ur money cant save you,your power cant save you....then wats needed?

Jesus once told in bible that ""I m here to collect the marked souls""


Dec 3, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

HaHahA lol...

Miracles used to happen during time of jesus,even during time of guru nanak saab,kabir saab,bulleshah ji....so they came for making us sheep?..

My question is still unanswered n i asked that who will save u from inside when kaal dont leave a soul outside through kaam,krodh etc?

Does some human person other than yourself save you ?

I don't need any such saving, -The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, solely can save me!!


Dec 3, 2011
Re: Propaganda against RSSB

Gurjot317 ji

Could you kindly explain what you understand by the term ''naam'' ?
Also, please explain what the procedure is to be initiated and accepted by the dera and how this may differ or may well be used along with amrit sanchar ?

I thank you in advance for joining on here and explaining your views to us.
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