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India Now, Ramdev Backs Bluestar Memorial

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Now, Ramdev backs Bluestar Memorial

Navjeevan Gopal - Posted online: Fri Jul 06 2012, 00:20 hrs

Amritsar : Yoga guru Ramdev on Thursday supported the controversial decision of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) to build a memorial to those who were killed during Operation Bluestar while resisting the security forces sent into the Golden Temple in June 1984 to flush out the armed terrorists.
“ It is a good thing if communities preserve and protect their heritage and self esteem,” Ramdev said, while adding that political parties should refrain from making any statements on opposing the memorial.

He said that every community had the right to raise memorials in the “memory of those who sacrificed their lives for the religion”.

He was responding to media queries on the constructing the memorial during his visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Ramdev also met Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa, chief of Damdami Taksal - a Sikh organisation whose 14th chief was Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, the man behind the separate Khalistan movement - to seek his support for his proposed August 9 agitation against corruption and bringing back black money stashed abroad.

The yoga teacher, after paying obeisance at the Golden Temple, also visited the place where the memorial is coming up. Khalsa has been entrusted the job to raise the memorial.

Notably, while Congress and BJP have expressed reservations over the construction of the memorial, the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal, has been justifying the memorial saying it was being constructed in the memory of the “martyrs” of the 1984 Army operation.

Meanwhile, the Damdami Taksal chief said that Ramdev’s support for the memorial would go a long way in removing doubts from the minds of people who had been opposing it “without any reason.”

“I reiterate that the memorial would pose no threat to law and order. And with Baba Ramdev’s support, there should be no doubt about that,” Khalsa said, adding that Taksal would support Ramdev in his agitation against Black money and corruption.

Later, queried about his views on the Zinda Shaheed (living martyr) title conferred on former Chief Minister Beant Singh’s assassin Balwant Singh Rajoana, Ramdev said he would not comment on “controversial issues”.

However, the yoga teacher raised the issue of 1984 anti-Sikh rights and said that all those responsible for getting innocent Sikhs murdered should be given exemplary punishment.

Calling Manmohan Singh a “weak Prime Minister” who had been given the chair of PM “to assuage the Sikhs” after 1984 anti-Sikh riots, Ramdev said what justice people could expect from a person who has failed to bring the guilty to book.

Ramdev said he favoured exemplary punishment for the corrupt politicians.

source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/ramdev-backs-bluestar-memorial/970881/
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Baba Ramdev supporting Bluestar memorial; what happened to his Bharat Swabhiman?

Friday, July 6, 2012 - 14:45
By Vimal Sumbly

The commercial yoga practitioner Baba Ramdev either does not know what he is saying and speaking or has compromised the principles he claims to stand for. It is surprising to place his movement, if there is any, for the Bharat Swabhiman (India’s self respect) alongside his praise and appreciation for the Operation Bluestar memorial being built inside the Golden Temple.

On Thursday the self proclaimed Baba paid obeisance at the Golden Temple at Amritsar as part of his campaign for getting black money from foreign banks back to the country. And there during a press conference he supported the idea of setting up of the Bluestar Memorial. The Baba, like anybody else, is entitled to the views he holds, but at least these are not expected to go contrary to his publicly proclaimed stand for which he even claims he is ready to lay down his life!

Only if the Baba knew that this memorial, as clarified and emphasized by the Damdami Taksal, is being built in memory of those people only who fought against the Indian army in the Golden Temple. Now let the Baba come out with his own thesis and theory as who fought for his Bharat Swabhiman at that time, and what happened to those who laid down their lives for fighting for Baharat’s Swabhiman across the state.

The Baba, who made a fortune out of commercially selling the yoga techniques to people has now assumed upon himself the role of reforming the country and restoring its “pride”, as his campaign Bharat Swabhiman means. And in the process has been moving across the country making friends with the gullible and ever obliging politicians, most of who fall for anybody who they think commands some public following.

Same is the case with the Baba. However, unlike the other Babas, who confined their role to remaining behind the scene king makers, Ramdev out of over-ambition thought that he better be the king himself and even launched a political party the Bharat Swabhiman Party and claimed to have opened its units in all the districts across the country. Having failed there, he opted for the easier way out by trying to hijack the anti-corruption campaign of Anna Hazare and also tried to copy him by staging protest in Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi from where he had ran away stealthily wearing a woman’s clothes.

For a while the Baba did catch the imagination of the public with his yoga techniques which he sold at a premium. The entry to his yoga camps is heavily priced and categorized and people are charged according to the seating arrangement they opt for. Not just that the Baba got crores and crores of rupees in donation for his Patanjali Yogpeeth in Hardwar. While he is campaigning for bringing in the black money stashed in foreign banks he has no plausible explanation as where from he made huge fortune worth several thousand crores.

Very few people know that he purchased the slot for his daily programme on the Aastha television channel at a heavy price and he still does as that keeps him going. But having already peaked in terms of publicity he is trying to throw more and more tantrums day in and day out for his own survival. No wonder he jumped on the bandwagon of Operation Bluestar memorial and supported its construction and certainly knowing very little what it meant. At the end of the day, quite expectedly, the Baba has proved to be worse than the publicity crazy politicians who love to play to the gallery.

source: http://www.punjabnewsline.com/conte...rial-what-happened-his-bharat-swabhiman/50604

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
You are in Amritsar and someone pops a question about the memorial, what else are you going to say? It is not as if he is going to stay there in the vicinity until the work is finished.

EXACTLY....IF hes in Durgaina Mandir and soemone there pops the same question..his answer will be TRAITORS should be burnt as Lawaras bodies and never remembered..and all will CHEER loudly..these types have no quibbles about giiving different answers accordingly...therefore regard these comments and replies.... as noises of leaves rustling in the wind...WORTHLESS even as NOISE.
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