- Jan 9, 2008
- 400
- 7
There is one Shabad in Gurbani that describes the fact: Time is not changed, it is people's mind that is changed. The state of mind makes the yugg-time, Time does't change itself. A friend of mine once said: "kaliyug is a pretty good scapegoat for our own failiours". Any thing bad happens, we say it is kaliyugg.
In the Following Shabad Guru Ji tells:
English Translation:
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Ashtapadees:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The same moon rises, and the same stars; the same sun shines in the sky.
The earth is the same, and the same wind blows. The age in which we dwell affects living beings, but not these places. ||1||
Give up your attachment to life.
Those who act like tyrants are accepted and approved - recognize that this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause||
Kali Yuga has not been heard to have come to any country, or to be sitting at any sacred shrine.
It is not where the generous person gives to charities, nor seated in the mansion he has built. ||2||
If someone practices Truth, he is frustrated; prosperity does not come to the home of the sincere.
If someone chants the Lord's Name, he is scorned. These are the signs of Kali Yuga. ||3||
Whoever is in charge, is humiliated. Why should the servant be afraid,
when the master is put in chains? He dies at the hands of his servant. ||4||
Chant the Praises of the Lord; Kali Yuga has come.
The justice of the previous three ages is gone. One obtains virtue, only if the Lord bestows it. ||1||Pause||
In this turbulent age of Kali Yuga, Muslim law decides the cases, and the blue-robed Qazi is the judge.
The Guru's Bani has taken the place of Brahma's Veda, and the singing of the Lord's Praises are good deeds. ||5||
Worship without faith; self-discipline without truthfulness; the ritual of the sacred thread without chastity - what good are these?
You may bathe and wash, and apply a ritualistic tilak mark to your forehead, but without inner purity, there is no understanding. ||6||
In Kali Yuga, the Koran and the Bible have become famous.
The Pandit's scriptures and the Puraanas are not respected.
O Nanak, the Lord's Name now is Rehmaan, the Merciful.
Know that there is only One Creator of the creation. ||7||
Nanak has obtained the glorious greatness of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. There is no action higher than this.
If someone goes out to beg for what is already in his own home, then he should be chastised. ||8||1||
source: SikhiToTheMax
Punjabi Translation:
ArQ:- (hy pMifq! Awpxy mn ivcoN) ^ud-ZrzI dUr kr (ieh ^ud-ZrzI kiljug hY [ ies ^ud-ZrzI dy Asr hyT jrvwxy lok kmzorW auqy) D`kw krdy hn qy (auhnW dIAW nzrW ivc) ieh D`kw jwiez smiJAw jWdw hY [ ^ud-ZrzI qy dUijAW auqy D`kw—hy pMifq! iehnW ƒ) kiljug dy l`Cx smJ [1[rhwau[
(ijs Asl kiljug dw izkr AsW kIqw hY aus) kiljug dw pRBwv hI jIvW dy mnW ivc (KyfW) Kyfdw hY iksy ^ws QwvW ivc nhIN Kyf skdw (ikauNik sqjug qRyqw duAwpur Awidk swry hI simAW ivc) auhI cMdRmw cVHdw AwieAw hY, auhI qwry cVHdy Aw rhy hn, auhI sUrj cmkdw Aw irhw hY, auhI DrqI hY qy auhI hvw JuldI Aw rhI hY [1[
iksy ny kdy nhIN suixAw ik kiljug iksy ^ws dys ivc AwieAw hoieAw hY, iksy ^ws qIrQ kol bYTw hoieAw hY [ ijQy koeI dwnI dwn krdw hY auQy BI bYTw hoieAw iksy nhIN suixAw, iksy QW kiljug mhl auswr ky nhIN bYT irhw [2[
jy koeI mnu`K Awpxw Awcrn au~cw bxWdw hY qW auh (sgoN lokW dIAW nzrW ivc) if`gdw hY, jy koeI qpI hox dw dwhvw krdw hY qW aus dy ieMdRuy Awpxy v`s ivc nhIN hn, jy joeI prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdw hY qW (lokW ivc sgoN aus dI) bdnwmI huMdI hY [ (hy pMifq! BYVw Awcrn, ieMdRy v`s ivc nwh hoxy, pRBU-nwm v`loN n&rq—) ieh hn kiljug dy l`Cx [3[
(pr ieh ^ud-ZrzI qy kmzorW auqy D`kw suKI jIvn dw rsqw nhIN) ijs mnu`K ƒ dUijAW auqy srdwrI imldI hY (qy auh kmzorW auqy D`kw krdw hY) aus dI hI (ies D`ky-zulm dy kwrn Aw^r) durgiq huMdI hY [ nOkrW ƒ (aus durgiq qoN koeI) ^qrw nhIN huMdw [ jdoN aus srdwr dy gl ivc Pwhw pYNdw hY, qW auh auhnW nOkrW dy h`QoN hI mrdw hY [4[
(hy pMifq! qyry kihx Anuswr jy hux) kiljug dw smw hI Aw igAw hY (qW BI qIrQ vrq Awidk krm kWf dw rsqw C`f ky) prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh kr (ikauNik qyry Drm SwsqRW Anuswr kiljug ivc is&iq-swlwh hI prvwn hY, qy) pihly iqMn jugW dw pRBwv hux mu`k cukw hY [ (so, hy pMifq! prmwqmw Agy ieauN ArzoeI kr—hy pRBU! jy b^SS krnI hY qW Awpxy) guxW dI b^SS kr, ieh hI pRwpq krn-jog hY [1[rhwau[
(hy pMifq) kiljug ieh hY (ik muslmwnI hkUmq ivc D`ky-zor nwl) JgVy vDwx vwlw ieslwmI kwƒn hI &Ysly krn vwlw bixAw hoieAw hY, qy inAW krn vwlw kwzI-hwkm v`FI-^or ho cukw hY [ jwdU tUixAW dw prcwrk) AQrbx vyd bRhmw dI bwxI pRDwn hY [ au~cw Awcrn qy is&iq-swlwh lokW dy mnW qoN lih gey hn—iehI hY kiljug [5[
pqI-prmwqmw ƒ ivswr ky ieh dyv-pUjw iks ArQ? au~cy Awcrn qoN ^wlI rih ky ies sMjm dw kIh lwB? jy ivcwrW vloN rok-QMm nhIN qW jnyaU kIh sMvwrdw hY? (hy pMifq!) qusI (qIrQW qy) ieSnwn krdy ho, (srIr ml ml ky) DoNdy ho, (m`Qy auqy) iqlk lWdy ho (qy ies ƒ pivqR krm smJdy ho), pr pivqR Awcrn qoN ibnw ieh bwhrlI pivqRqw koeI mu`l nhIN r`KdI [ (Asl ivc ieh BulyKw BI kiljug hI hY) [6[
(ieslwmI hkUmq dy D`ky zor dy hyT) SwmI ikqwbW qy kurwn ƒ pRvwngI id`qI jw rhI hY, pMifqW dIAW purwx Awidk pusqkW rih geIAW hn [ hy nwnk! (ies zor D`ky hyT hI) prmwqmw dw nwm ‘rhmwn’ AwiKAw jw irhw hY—ieh BI, hy pMifq! kiljug (dw l`Cx) hY (iksy dy Dwrimk ivSvws ƒ D`ky zor nwl ‘iD|wxy’ nwl dbwxw kiljug dw pRBwv hY) [ hy pMifq! hr ieko krqwr hY hI ieh sB kuJ krn vwlw jwx [7[
hy nwnk! jo mnu`K prmwqmw dw nwm jpdw hY aus ƒ (lok prlok ivc) ie`zq imldI hY, nwm jpx qoN vDIk cMgw hor koeI krm nhIN hY (pMifq qIrQ vrq Awidk krmW ƒ hI slwhuMdw rihMdw hY) [ (prmwqmw hryk dy ihrdy ivc v`sdw hY, aus dw nwm BulwieAW ieh sUJ nhIN rihMdI qy mnu`K hor hor Awsry q`kdw iPrdw hY) prmwqmw dwqwr ihrdy-Gr ivc hovy qy Bu`lV jIv bwhr dyvI dyviqAW Awidk qoN mMgdw iPry, ieh doS jIv dy isr AwauNdw hY [8[1[
Shabad Gurbani:
rwmklI mhlw 1 AstpdIAw
<> siqgur pRswid ]
soeI cMdu cVih sy qwry soeI idnIAru qpq rhY ]
sw DrqI so pauxu Julwry jug jIA Kyly Qwv kYsy ]1]
jIvn qlb invwir ]
hovY prvwxw krih iD|wxw kil lKx vIcwir ]1] rhwau ]
ikqY dyis n AwieAw suxIAY qIrQ pwis n bYTw ]
dwqw dwnu kry qh nwhI mhl auswir n bYTw ]2]
jy ko squ kry so CIjY qp Gir qpu n hoeI ]
jy ko nwau ley bdnwvI kil ky lKx eyeI ]3]
ijsu iskdwrI iqsih KuAwrI cwkr kyhy frxw ]
jw iskdwrY pvY jMjIrI qw cwkr hQhu mrxw ]4]
AwKu guxw kil AweIAY ]
iqhu jug kyrw rihAw qpwvsu jy gux dyih q pweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
kil klvwlI srw inbyVI kwjI ik®snw hoAw ]
bwxI bRhmw bydu AQrbxu krxI kIriq lihAw ]5]
piq ivxu pUjw sq ivxu sMjmu jq ivxu kwhy jnyaU ]
nwvhu Dovhu iqlku cVwvhu suc ivxu soc n hoeI ]6]
kil prvwxu kqyb kurwxu ]
poQI pMifq rhy purwx ]
nwnk nwau BieAw rhmwxu ]
kir krqw qU eyko jwxu ]7]
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI eydU aupir krmu nhI ]
jy Gir hodY mMgix jweIAY iPir Elwmw imlY qhI ]8]1]
In the Following Shabad Guru Ji tells:
English Translation:
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Ashtapadees:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
The same moon rises, and the same stars; the same sun shines in the sky.
The earth is the same, and the same wind blows. The age in which we dwell affects living beings, but not these places. ||1||
Give up your attachment to life.
Those who act like tyrants are accepted and approved - recognize that this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause||
Kali Yuga has not been heard to have come to any country, or to be sitting at any sacred shrine.
It is not where the generous person gives to charities, nor seated in the mansion he has built. ||2||
If someone practices Truth, he is frustrated; prosperity does not come to the home of the sincere.
If someone chants the Lord's Name, he is scorned. These are the signs of Kali Yuga. ||3||
Whoever is in charge, is humiliated. Why should the servant be afraid,
when the master is put in chains? He dies at the hands of his servant. ||4||
Chant the Praises of the Lord; Kali Yuga has come.
The justice of the previous three ages is gone. One obtains virtue, only if the Lord bestows it. ||1||Pause||
In this turbulent age of Kali Yuga, Muslim law decides the cases, and the blue-robed Qazi is the judge.
The Guru's Bani has taken the place of Brahma's Veda, and the singing of the Lord's Praises are good deeds. ||5||
Worship without faith; self-discipline without truthfulness; the ritual of the sacred thread without chastity - what good are these?
You may bathe and wash, and apply a ritualistic tilak mark to your forehead, but without inner purity, there is no understanding. ||6||
In Kali Yuga, the Koran and the Bible have become famous.
The Pandit's scriptures and the Puraanas are not respected.
O Nanak, the Lord's Name now is Rehmaan, the Merciful.
Know that there is only One Creator of the creation. ||7||
Nanak has obtained the glorious greatness of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. There is no action higher than this.
If someone goes out to beg for what is already in his own home, then he should be chastised. ||8||1||
source: SikhiToTheMax
Punjabi Translation:
ArQ:- (hy pMifq! Awpxy mn ivcoN) ^ud-ZrzI dUr kr (ieh ^ud-ZrzI kiljug hY [ ies ^ud-ZrzI dy Asr hyT jrvwxy lok kmzorW auqy) D`kw krdy hn qy (auhnW dIAW nzrW ivc) ieh D`kw jwiez smiJAw jWdw hY [ ^ud-ZrzI qy dUijAW auqy D`kw—hy pMifq! iehnW ƒ) kiljug dy l`Cx smJ [1[rhwau[
(ijs Asl kiljug dw izkr AsW kIqw hY aus) kiljug dw pRBwv hI jIvW dy mnW ivc (KyfW) Kyfdw hY iksy ^ws QwvW ivc nhIN Kyf skdw (ikauNik sqjug qRyqw duAwpur Awidk swry hI simAW ivc) auhI cMdRmw cVHdw AwieAw hY, auhI qwry cVHdy Aw rhy hn, auhI sUrj cmkdw Aw irhw hY, auhI DrqI hY qy auhI hvw JuldI Aw rhI hY [1[
iksy ny kdy nhIN suixAw ik kiljug iksy ^ws dys ivc AwieAw hoieAw hY, iksy ^ws qIrQ kol bYTw hoieAw hY [ ijQy koeI dwnI dwn krdw hY auQy BI bYTw hoieAw iksy nhIN suixAw, iksy QW kiljug mhl auswr ky nhIN bYT irhw [2[
jy koeI mnu`K Awpxw Awcrn au~cw bxWdw hY qW auh (sgoN lokW dIAW nzrW ivc) if`gdw hY, jy koeI qpI hox dw dwhvw krdw hY qW aus dy ieMdRuy Awpxy v`s ivc nhIN hn, jy joeI prmwqmw dw nwm ismrdw hY qW (lokW ivc sgoN aus dI) bdnwmI huMdI hY [ (hy pMifq! BYVw Awcrn, ieMdRy v`s ivc nwh hoxy, pRBU-nwm v`loN n&rq—) ieh hn kiljug dy l`Cx [3[
(pr ieh ^ud-ZrzI qy kmzorW auqy D`kw suKI jIvn dw rsqw nhIN) ijs mnu`K ƒ dUijAW auqy srdwrI imldI hY (qy auh kmzorW auqy D`kw krdw hY) aus dI hI (ies D`ky-zulm dy kwrn Aw^r) durgiq huMdI hY [ nOkrW ƒ (aus durgiq qoN koeI) ^qrw nhIN huMdw [ jdoN aus srdwr dy gl ivc Pwhw pYNdw hY, qW auh auhnW nOkrW dy h`QoN hI mrdw hY [4[
(hy pMifq! qyry kihx Anuswr jy hux) kiljug dw smw hI Aw igAw hY (qW BI qIrQ vrq Awidk krm kWf dw rsqw C`f ky) prmwqmw dI is&iq-swlwh kr (ikauNik qyry Drm SwsqRW Anuswr kiljug ivc is&iq-swlwh hI prvwn hY, qy) pihly iqMn jugW dw pRBwv hux mu`k cukw hY [ (so, hy pMifq! prmwqmw Agy ieauN ArzoeI kr—hy pRBU! jy b^SS krnI hY qW Awpxy) guxW dI b^SS kr, ieh hI pRwpq krn-jog hY [1[rhwau[
(hy pMifq) kiljug ieh hY (ik muslmwnI hkUmq ivc D`ky-zor nwl) JgVy vDwx vwlw ieslwmI kwƒn hI &Ysly krn vwlw bixAw hoieAw hY, qy inAW krn vwlw kwzI-hwkm v`FI-^or ho cukw hY [ jwdU tUixAW dw prcwrk) AQrbx vyd bRhmw dI bwxI pRDwn hY [ au~cw Awcrn qy is&iq-swlwh lokW dy mnW qoN lih gey hn—iehI hY kiljug [5[
pqI-prmwqmw ƒ ivswr ky ieh dyv-pUjw iks ArQ? au~cy Awcrn qoN ^wlI rih ky ies sMjm dw kIh lwB? jy ivcwrW vloN rok-QMm nhIN qW jnyaU kIh sMvwrdw hY? (hy pMifq!) qusI (qIrQW qy) ieSnwn krdy ho, (srIr ml ml ky) DoNdy ho, (m`Qy auqy) iqlk lWdy ho (qy ies ƒ pivqR krm smJdy ho), pr pivqR Awcrn qoN ibnw ieh bwhrlI pivqRqw koeI mu`l nhIN r`KdI [ (Asl ivc ieh BulyKw BI kiljug hI hY) [6[
(ieslwmI hkUmq dy D`ky zor dy hyT) SwmI ikqwbW qy kurwn ƒ pRvwngI id`qI jw rhI hY, pMifqW dIAW purwx Awidk pusqkW rih geIAW hn [ hy nwnk! (ies zor D`ky hyT hI) prmwqmw dw nwm ‘rhmwn’ AwiKAw jw irhw hY—ieh BI, hy pMifq! kiljug (dw l`Cx) hY (iksy dy Dwrimk ivSvws ƒ D`ky zor nwl ‘iD|wxy’ nwl dbwxw kiljug dw pRBwv hY) [ hy pMifq! hr ieko krqwr hY hI ieh sB kuJ krn vwlw jwx [7[
hy nwnk! jo mnu`K prmwqmw dw nwm jpdw hY aus ƒ (lok prlok ivc) ie`zq imldI hY, nwm jpx qoN vDIk cMgw hor koeI krm nhIN hY (pMifq qIrQ vrq Awidk krmW ƒ hI slwhuMdw rihMdw hY) [ (prmwqmw hryk dy ihrdy ivc v`sdw hY, aus dw nwm BulwieAW ieh sUJ nhIN rihMdI qy mnu`K hor hor Awsry q`kdw iPrdw hY) prmwqmw dwqwr ihrdy-Gr ivc hovy qy Bu`lV jIv bwhr dyvI dyviqAW Awidk qoN mMgdw iPry, ieh doS jIv dy isr AwauNdw hY [8[1[
Shabad Gurbani:
rwmklI mhlw 1 AstpdIAw
<> siqgur pRswid ]
soeI cMdu cVih sy qwry soeI idnIAru qpq rhY ]
sw DrqI so pauxu Julwry jug jIA Kyly Qwv kYsy ]1]
jIvn qlb invwir ]
hovY prvwxw krih iD|wxw kil lKx vIcwir ]1] rhwau ]
ikqY dyis n AwieAw suxIAY qIrQ pwis n bYTw ]
dwqw dwnu kry qh nwhI mhl auswir n bYTw ]2]
jy ko squ kry so CIjY qp Gir qpu n hoeI ]
jy ko nwau ley bdnwvI kil ky lKx eyeI ]3]
ijsu iskdwrI iqsih KuAwrI cwkr kyhy frxw ]
jw iskdwrY pvY jMjIrI qw cwkr hQhu mrxw ]4]
AwKu guxw kil AweIAY ]
iqhu jug kyrw rihAw qpwvsu jy gux dyih q pweIAY ]1] rhwau ]
kil klvwlI srw inbyVI kwjI ik®snw hoAw ]
bwxI bRhmw bydu AQrbxu krxI kIriq lihAw ]5]
piq ivxu pUjw sq ivxu sMjmu jq ivxu kwhy jnyaU ]
nwvhu Dovhu iqlku cVwvhu suc ivxu soc n hoeI ]6]
kil prvwxu kqyb kurwxu ]
poQI pMifq rhy purwx ]
nwnk nwau BieAw rhmwxu ]
kir krqw qU eyko jwxu ]7]
nwnk nwmu imlY vifAweI eydU aupir krmu nhI ]
jy Gir hodY mMgix jweIAY iPir Elwmw imlY qhI ]8]1]