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Poor Sikh Student Invents Car That Runs On Compressed Air (Video/Punjabi)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

This video is about a Senior Sec student of poor Sikh parents who has invented a car that runs on compressed air..initially started by a battery charge..then on air from a previously filled tank which is continuously refilled by the cars speed. The air in the cylinder is also converted to provide coldness for air condtioning....

Forwarded by Gyani Jarnail Singh "Arshi"


Jun 12, 2010
Thank you very much for this news,my heartiest congratulation to Tajinder Singh and his parents. I am proud of him.
I wish him and family very best of luck, but why didnot you give little bit more information about him I mean more about village, city or district may be some one can help.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Thank you very much for this news,my heartiest congratulation to Tajinder Singh and his parents. I am proud of him.
I wish him and family very best of luck, but why didnot you give little bit more information about him I mean more about village, city or district may be some one can help.

a.mother ji

I wish I had more information. This video was sent to me by email by another forum member and mentor Gyani Jarnail Singh "Arshi" who only had the video himself.

Perhaps, by googling we could find more out. I will try that and get back to you.

It is very inspiring and I hope he goes far and the he is not exploited by unscrupulous people trying to make a buck from his ingenuity.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Yes Jios, This Young Man is Tejinder Pal Singh and hails form a rural village in Gurdaspur Dist - a border dist with Pakistan and very lacking in minimum of amenities.
The very fact that this young man has come this far (most Sikh rural studnets drop out at std eight or earlier and only a tiny 1.5% ever reach college/university.)
TIGER JATHA UK and KHALSA AID UK and soem others are in the forefront of helping such bright students.
Its a TRAGEDY that we SIKHS are too HAPPY to donate HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of our hard earnings to vehlarr saadhs with big bellies to build their DERAS and amass PERSONAL PROPERTIES...flashy cars and all that....while our BRIGHTEST of BRIGHT SIKH CHILDREN languish in rural schools with no teachers, no equipment, no books, no libraries no drinking water and NO proper sewerage even...and then when of age they drop out as SEMI EDUCATED youth who remain unemployed and unemployable and become FODDER for even more SAADH DERAS....a VICIOUS CYCLE that only proper and QUALITYAFFORDABLE EDUCATION can END.

MY appeal..IF you have a comfotable income in your country..PLEASE ADOPT your VILLAGE SCHOOL and help the kids achieve a good education...Bhai Gurdass Ji declares in his Vaars..The WORTH of giving someone worthy an "EDUCATION" (Shabad sikhayeka ) is equivalent of Donating FIVE GOLDEN MANDIRS !! Now not many of us cna afford to donate even ONE Golden mandir (let alone FIVE )..but MOST of us can HELP at least ONE such bright child back in PUNJAB. EDUCATION in PUNJAB is relatively CHEAP (in Foreign DOLLARS and POUNDS).....even vis a vis Malaysian Ringgit as I have found out each year I can easily help Five Bright Sikh Rural students. with books, fees, uniforms computers etc etc.

I will try and get more info on this young boy and post it here.animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1


Jun 12, 2010
Yes Jios, This Young Man is Tejinder Pal Singh and hails form a rural village in Gurdaspur Dist - a border dist with Pakistan and very lacking in minimum of amenities.
The very fact that this young man has come this far (most Sikh rural studnets drop out at std eight or earlier and only a tiny 1.5% ever reach college/university.)
TIGER JATHA UK and KHALSA AID UK and soem others are in the forefront of helping such bright students.
Its a TRAGEDY that we SIKHS are too HAPPY to donate HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of our hard earnings to vehlarr saadhs with big bellies to build their DERAS and amass PERSONAL PROPERTIES...flashy cars and all that....while our BRIGHTEST of BRIGHT SIKH CHILDREN languish in rural schools with no teachers, no equipment, no books, no libraries no drinking water and NO proper sewerage even...and then when of age they drop out as SEMI EDUCATED youth who remain unemployed and unemployable and become FODDER for even more SAADH DERAS....a VICIOUS CYCLE that only proper and QUALITYAFFORDABLE EDUCATION can END.

MY appeal..IF you have a comfotable income in your country..PLEASE ADOPT your VILLAGE SCHOOL and help the kids achieve a good education...Bhai Gurdass Ji declares in his Vaars..The WORTH of giving someone worthy an "EDUCATION" (Shabad sikhayeka ) is equivalent of Donating FIVE GOLDEN MANDIRS !! Now not many of us cna afford to donate even ONE Golden mandir (let alone FIVE )..but MOST of us can HELP at least ONE such bright child back in PUNJAB. EDUCATION in PUNJAB is relatively CHEAP (in Foreign DOLLARS and POUNDS).....even vis a vis Malaysian Ringgit as I have found out each year I can easily help Five Bright Sikh Rural students. with books, fees, uniforms computers etc etc.

I will try and get more info on this young boy and post it here.animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1animatedkhanda1

Respected Gyani Ji, I am agree with your each line I mean every word.You have wrote everything what I want to say. personally I felt like may be some one from near Tejinder pal 's village may be some one know them personally it is very easy to help. Tiger Jatha from Uk I have heard first time.I feel like they did great job, otherwise may be nobody knows. And other hand purpose of my thoughts if ever I want to help someone I want to know where they are using my hard earned money, second thing if incase they are not using money for that purpose that money going to ruin them ( haqq paraya nanaka us suyar us gay) .For those kind of reason I want to makesure use of that help is easy way to help if someone know someone. People give a lot of to babe or deras and they are misusing it why because common people they just do there half job they only know how to donate but they missed the important part WHERE. If they thinks once they 'll not donate twice.( atleast I will never ever do that again).
Personally I feel really proud of Tejinder Pal Singh and his parents,also the background of the family .They have very bright kid in the family who will go very far.being from poor family not a shame ( I too came from same background ) But I know one thing "LAL HAMESHA GUDRIAN CHON CHAMKADE HAI "


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
A remarkable achievement, even more so considering personal circumstances
Just goes to show there is a huge amount of untapped intellectual capital in India
Brilliant suggestion Gyani Ji
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