Sat Sri Akaal Abneet ji
As a former Wiccan/Neo-Pagan, my advice from that point of view would be to stay away from it until you've learned the correct methods of grounding and casting a circle. Without these two skills you run the risk of allowing whatever it is you might attract to latch on to you energetically and cause problems for you. These can be as minor as some emotional disturbances and feelings of lethargy, to something more substantial as hearing voices, "seeing things" and possible effects to your physical world, from elemental disturbances (water splashes, static, etc) and possible movement of objects (thought you put something here but it turns up over there type stuff). Much more likely is that you'll just end up messing with yourself psychologically.
Until you learn at least those two magical skills - grounding and casting a circle - then don't play with it, is my advice. At a minimum. There is a lot more to learn if you want to. I would recommend starting with the basics of ceremonial magic - look up the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, if you must.
Now, as a Sikh, my advice is to forget about it. There is no use, no point, it is a futile plaything with apparet risks (if you believe this stuff) and very little benefit. There are many more worthwhile things to do with your time, like study Gurbani and do seva, both carrying minimal risk (depending on the type of seva) and have a huge benefit to the community and oneself.
But if you want to pursue it as your interest then by all means go ahead, just make sure you study and protect yourself and your environment properly.