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Naam-Simran: A Discourse

Oct 14, 2007

gursiqgur kw jo isK AKweYY
so Blky aiT hir nwm iDAwvY ]
audmu kry Blky prBwqI ]
ieSnwn kry Aim@@@@q sir nwvY ]
apdyis gurU hir hir jpu jwpY
siB iklivK pwp doK lih jwvY ]
iPr cVY idvsu gurbwxI gwvY
bhidAw auTidAw hir nwm iDAwvY ]
jo swis igrws iDAwey myrw hir hir
so gurisK gurU min BwvYY ]
ijs ny dieAwl hyvY myrw suAwmI
iqsu gurisK gurU aupdysu suxwvY ]
nwnk DUV mwgY iqs gurisK kI
jo Awpu jpY AvrY nwmu jpwvY ]]305-6]

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Oct 14, 2007
sw rsnw Dnu Dnu hY myrI ijMdVIey
gux gwvY p@B kyry rwm ] ]540]
iekdU ijBO lK hovY lK hovY lK vIs
lK lK gyVw AwiKey eyk nwm jgdIs!
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Oct 14, 2007
roim roim rivAw hir nwm ]
siqgur pUrY kIno dwnu ] ]1144]

khu nwnk gur mMq@ icqwir ]
suKu pwvih swcY drbwir ] ]186]

AMDkwr mih gur mMq@ aujwrw ]
gur kY sMig sgl insqwrw ] ]864]
Bhai Gurdas has done a sterling service by revealing the secret Guru’s word for the followers of Guru Nanak,
vwihgurU gurU mMq@ hY jp haumY KoeI ] vwr 13-2

So, "Waheguru", is the most suitable Name of God, for the purpose of Naam Simran.

Kojq Kojq lwl iek pwieAw

hir kImq khxu nw jweI sMqhu ]
crn kml isau lwgy iQAwnw
swcY dris smweI sMqhu ] ]916]
Again to emphasize on "Dhyan", Gurbani says:

p@B ky crn mn mih iDAwn ]

sgl qIrQ mjn iesnwn ] ]196]


gur kI mUriq mn mih iDAwnu ]

gur kY sbid mMq@ mnu mwn ] ]864]
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Oct 14, 2007
Guru Nanak adds:
"Ehu mann nehchal hirde basieley,
Gurmukh Mool pachhan rahe.
Nabhi Paven ghar aasan vase
Gurmukh khojat taat lahe"
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Oct 14, 2007
Inspite of the fact that Guru Nanak disarmed the Yogies in the discussion, yet he all the time maintained that the mind needs to be purified, and by the grace of Guru, made to stop its wandering. During Naam Simran, it is not only that the state of equipoise is very essential, but also a state of perpetual link with God is necessary. Because it is not that here we talk about God, but we must realize that we are talking to God. So there is no leniency to the game of the mind in Sikhism. Even if we are the householders and not the Yogis. So in our Naam Simran we do need to control the mind even better than the Yogis. Because the Yogis have no other work to do except Meditation, but a Gharasthi has to fight the Maya at every step of life. In my experience, there are certain important requisites for Naam_Simran: viz. solitude; good health and holy company.
Oct 14, 2007
In a similar type of verse, Bhagat Kabir ji says:
"Ehu mann shakti, ehu mann si(v)o, Ehu mann panch tatt ka jeeo,
Ehu mann le jo unn mann rahe,
Tau teen lok ki baten kahe" (SGGS: 342)
i.e. "This mind is shakti, this mind is shiva, This mind is originated from five elements, One who transcends into Higher consciousness, To him is revealed the mystery of Three Words".
Shakti resides in the lower region of the physical body and shi(v)o resides in the head region of the body. But the "Mind", which is the product of five basic elements, ranges its vibration from the shakti to the shi(v)o level, i.e. from the grosser matter of the lower nature of mind to the energy of the higher nature of mind, which is also called the transcendental region. By ascending to these heights, one becomes conscious to the "Three worlds". One can scan the physical world, the mental world, and the astral world, at ‘will’.
Oct 14, 2007
It is a process of constantly remembering mentally and uttering by tongue, in low tone, the name of God, which sanctifies the atmosphere around the body and soul of a person.
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Oct 14, 2007
Holi-Company or Sat Sang:
In this important section, the Sat_Sang, I fall back on the book, "Naam Sinran and Bhakti in Sikhism" by Gurbax Singh.
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