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Mool Mantra Ka Jaadu!

Did these Story Inspired You..??

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Aug 28, 2012


"General Ayub Khan, former President of Pakistan"

"I used to study at a place name Aibtabaad.
I used to get the beatings from teacher (Maulvi) everyday as I was the weakest student of my class.

One day I became determined that I will not go to school. Halfway to school there was a Gurdwara Sahib. I would go inside the Gurdwara Sahib to hide away.
The Baba jee (main sevadaar) of the Gurdwara Sahib knew me very well.

He asked me
"O Yubeyaa! Isn’t it your school time? What are you doing here?”

I replied,
"I don't want to go to school because the teacher scolds and beats me everyday.
I can’t bear it any more. I don't want to go to school.”

He took me under his lap and said me,

"Yubeyaa! I assure you, you will never ever get the beating from your teacher any more, but in return you will have to follow my instructions."

He told me that whenever I go to school I should just keep reciting this holy Mool mantar. I followed his instructions. I went to the school reciting the "Mool Mantar".

It was the first day in my school when I was spared from the beatings and scoldings of the teacher. I followed it everyday. Whenever I used to go to school I used to recite this holy Kalaam (Word of God) and after that I was never beaten by any teacher in the school.

Then exams arrived, so I went to the same Baba jee at the Gurdwara Sahib and said, "Baba jee, I want to get good marks in the exam, tell me what should I do?”

The Baba jee replied ,"Never leave the Holy Word of Guru Nanak (referring to the Mool Mantar) you will reach any position you wish.”

It’s because of this Kalaam (Holy Word) of Guru Nanak Sahib that I have reached the position of president today."

At Ayub kHAN'S Home in Drawing Hall
You can see On the wall

"painting of the Mool Mantar (the opening verse of Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee) in Urdu and Panjabi"
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

I am a bit confused, is this supposed to be an inspirational story, and if so, what is it supposed to inspire? that by chanting certain words, you can have everything you wish? This is not Sikhism.

If the moral had been to understand and action the Mool Mantra, that would have been one thing, but to merely recite it as a talisman, in my view, insults the content completely.

I did not find this inspirational, I found it an insult to the content of Bani and a confirmation of the ritual and lip service that has penetrated Sikhism

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

This is the sort of BS (Bovine Crap) thats being spread to make Gurmatt look like some 13th century Voodo Mumbo Jumbo and NOT Genuine Gurmatt which is GYAAN Knowledge of the Creator to PRACTISE his GUNNS...and Change our Lives.

Absolutely NO PROOF..this man was not even a GOOD MUSLIM...he was a DICTATOR. This is a Tall tale spread on the Internet for "self Pleasuring" individuals..we call it Shock-sendiri in Malaysia...0:):grinningsingh:


Dec 3, 2011
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

Fantastic, I may start controlling the decisions made at the whitehouse using the mool mantar just like the boy controlled his teachers decisions!
Aug 28, 2012
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

The story Is the Tru I read It In books n on Some website

My aim was to show that just by reciting with ur tru Heart the person can reach any height
oh kehnde ne na
"Guru Bhikhari Nu v Raja Bana Dinda He
Raje Nu Bhikhari

Y dont we take somethng +ve frm the Story Either

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

The story Is the Tru I read It In books n on Some website

oh it must be true then! lol

My aim was to show that just by reciting with ur tru Heart the person can reach any height

The SGGS warns against pointless ritualistic recitation, the quotes are many, it is implementation that is important, your post only encourages the magical aspect of Sikhism which a lot of us would rather forget, that if you do this, chant that, observe this, than all your hearts desires will come true.

oh kehnde ne na
"Guru Bhikhari Nu v Raja Bana Dinda He

Raje Nu Bhikhari

Well, Oh kehnde ne plenty more , how do you decide what is good and what is not, I myself have no time for these 'Oh' people whoever they are

Guru Maharaji, however says p120

<table cellspacing="5"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#BABAC7"></tr><tr bgcolor="#BABAC7"><td> ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਥਾਕੇ ਸਾਂਤਿ ਆਈ
पड़ि पड़ि थाके सांति न आई ॥
Paṛ paṛ thāke sāʼnṯ na ā▫ī.
People read and recite until they grow weary, but they do not find peace.
</td></tr> <tr><td> ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਜਾਲੇ ਸੁਧਿ ਕਾਈ
त्रिसना जाले सुधि न काई ॥
Ŧarisnā jāle suḏẖ na kā▫ī.
Consumed by desire, they have no understanding at all.
</td></tr> <tr></tr></tbody></table>
Y dont we take somethng +ve frm the Story Either

I have, i have observed it as a path that has no point other than paying lip service to ritual and magic

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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

The Title itself..JAADU....there is no Jadduu-Toonna in Gurmatt and certainly GURBANI is NO Jadduu..its PRACTISING PAATH....lots of Hard work and sweat to be really Truthful always, In SEHAJ, in Nirbhau,..in Nirvair (bhai Ghaniyah)etc etc etc...NO MAGIC...no shortcuts..no mantrams and no jantrams and no Tantrums ha ha..:mundabhangra:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

SukhmeetSingh Guruwada ji thanks for the post. Perhaps the "Title" is throwing people off. This story comes from the times of just after partition. That was the time that many Sikhs talked lovingly of Muslim friends and Muslims talked of Sikh friends. There was much lost during the agitation and massacres of 1947. But there was true love between Punjabis which rose above religion and rites.

None of us are a master of Psychology, understanding the inner workings of how words or other actions impact us. Sometimes recitations done in love create a response and outlook of confidence in you that has unexpected and positive results. Does it make it into "Jaadu/Magical"? This perhaps is inappropriate as the same words cannot have a guaranteed replicative (a pre-requisite for such to be Jaadu or so called mantar) positive impact on others if they so try.

Post other such stories as these bring out some genuine recollections of the times that the new generation (any one born 1970+ in my mind) may have no clue about.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Oct 11, 2006
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

The story Is the Tru I read It In books n on Some website

My aim was to show that just by reciting with ur tru Heart the person can reach any height
oh kehnde ne na
"Guru Bhikhari Nu v Raja Bana Dinda He
Raje Nu Bhikhari

Y dont we take somethng +ve frm the Story Either

Who is feeding such "mumbo-jumbo" to young impressenable minds?

Is this the future of Sikhism? :angryyoungsingh:swordfight


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

If somebody believes that "Mool Mantar" did wonders for him .... Is it a crime or non sense? For few above it may be but Mool Mantar is the base/root of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It has the power of doing impossible things possible.

I remember in one of the telecast of Sant Maskeen Singh Ji followed an interview of a 'Mona Punjabi' i guess it was from Akal Thakht. He was suffering from Cancer, Final Stage & had no hope of survival. Finally he started visiting various religious places but when he went to Darbar Sahib, Amritsar he felt the peace like never before. He stayed there & started listening Gurbani & the day came when he started feeling vibrations in his body. He felt as if some sins of his are being washed away by the each word (dhuni) of Gurbani. Finally, he got himself tested in a routine test & there wasn't any cancer detected .....

Now I know many gyanis & agyanis (like me) will say weird on it...how can cancer be eradicated by listening Gurbani, it's miracle ..this n that coz they dont have real sense of the Divine Power, may be....

There are many such similar stories (real) & experienced by people that i know but it's valuable only for those who believe that yes - "Mool Mantar" do miracles ..... !!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
If somebody believes that "Mool Mantar" did wonders for him .... Is it a crime or non sense? For few above it may be but Mool Mantar is the base/root of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It has the power of doing impossible things possible.

The thing I love about Sikhism is its rigidity regarding miracles and the like, we all know the boundaries, we all know the laws of science and nature, are you suggesting God is going to break these laws for those that repeat certain mantras? It sounds very much like the sort of religion that Guru Nanakji would have mocked in his own way. It is not a crime, but it makes no sense, it is the thin end of the wedge before we start offering water to the sun god. For all the starving, the helpless, the women in war zones being raped, the victims of our own 84, all those people suffered, and horribly, yet, God can find time to make a man president because he did not even believe, he just recited, does not make any damn sense to me at all.

I remember in one of the telecast of Sant Maskeen Singh Ji followed an interview of a 'Mona Punjabi' i guess it was from Akal Thakht. He was suffering from Cancer, Final Stage & had no hope of survival. Finally he started visiting various religious places but when he went to Darbar Sahib, Amritsar he felt the peace like never before. He stayed there & started listening Gurbani & the day came when he started feeling vibrations in his body. He felt as if some sins of his are being washed away by the each word (dhuni) of Gurbani. Finally, he got himself tested in a routine test & there wasn't any cancer detected .....

The brain is highly sophisticated, positive thoughts can work wonders, but I find the suggestion that God has intervened an insult to all those who died in torture and flames. Where was God then? Perhaps they did not do enough chanting? Perhaps there was a shortage of 'get out of jail' cards..

Now I know many gyanis & agyanis (like me) will say weird on it...how can cancer be eradicated by listening Gurbani, it's miracle ..this n that coz they dont have real sense of the Divine Power, may be....

There is no divine power, only consonance and order, you are either part of it, in which case you live by it and accept it without question, or you do not live by it, and suffer whatever consequences your actions bring.

There are many such similar stories (real) & experienced by people that i know but it's valuable only for those who believe that yes - "Mool Mantar" do miracles ..... !!

accompanied by stirring music no doubt,
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Dec 3, 2011
The problem here is the two extreme views we are getting.
Firstly, everyone's points are completely valid. There is no such magic or other in sikhi.
If Guru Nanak Ji were here today, he would not say to you do the 'mool mantar' and then wish for anything you want and it shall be granted!!

- This is the danger of such stories, as younger youth or not so wise beings look for inspiration to help guide them, and this kind can be Very Misleading- just like Jasbirji said ''complete Mumbo Jmbo''.

However, there are many of us that look for hope all the time. This hope can be good health or simply to do well in exams..etc....

We should remember that the student has to study to pass an exam, there is no one on this planet that can pass advanced exams without any studying!! -There is no other way around it.

Now, if we tell a student preparing for exams, to study hard and to have faith in the Lord, then this is fine. We do have to draw the line in not instructng them to just do this bani or prayer and it shall all be fine. THIS IS THE DANGER!!

The student has ''hope'', he/she has hope that they will pass and move on to the next level. It is this very ''Hope'' that we can advise the student to have more faith in, by havig faith in the Lord.
In this sense, the student just needs a reassurance that yes, there is a God and yes,if you have faith in him, you can achieve your realistic goals.

Remember, I am just talking about an exam student here because to this student there comes a time of stress and hard work and ALL they have to focus on is their studies. At these times the student is hoping as well as studying.
Therefore, advising the student to connect to creator with bani during periods of extreme worry is beneficial for them spiritually and also in terms of physical health, as it helpd one achieve more control over emotions.

But, mumbo jumbo chanting is NOT going to solve everthing.
Doing Mool mantar will help take the focus away from unnecessary worry and stress and thus help one's studies in return.
In effect, the student is praying or doing some sort of simran so as to give them more strength and determination to study.

This is what we have to tell people that are looking for magic help. We have to instruct them to have faith and to connect with the lord so that he can help guide you.
We have to be careful that we don't instruct them to do ''Blind'' prayers or simran where there is NO CONNECTION but simply recitation of words!!

I think that you may see that I agree with both sides of the argument but at differing degrees.
If student is looking for extra activity when not studying to help their progress, I would advise them to try a sport and to try connecting with bani to give more reassurance.
Another point is that this ''reassurance'' is also about helping to deal with one if they do end up failing, eve after studying hard. The one can realise that it's Hukam, they tried but the path will differ slightly.
We must all remember with experience some student during our time that was very smart and knew the work but when it came to the exams, they failed through being nervous or loosing confidence etc.... -They were NOT meant to be. However, when we see these people now, they are usually successful in another career or path of life.
Physics was not meant for them or Math was not meant to be!!


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I think Guru Granth Sahib clearly says what good can be extracted from something which is false? I can't find the Shabad but I found this on Ang 223:

ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥
गउड़ी महला १ ॥
Ga▫oṛī mėhlā 1.
Gauree, First Mehl:

ਅਧਿਆਤਮ ਕਰਮ ਕਰੇ ਤਾ ਸਾਚਾ ॥
अधिआतम करम करे ता साचा ॥
Aḏẖi▫āṯam karam kare ṯā sācẖā.
Those who live a spiritual lifestyle - they alone are true.

ਮੁਕਤਿ ਭੇਦੁ ਕਿਆ ਜਾਣੈ ਕਾਚਾ ॥੧॥
मुकति भेदु किआ जाणै काचा ॥१॥
Mukaṯ bẖeḏ ki▫ā jāṇai kācẖā. ||1||
What can the false know about the secrets of liberation? ||1||

ਐਸਾ ਜੋਗੀ ਜੁਗਤਿ ਬੀਚਾਰੈ ॥
ऐसा जोगी जुगति बीचारै ॥
Aisā jogī jugaṯ bīcẖārai.
Those who contemplate the Way are Yogis.

ਪੰਚ ਮਾਰਿ ਸਾਚੁ ਉਰਿ ਧਾਰੈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
पंच मारि साचु उरि धारै ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Pancẖ mār sācẖ ur ḏẖārai. ||1|| rahā▫o.
They conquer the five thieves, and enshrine the True Lord in the heart. ||1||Pause||


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

The Title itself..JAADU....there is no Jadduu-Toonna in Gurmatt and certainly GURBANI is NO Jadduu..its PRACTISING PAATH....lots of Hard work and sweat to be really Truthful always, In SEHAJ, in Nirbhau,..in Nirvair (bhai Ghaniyah)etc etc etc...NO MAGIC...no shortcuts..no mantrams and no jantrams and no Tantrums ha ha..:mundabhangra:

Gyani Ji,

I have a sincere question on a tuk from Jaap Sahib. Kindly pour your higher understanding on why this reference was made in the first place?

Namo Sarab Mantrang, Namo Sarab Jantrang.

Although it is clear that the Bani is saying:
I bow to You, the Supreme Mantra, I bow to You the Supreme Jantra.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: "mool mantra ka jaadu"

Gyani Ji,

I have a sincere question on a tuk from Jaap Sahib. Kindly pour your higher understanding on why this reference was made in the first place?

Namo Sarab Mantrang, Namo Sarab Jantrang.

Although it is clear that the Bani is saying:
I bow to You, the Supreme Mantra, I bow to You the Supreme Jantra.

Astroboy Ji,

a perfectly Valid question...

The Name..The Creator's GUNNS are the Perfect mantram Tantrum jantrum
Wantrum and Huntrum...The Guru BOWS to the CREATOR...exactly why HE DIDNT COMPLAIN..say a single word in ANGER..had no remorse, krodh, guilt...REVENGE....etc etc etc..EVEN while seated on the Hot Plate and being Roasted ALIVE..He said..TERA BHANNA MEETHA LAGGEH..NAAM PADARATH NANAK MANGGEH !!....

This is the Same GURU who composed the SUKHMANI SAHIB....which bani MILLIONS of SIKHS..chant, do paaths of, PAY pathis to read for them, have functions where each Participant is handed a GUTKA so he/she can also read a "path" each ( FOR the benefit of the PAYING/SPONSOR of the said Sukhmani Sahib Paath Programme - usually for good helath/more wealth/buisness success/exam passing/new factory/new office/new born/ etc etc....ALL FOR "SUKH" of the Physicla body..."HOPES" for HUMAN VALUED prospects - exams, sons, weddings, business success etc etc etc..So far I have attended hundreds of such programmes...yet none where the Sukhmani Sahib Paath was for NAAM PADARATH NANAK MANGGEH....where the ardass was TERA BHANNA MEETHA LAGGEH !!
Guur Ji has clearly already declared..SUKH KO MANNGGEH SABH...DUKH KO Manggeh na KOI ??? NO ONE even wants a mention of "DUKH" much less Pay a Pathi to read aBani and do ardass for "DUKH"...

( Please notice that practically NO ONE ever hands out GUTKAS for Asa ki vaar..or Nauvehn Mh de Sloks or any other Bani...to enable the sangat to "Participate"....everyone can guess WHY ?? Yet we BURY our heads in the sand and refuse to see the TRUTH...the Elephant standing on our NOSE !!
as to why this different behaviour towards Gurbani like Asa ki vaar and Sukh mani ?? ISnt it due to this WRONG PERCEPTION that One brings SUKH and the other is just ..." something the ragis belt it out in the early hours in the EMPTY DARBAR SAHIB to GURU ji ALONE... while everyone else has hot hot Prathas and dhai with a hot chah downstairs in the langgar hall...who wants to BOTHER about distributing Gutkas for Aas de Vaar ?? For what ?? WHY are ASA di vaar sessions so POORLY attended ?? WHY IF there are No hot Parathas and just chah..the attendance will be even less ?? WHY is Asa di vaar a COMPULSORY and Mandatory part of Gurdwara Programme ....but we dont bother about it ??? BUT Sukhmani Sahib which is NOT a compulsory part of SANGAT programme is made out to be such a bIG deal ?? isnt it due to the WRONG and Misleading perception of GURBANI ?? Why when ASA DI VAAR has been read for AGES since the Time of GURU NANAK ji..at each Gurdwara as a compulsory Morning Bani...there is NOT a SINGLE ASA DI VAAR SOCIETY....but there are hundreds of THOUSANDS of Sukhmani Sahib Societies whose main function is to have the Sukhmani read like I described in the earlier paras...as a MANTRA to ward off evil, bad luck, bad health, no wealth etc etc..and bring about better business, birth of sons, wealth, passing exams etc etc ??? Certain GURDWARAS like Hemkunt "Sahib" have even started the Daily reading and Live Telecast of Sukhmani Sahib as a REPLACEMENT of ASA DI VAAR !!! While EVERY GURDWARA has ASA DI VAAR..this gurdwara has Sukhmani sahib...!!! A WRONG TREND is being set...

Even a cursory understanding of Asa di vaar shows that in this Masterpiece Guru nanak ji brings to us HIS total "experiences" of ALL the BURAII..the "bad..the augunns.." He saw in SOCIETY ( the exact same evils that have engulfed us..the SIKH SOCIETY TODAY...).....all the FARCE..all the FAKE RITUALS..the bowing and shaking...all the BLUFF...EVERY SINGLE augnn EXPOSED BARE...and THIS "HURTS" us so badly...we want to FORGET...and BURY IT....oh for the good old "SUKHMANI"...lets have that man...this Asa di Vaar is too much TRUTH for us to bear....OH How Guru Ji exposes the Wily Brahmin who TORTURES the Living COW...for money...BUT then thinks that God is PLEASED by his use of its COW DUNG/URINE to "purify" himself, his kitchen and the food he cooks therein....BRahmin GAOO ko kar laveh...GOBAR taran na jayee..OH Brahmin..You TAX the living Cow..dont hope to be SAVED by its DUNG !! is a TRUTH the Brahmin couldnt Bear to hear..and SHUT his ears...just like we SIKHS so dearly want to do TODAY....

1. note:..just words...like the Jantar mantar Grounds in new delhi...has no connection with the "Exact SAME" words used in Jaap Sahib..similarly a NANAK Singh ..or even a JAI Nanak Singh could do things which the NANAK of SGGS wouldnt dream of doing...but we cannot "quote"...nanak...."Nanak"...and then turn around and ask..?? Nanak did that ?? really ?? I thought he was Guru ??.

2. I have used the word "Sahib" with the Hemkunt Gurdwara. Its NOT a historical Gurdwara as NO GURU ever visited that place...and its wrong to attach SAHIB to just about any gurdwara . now a days it seems fashionable for DERAS to also call themsleves SAHIB...Another wrong trend.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Astroboy Ji,
I have gone to the Seremban Gurdwara many times for asa di vaar...and most recently over a period of 3 days for a family akhand paath form 19th august to 21 st during the Eid Holidays..too i was there for long periods, also attended the farewell tea party of outgoing Gynai if Seremban Gurdwara.)..but couldnt enjoy the company of your goodself...asked around too...i hope to see you one of these days...keep in chardeekalla always.
Jarnail Singh


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Somewhere above i read from Harry Ji 'There's no Divine Power', then please give your views on following -

a) http://www.saanj.net/group/shriguruharkrishanji
Guru Harkrishan Ji's mere Divine look at Chhaju Cheer did wonders

b) Guru Nanak Dev Ji's visit at Mecca. Muslims tried to pelt stones on Guru Nanak Sahib &
Bala Ji but Guru Nanak Sahib said "Satsriakal" .... The hand of the people pelting stone
became powerless ...

c) Panja Sahib at Pakistan, Guru Nanak Sahib held the stone with his one hand.
d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji sitting on the hot plate remembering Almight & were unaffected.

Many more ......

What are these if not Divine Powers? You have any other name for it?

Thing is, Gurbani is a Jugat (Mode) reciting which a person merges with the Supreme Lord (Divine Power) as Guru Gobind Singh Ji says 'Pawan Mein Pawan Samaya Jyoti Mein Jyot Ral Jaya' ...

A kid first starts crawling, then tries to stand, walking & running. Atleast I didn't see any started running from the day of birth... Similarly, a common person first starts reciting Gurbani, gradually starts understanding it, starts following it eventually merges with the Supreme Lord. Water merging into the sea cannot be separated & is called the sea itself. Similarly a Sikh merging into the Divine Power/Almighty is itself an Almighty ....

So what you say "mumbing / repeating" Gurmantar/Mool Mantar is the base & it work wonders.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
a) http://www.saanj.net/group/shriguruharkrishanji
Guru Harkrishan Ji's mere Divine look at Chhaju Cheer did wonders

I lost interest in this around the following line

Guru Har Krishan's fame had spread all around and his devotees worshipped him as a holy being.

The whole point of the Gurus were that they showed the rest of us that normal men could be supermen, not of divine powers, but of ability to show love and compassion. Any display of miracles would negate the power of Sikhi in my opinion, these are stories with a vedic twist.I do not believe they took place, I wish there were more stories about how love and compassion won the day, rather than this.
People had the firm conviction that reciting the name of Guru Har Krishan would cure them of all ills

What exactly is Sikhi about this? again more Vedic slants that are destroying the core message of Sikhism, assisted by people like your goodself.

b) Guru Nanak Dev Ji's visit at Mecca. Muslims tried to pelt stones on Guru Nanak Sahib &
Bala Ji but Guru Nanak Sahib said "Satsriakal" .... The hand of the people pelting stone
became powerless ...

Hypocrisy.... If it was acceptable to Guru Nanakji to use divine powers to stop stones, why did Guru Arjan Devji submit to the hot tava? this fails the litmus test, this story degrades the bravery of every Sikh who was tortured and suffered for their faith. Another sakhi...

c) Panja Sahib at Pakistan, Guru Nanak Sahib held the stone with his one hand.

I think many of these Sakhis were dressed up take make them more interesting, the sad thing is that the message of the Gurus was so beautiful, so true, it did not need to be dressed up, all it achieves is bring jadoo into Sikhism

d) Guru Arjan Dev Ji sitting on the hot plate remembering Almight & were unaffected.

This statement is a complete insult, he was affected, he was covered in weeping boils, his body was burnt, are you suggesting the tava left him unmarked? In my view the Gurus were normal men, with normal bodies and normal minds. They were however able to connect with the divine and reside on a plane higher than us. This did not give them magic, it gave them understanding and wisdom, I love to hear stories about the wisdom and understanding of our Gurus, why muddy something beautiful with cheap magicians tricks?

What are these if not Divine Powers? You have any other name for it?

yes, I do, lies. Lies spread by people for whom the core message is not enough that they feel the need to dress it up a bit

A kid first starts crawling, then tries to stand, walking & running. Atleast I didn't see any started running from the day of birth... Similarly, a common person first starts reciting Gurbani, gradually starts understanding it, starts following it eventually merges with the Supreme Lord. Water merging into the sea cannot be separated & is called the sea itself. Similarly a Sikh merging into the Divine Power/Almighty is itself an Almighty ....

Ok, lets take what you are saying at face value, so where would be the best place on earth to test this great hypothesis of yours, uhmmm well, I would say Punjab, a land with more Gurdwaras and Sikhs than anywhere else, so how have all these crawling kids turned out, all reciting Gurbani parrot fashion, well clearly they have not understood it, because as is well known, 75% addiction to drugs, more cutting of hair, more rejection of Sikhism. It has not worked has it my dear young friend, you cannot impose religion on another, you cannot impose the reading of Bani on another, and then hope for understanding, in fact, there appears to be Sikhs headed towards an early grave through drugs, and Sikhs lost in ritual, Vedicism, tradition, Sakhis, Babas, etc,

and now my young friend , some questions, I am curious,

1. Did any Guru have more than one wife?
2. Do you agree with the events at Sirhind?
3. Do you treat your wife as your complete equal?
4. Do you believe that once you have 'merged' you will have special powers?
5. What are your views on Dhadrianwalla types?

you do not have to answer, but I would find it most illuminating, and would be happy to furnish you with mine

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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru Ji LEFT us their..PIO DADDEH DA KHAZANAH..the SGGS....and we sikhs go around like Ali babas..reciting the 1001 Arabian Nights Tales...why not we remove the SGGS and install Grimms Fairy tales ..that would be really fantastic..every magic trick..pussies wearing boots and demolishing ogres.. Shreks and Talking Donkeys..Snow whites and Dwarfs digging gold..or FLYING CARPETS.....etc etc etc..OH MY GURU..what an entertaining thought...no one will ever say he doesnt "understand" Gurbani..its too difficult while dhaarnas are so simple..etc etc..and Ready made Parchaar material form Disney Studios...wah wah..
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