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India Photos Of 'filthy' Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010 Village


Aug 22, 2010
Leicester, England
Yeah just saw this on the BBC website, but yeah it's dissapointing that this is happening. India is missing out on some top athletes because of this and those athletes don't deserve this, after all when Indian athletes go abroad they're given the respect and decency of a nice place to stay and they should be giving that respect back. :disgustedmunda:
Sep 27, 2008
Yes it is a shame, India has had 7 years to make this happen and show the world we will not be a third world country for long. But NO India has to be India and this has to happen. I have been saying this for a long time and i will mention it here too, it does not matter what India Builds or how many Rockets they send into orbit. Until they get rid of extreme poverty and serious corruption that is hidden right to the core covered by Religion they can kid themselves for as long as they want. The west will never look at them seriously or ever look at them as a coming superpower. In India watching women carry buckets of sand on their heads is the Norm, but in the West its looked at differantly. China too had its fair share of flack when it held the Olympics. I cant realy see this in a good way, they might complete it quickly with the blood of women, children & cheap labour but i can assure India these images & pictures will stick in the minds of the West for a long long time and that is how they will always look at India.


Apr 3, 2005
Here is the joke which i read on another site

Dear ParvezMusharafSukMyDikkuddin,

Huzoor as per your instruction

Target 1:- The bridge you mentioned to place Bomb has collapsed on its own, even the back up bridge is on the verge of collapse

Target 2: The building which you mentioned to place Bomb, Kalmadi and Pawar used the Toilet and as usual did not flush. The whole building is stinking and as CGF chief Michell Fennell said it has become inhabitable. Forget about placing bomb if we go inside the Building we will become first shahid(Martyr) to die of suffocation due to the human stink bomb.

These were my two targets and you see I am without target. What a waste of time,training and planning. Please let me know what should I do, I am getting bored.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Manmohan pulls up Commonwealth bosses
Tribune News Service

Glitches Galore
  • After Canada, Scotland, NZ delays departure
    [*]Two Canadian archers pull out citing health, security fears
    [*]Oz to send its top cops to provide security to athletes
    [*]Kalmadi says security in place, no team will pull out now
New Delhi, September 23
In a last-ditch effort to retrieve India’s prestige and esteem in organising the Commonwealth Games, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today asked the parties concerned to pull up their socks and get going.

Following reports of unclean toilets in the Games Village and collapse of a footbridge near the main venue, the Prime Minister summoned Union Urban Development Minister S Jaipal Reddy, Sports Minister MS Gill, Delhi Lieutenant Governor Tejendra Khanna, Chief Minister Sheila Dixit, National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, Cabinet and Secretary KM Chandrashekhar, who had recently been deputed to oversee the preparations, to seek progress report, said sources.

Sources said there was concern in the government over some international delegates describing the Games Village as “filthy and uninhabitable.” Simultaneously, the Organising Committee has also been charged with corruption and inefficiency. “The Prime Minister cannot be indifferent to the situation in the face of so many and so frequent adverse reports,” said sources.

More nations delayed departure for the Games as organisers raced against time to address security and health concerns.

The first multi-sport international event being held in India since the 1982 Asian Games threatens to become a national embarrassment with several top athletes already pulling out — two Canadian archers, Kevin Tataryn and Dietmar Trillus, pulled out today citing health and safety concerns --- and some more adopting a wait-and-watch policy before taking a final call.
The Games Village saw the first batch of Indian athletes moving in while their international counterparts are expected to so tomorrow.

Amid the chaos, Commonwealth Games Federation chief Mike Fennell also checked in to take stock of the preparations and even sought a meeting with the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, New Zealand became the third major nation after Canada and Scotland to delay its arrival in Delhi. New Zealand’s contingent might base itself in Singapore till the Athletes’ Village is made fully ready for the teams to move in.

New Zealand Olympic Committee said the travel plans of the team have been altered as there is a “long list of outstanding issues” . “…the Village will now not be ready for New Zealand athletes to move in as planned. It is tremendously disappointing. We know how hard this must be for athletes and we're continuing to push...for an urgent resolution,” NZOC president Mike Stanley said.

Despite being committed to participation in Delhi, Australia issued a fresh travel advisory for its athletes. Prime Minister Julia Gillard said athletes should decide for themselves whether or not to attend. With mounting fears of safety, Australia will also send a team of top cops to New Delhi to provide high-level security to its athletes. According to reports, 15 Australian Federal Police officers will provide a high-level security cordon in Delhi.

OC chairman Suresh Kalmadi today surfaced after lying low for two days and claimed that “everything will be ready by today”.

He said no team would pull out from the Games and no one should be worried about the security. “I can assure you that security is well in place. Now if some people have their own conception (of security), I can't help,” he told reporters.

In a sign of desperation, the Delhi government has ordered the Organising Committee to hand over management of the Games Village, which will house 6,500 athletes, to it.

(With inputs from agencies)


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Why did India want to have these commonwealth games which we can see it is not equipped to organise? India should have learnt how to from China who organised the last Olympics

In my opinion the name Commonwealth should be the synonym of Apartheid in the English language. There was no COMMONwealth but sheer looting by the Brits the world over.

This Commonwealth group of countries should be dissolved and all athletes should protest rather than participating in this charade. This is nothing but a facade to keep the Monarchy of the United Kingdom and its pompous show alive with borrowed oxygen.

Lastly,it is a shame to notice that a country with more than a billion people can not produce world class athletes.

How many Olympic medals did we get during the last Olympics? ONE.

Tejwant Singh

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Hmmm, just to inform my Indian Sikh brothers and sisters, that this is being used as a stick to make fun of India here in the UK.

The Brits and the rest of the world are laughing their heads off.

This should be a lesson for India:

1) The "Challegaa" mentality has to go.
2) People have to start taking hygiene seriously. That means not spitting, snotting in public. Dumping rubbish in public. Recycling. Proper sewerage, and clean toilet facilities in public and private.
3) Get professional with proper qualification to do building, from what I saw of the bridge collapse, the piers that supported the bridge didn't have adequate foundations. A basic building issue.

If India wishes to be a laughing stock of the world then I suggest they carry on with the above.
Sep 8, 2010
Los Angeles
Yes the Commonwealth games might be a disaster but what's the point of just criticizing and not doing anything!
Everyone in media is just saying that "India did this" and "India did that" as if India is some self aware entity.
Everyone simply acts as if it is someone else's fault that the country is making a joke of itself in the games.
Isn't India made up of everyone living in it and people of Indian origin who migrated out?? If your are one of the above(I am a second generation migrant) then you are equally responsible for letting the mess happen and for choosing politicians who did this.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Yes the Commonwealth games might be a disaster but what's the point of just criticizing and not doing anything!
Everyone in media is just saying that "India did this" and "India did that" as if India is some self aware entity.
Everyone simply acts as if it is someone else's fault that the country is making a joke of itself in the games.
Isn't India made up of everyone living in it and people of Indian origin who migrated out?? If your are one of the above(I am a second generation migrant) then you are equally responsible for letting the mess happen and for choosing politicians who did this.

You're right..a call to action is what is needed. But the criticisms are entirely appropriate as well. Heads should roll. But that can all come afterwards. For now, let's fix the immediate problem...

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Yes the Commonwealth games might be a disaster but what's the point of just criticizing and not doing anything!
Everyone in media is just saying that "India did this" and "India did that" as if India is some self aware entity.
Everyone simply acts as if it is someone else's fault that the country is making a joke of itself in the games.
Isn't India made up of everyone living in it and people of Indian origin who migrated out?? If your are one of the above(I am a second generation migrant) then you are equally responsible for letting the mess happen and for choosing politicians who did this.

Unfortunately I am one of those sad individuals who has tried on many occasions but failed. :motherlylove:

I think with India, it is a generational thing. A whole generation will have to pass before we can move on.

However I am encouraged by small in roads like these:


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