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Misery As A Guidance In Spirituality

May 23, 2005
Misery as a guidance in Spirituality

The ignorant person invites happiness and wants to avoid misery with the help of God. The priests are exploiting this at a micro level and some of the present spiritual preachers are exploiting the same point at the macro level in a dignified way. A businessman exploits public at a micro level directly. A politician exploits the public at a macro level indirectly under the name of ‘social service’. Of course, there are good people in both categories doing a real social service. Sri Ramakrishna was a good priest and Swami Vivekananda was a good preacher.

The realized person invites misery and not happiness. Kunti asked Krishna for getting troubles always, which alone keep the person in devotion to God. Penance is a form of artificially creating misery only. In misery only, one becomes active and sincerely approaches God without egoism. Misery is the guiding force in spiritual journey.

The liberated soul, who came down in a role to this earth along with the Lord to enjoy this world-drama by direct participation invites both happiness and misery simultaneously like sweet and hot dishes in the meals. Anything bores if it is continuous. Entertainment does not bore even if it is continuous. But entertainment through continuous happiness or continuous misery bores. A picture either with continuous scenes of happiness or with continuous scenes of misery bores and the entertainment also bores.

Entertainment should be same as a product but the sources of entertainment should change. You cannot entertain yourself with continuous sweet dishes or continuous hot dishes. Such continuous entertainment is called Bliss or Ananda. The word Ananda means continuous happiness (Aa samantat Nandayati Iti). If the happiness is a product, it is continuous. If it is the source it is discontinuous. Therefore, you can be continuously happy, if your happiness is the product of alternating misery and happiness. You are happy, when you get happiness. But you should be happy when you get the misery also. You must enjoy both sweet and hot. You must be happy to praise and abuse, profit and loss, life and death, sincerity and cheating etc. This world is already arranged with these alternating sweet and hot items.

If you can enjoy both, you are always happy during your life and after death. This is the state of God and is also the state of a liberated soul, who accompanies the Lord to this world. The king visited the cinema along with his family. All the family members including the king enjoy both the happy scenes and tragic scenes. This is equality of the liberated soul with the God in the cinema hall. When the cinema is over, king is king and servant is servant.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace