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Master Tara Singh (1885 - 1967)


Jun 23, 2004
Master Tara Singh was born in a Punjabi Hindu Malhotra family of Rawalpindi. It is indeed remarkable that from humble origins he arose to the top of Sikh leadership, culminating with the creation of Punjabi State in Independent India. He initiated into Khalsa when he was ten or twelve years old. A fierce sewadar and helpful to all Sikhs he was among those cream of crop who strive to become a perfect Soldiers of their community. Tara Singh Malhotra is remembered for two things, one steering Sikhs towards opting for India in 1947 and other to campaign for the state of Punjab in Independent India.

His first duty to serve Khalsa on the political arena came when he was invited to Round Table conference at Shimla after the end of the Second World War by the Governor-General, Lord Wavell, to ease the political situation in the country, the Sikhs were given representation along with other communities. Pleading on their behalf, Master Tara Singh who was among the twenty-one Indian leaders invited, argued that the creation of Pakistan would be more injurious to his community than to any other community. He told governor general that Sikhs are scattered all over the Punjab and are not in majority in any district. He vigorously campaigned against the demand of Pakistan by Muslim League and made many enemies.

He along with other Sikh leaders met with the leader of Muslim League Mohammad Ali Jinnah at the house of Hardit Singh Malik. Here is a quote from the book "Heritage of the Sikhs by Harbans Singh" "Mr Jinnah, who outwardly maintained an attitude of sullen and studious disregard towards the Sikhs, tried to cajole them privately. He knew in his heart of hearts that Sikh opposition to Pakistan was one real obstacle in his way and made several secret overtures to the leaders of the community. He chided them for being too subservient to Congress influence and held out all kinds of allurements, including the formation of an autonomous Sikh area within Pakistan. Some British of ficers also conveyed similar offers to Sikh leaders "to enable them to have political feet of their own on which they may walk into the current of world history." Plans were made to have Master Tara Singh and Jinnah talk together. A meeting took place in Delhi on April 2, 1946, at the house of Sir Teja Singh Malik, a retired chief engineer who had also been minister in the princely states of Jaipur and Patiala. Besides Master Tara Singh and Jinnah, Maharaja Yadavinder Singh of Patiala, his prime minister, Sardar Hardit Singh Malik who was the host's brother, and Giani Kartar Singh joined the meeting. Malik Hardit Singh was assigned to presenting the Sikh viewpoint as the principal spokesman. Jinnah's one overriding concern was to have the Sikhs rescind theiropposition to Pakistan and lend his demand their support instead. He was prodigal of assurances, and told the Sikh leaders that the Sikhs would have a position of honour in the new State. But he refrained from elaborating. Malik Hardit Singh tried to extract from him a more specific enunciation and raised some concrete issues. He said that in Pakistan there would presumably be a parliament, a cabinet, armed services, and so on. He wished Jinnah to say what exactly would be the Sikhs' position in these and other instruments of State. Jinnah dodged by inviting the Sikhs to set forth their demands in writing and by citing the instance of Zaghlul Pasha of Egypt. Zaghlul Pasha, he said, asked the Copts, the Christian minority, to give him their charter of demands. Without having a look at what was written in document, Zaghlul Pasha signed, "I agree." " That is how I shall treat the Sikhs," said Jinnah. Hardit Singh continued his thrusts and said, "You are being very generous, Mr Jinnah, but how about your succcessors? What is the guarantee that they would implement the assurance given by you?" "My friend, in Pakistan my word will be like the word of God. No one dare go back on it," replied Jinnah. "

Since these meetings were private and there was never promised anything on paper, Sikh leaders did not trusted the Promised given to them by Jinnah and were vindicated of their foresight when Pakistan's army launched an attacked against Bengali Muslims in Bangladesh with mass destruction and gross human rights violations. Considering the current pathetic state of minorities like Hindus and Christians, Sikh leaders like Tara Singh did indeed had a great foresight by not believing in the private concessions of Jinnah.

After repeated attempts of rioting, Indian leaders agreed to the partition of country . Tara Singh and many Akali leaders were furious as they were going to loose their houses and lands. On March 3 1947, Tara Singh at Lahore along with about 500 Sikhs declared from a dias "Death to Pakistan" when about 50,000+ strong muslim crowd went berserk outsie. Tara Singh and his Akali men narrowly escaped their death, the next day 4th March 1947, wide scale rioting in Lahore and adjoining areas started. As Jinnah had declared "Muslims are no believers of non-violence", each muslim tried to prooved his point by plundering, pillaging, raping and other un describeable acts.

Rioting at other places in Punjab stated as a retaliation to the killings by Muslims in Lahore and Rawalpindi. In this greatest holocaust ever, More then one million humans were murdered by Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs in Punjab. Tara Singh migrated to East Punjab and was active in Akali politics until his death in 1967 on the eve when Akali Party was going to form their first government in new state of Punjab.

Excerpts taken from these books.
Heritage of the Sikhs Sardar Harbans Singh


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Mar 24, 2010
This so called great leader of sikhs never questioned the intents of the hindu leaders as he did with Muslim leaders, Dont you think he had somehow already decided to go with Hindus ? He was played by the hands of Government even when he did not even recognise. Whole sikh community curses him for that. Any community would love to have a country of its own and thus religion would flourish too, as Guru Gobind Singh Sahib has said. He was scared of atrocities of Muslims, but was he not aware of Cunning Hindus, who managed to disappear Buddhism from the face of India, which happened to be its birthplace.

Same is being done by his successors, BADALS and party. Now Kaum want to know what his successors are doing. Master tara singh was a short-sighted politician and culprit to the sikhs as a whole. when British considered sikhs are third party to transfer of power, this idiot said, "Sikhs cannot rule by themselves as of now", its been quoted by many leaders as said by him on many occasions.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Tara Singh Malhotra is remembered for two things,
one steering Sikhs towards opting for India in 1947
and other to campaingn for the state of Punjab in Independet India.
Panjaban ji, sorry but are these not both disasters in hindsight!

He ran to Dharamsala Hill Station (OK he was taken there under police protection) at every Punjabi Suba (State creation) Morcha and let the innocents "Pendus" (villagers) go to jail.

Wish some other choices were made back then. Punjab pre-1947, Punjab post 1947 before creation and divisions, and Punjab now so small (like Chiri da bot, "like little offspring of a sparrow"). These outcomes are not results of good and sound foundational thinking.

Sorry I am not related to good or bad ways to Master Tara Singh or their families or any other radical upbringing. Just stating what I experienced growing up then in Amritsar.

Apologies and writing to state rather than offend or criticize your post.

Sat Sri Akal

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Its very very easy to "see" clearly with the magnified glasses of HINDSIGHT. Almost blind or myopic perosn also can see so clearly that this should have been that..and that should have been this...Master tara Singh, Gyani kartar singh etc etc were the BEDAAG leaders of Sikhs..swept along in the flood of conniving cheating politicians of the time. Badal and cohorts are WILLING partners in CRIME..enriching themselves and their cronies IMMENSELY -looting Punjab, looting Gurdwaras, Looting Public propoerties like Khalsa College, heritage properties etc etc - its wrong and totally out to compare them to Sikh Leaders of Master Jis time. The ROT started with the Twin SANTS..fateh and Channan Singh being PARACHUTED from RAJASTHAN into AMRITSAR.


Oct 26, 2011
There are leaders whose importance of decisions people understand after they are gone. But, in case of Master Tara Singh, now we are realising that the sovereignity of Sikhs was lost in hands of Short-sightedness of couple of leaders and being corrupt of other akali leader. Master tara Singh falls in first classification. Master Tara Singh doesn't necessarily have to be corrupt to make a false decision, but all I want to say that Handing over the Fate of Sikh Kaum in India and Worldwide in hands of Master Tara Singh now comes out to be dreadful and sad chapter of our Twarikh and It will be remembered so. Some people might have respect for him, so do we, for probably some of his good tasks which many leaders would have accomplished, but I want to say here that He has not proven his capability as a leader..

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
He along with other Sikh leaders met with the leader of Muslim League Mohammad Ali Jinnah at the house of Hardit Singh Malik. Here is a quote from the book "Heritage of the Sikhs by Harbans Singh" "Mr Jinnah, who outwardly maintained an attitude of sullen and studious disregard towards the Sikhs, tried to cajole them privately. He knew in his heart of hearts that Sikh opposition to Pakistan was one real obstacle in his way and made several secret overtures to the leaders of the community. He chided them for being too subservient to Congress influence and held out all kinds of allurements, including the formation of an autonomous Sikh area within Pakistan. Some British of ficers also conveyed similar offers to Sikh leaders "to enable them to have political feet of their own on which they may walk into the current of world history." Plans were made to have Master Tara Singh and Jinnah talk together. A meeting took place in Delhi on April 2, 1946, at the house of Sir Teja Singh Malik, a retired chief engineer who had also been minister in the princely states of Jaipur and Patiala. Besides Master Tara Singh and Jinnah, Maharaja Yadavinder Singh of Patiala, his prime minister, Sardar Hardit Singh Malik who was the host's brother, and Giani Kartar Singh joined the meeting. Malik Hardit Singh was assigned to presenting the Sikh viewpoint as the principal spokesman. Jinnah's one overriding concern was to have the Sikhs rescind theiropposition to Pakistan and lend his demand their support instead. He was prodigal of assurances, and told the Sikh leaders that the Sikhs would have a position of honour in the new State. But he refrained from elaborating. Malik Hardit Singh tried to extract from him a more specific enunciation and raised some concrete issues. He said that in Pakistan there would presumably be a parliament, a cabinet, armed services, and so on. He wished Jinnah to say what exactly would be the Sikhs' position in these and other instruments of State. Jinnah dodged by inviting the Sikhs to set forth their demands in writing and by citing the instance of Zaghlul Pasha of Egypt. Zaghlul Pasha, he said, asked the Copts, the Christian minority, to give him their charter of demands. Without having a look at what was written in document, Zaghlul Pasha signed, "I agree." " That is how I shall treat the Sikhs," said Jinnah. Hardit Singh continued his thrusts and said, "You are being very generous, Mr Jinnah, but how about your succcessors? What is the guarantee that they would implement the assurance given by you?" "My friend, in Pakistan my word will be like the word of God. No one dare go back on it," replied Jinnah.

One can re-write history as one wants to. As the old saying goes that history is only written by the winners which seems to be true.

In the Sikhi spirit of full disclosure, I must say that Hardit Singh Malik and Sir Teja Singh Malik were my grand dad Dr. Balwant Singh Malik's Bhua's sons and my grand dad- Pita Ji- was also present at the above meeting. When I went back to India in 1985 after 14 years, I had the opportunity to have long chats with Pita ji and learnt a lot from him as I had left India for London at the age of 15 and did not know much about it before.

Allow me to share with you what Pita ji said happened at the meeting. Before the meeting took place, the Brits had had offered the Sikhs their own state which would include Lahore. This was offered By Lord Mountbatten to Hardit Singh Malik provided he would insist on that to Jinnah along with his fellow Sikh leaders about it. This did not go through because Master Tara Singh had cold feet. He did not want to pursue the issue but instead wanted the assurances from Jinnah that Sikhs would be treated well after the partition.

The rest is the unfortunate history.

Tejwant Singh


Oct 26, 2011
Tejwant Singh Ji,

Thanks for the insight. I would acknowledge this personal account of yours to be true, since Master Tara Singh's actions before and after Punjabi Suba movement brought on the fore what in actual he was. A Person doesn't necessarily have to be miscreant to be detrimental to the larger people. Jathedar Feruman laid his life for the cause, While Master Tara Singh Malhotra would give up his fast in a very convenient way.

Has any text been written about such detrimental acts of our so-called 'Sikh Leaders' ? Shouldn't it be brought to the public domain. Are there any such efforts in progress ? I believe its time for activism to educate people about the truth. Just present them the plain facts and let them decide.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Malhotra was NEVER used by the Master ....he was always just Plain Master Tara singh. PERIOD.

Bhai Ranjit Singh never uses this....BUT..those who dont like him will always add GHATAURA to his name !! Ranjit Singh Ghataura !! This is common way to deride someone among sikhs..lets not do this anymore.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
In a recent case..Sardar Mann was offered DPM of INDIA...but he pulled out his 3 ft kirpan...which led to the Kirpan being banned from parliament....later as Sangroor MP he quietly entered Parliament WITHOUT his Kirpan !! Its a FACT that SIKHS always WIN the battles BUT LOSE the WARS due to LEADERS who are really DEALERS.


Oct 26, 2011
Gyani Ji,

Malhotra is his surname. Do you think, as the Jatt population is orthodox in Punjab, they would have supported a so-called 'BHAPPA', as it is said, which I dont subscribe to absolutely. This ploy MIGHT have been cause, to counter the effect. If I was there in his time, I would have supported him, since he being the General of the Sikhs, but after his failure, No one could have convinced me to believe otherwise.


Oct 26, 2011
Sardar Mann is also given undue glorification for giving up his job. Bhagat Puran singh returned his PadamShree. I heard that one of the sikh ambassadors also resigned from his post to register protest. They have never been glorified and even talked about. Sardar Mann has failingly lead the Kaum, for which he was given unconditional support by the Whole Kaum.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Malhotra was NEVER used by the Master ....he was always just Plain Master Tara singh. PERIOD.

Bhai Ranjit Singh never uses this....BUT..those who dont like him will always add GHATAURA to his name !! Ranjit Singh Ghataura !! This is common way to deride someone among sikhs..lets not do this anymore.

Gyani ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are right. No one addressed Mastar Tara Singh with his surname. No one cared about that because despite any shortcomings, that all of us have, he was the first and great Sikh leader during that time, despite the fact he was born in a Hindu family.

Dilgeeer; said:
Gyani Ji,Malhotra is his surname. Do you think, as the Jatt population is orthodox in Punjab, they would have supported a so-called 'BHAPPA', as it is said, which I dont subscribe to absolutely. This ploy MIGHT have been cause, to counter the effect. If I was there in his time, I would have supported him, since he being the General of the Sikhs, but after his failure, No one could have convinced me to believe otherwise.

Dilgeer ji,

Guru Fateh.

I beg to disagree with you about Bhappas and Jatts. The fact is that majority of the Jatts at that time stayed in Pakistan and became Muslims. That is why you will see Muslim, Cheema, Gills etc etc in Pakistan. At that time this was not the case. FYI, Maliks are Bhappas and they were in forefront to solve this issue and fought for their country. In fact Pita ji, Dr. Balwant Singh Malik who was a doctor and a lawyer by profession left his practice and entered the fight to get the Gurdwaras back from the Masands and spent sometime behind bars.

Gyani Jarnail Singh; said:
In a recent case..Sardar Mann was offered DPM of INDIA...but he pulled out his 3 ft kirpan...which led to the Kirpan being banned from parliament....later as Sangroor MP he quietly entered Parliament WITHOUT his Kirpan !! Its a FACT that SIKHS always WIN the battles BUT LOSE the WARS due to LEADERS who are really DEALERS.

Talking about Simranjit Singh Mann, here is an older thread about him.


Simranjit Singh Mann was a good person and a great Sikh. Once upon a time, he was stationed as DIG of police in Ferozepore and befriended my family and became very close. I have never met him in person. Only heard of him through my older brother Harsimran who was a buddy of his.I was living in the UK then. He was a devout Sikh and had a mirror in his office. The reason for the mirror was that any Sipahi who was a Sikh but had a trimmed beard was encouraged in a coercive way to change his style and he was quite successful in that. He helped a lot of people during his tenure there.

His downfall started when he was the only Sikh elected as the MP and he refused to enter the Parliament without his 3 ft kirpan which I thought was more an arrogant part of Me-ism on his part rather than taking the best of his opportunity to become the spokesperson of the Sikhs. As he refused to leave his 3 ft Kirpan, he also lost the opportunity to travel in the capacity of MP abroad and tell the world the atrocities committed on the minority Sikhs and on Punjab by the Central Govt. From there on it was all downhill for him from all aspects.

For me buffer zone is like building your own cocoon and we all know that we can only hear our own voices of " freedom" echoing in our own ears when we confine ourselves in our self made prisons. Freedom is not attained by any kind of walls, how imaginary they may be, and without freedom there can never be progress.

The only long term solution for Punjab is when ALL the corrupt members of the Govt are put behind bars and some kind of bill should be passed where there can not be any political interference with the SGPC and SGPC should be managed by the educated managers, not by those whose only qualifications are the lengths of their beards and pugs.

Once we step into the sarover of Gurmat pragmatism rather than living in the muck of
manmat as we have for this long, hence falsely hoping to become lotus flowers one day, then only can we start having a Govt that can lead its people to the life of Miri- Piri, which will result in progress from all facets of life.

Then they say I am a dreamer........

Tejwant Singh
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2011
Tejwant Ji,

Thanks for correcting me. You indeed have more experience and understanding in the issue, as your age and access suggests.

Also, We have Maliks and Cheemas, may be bcoz some of the muslims converted to Sikhism. Anyhow, this is not important.

I want your thoughts on this:
What impact you think the literature pertaining to Our (Sikh's) history, earlier and recent, can have on the youth, which in India are more or less in oblivion about? I have read that after reading book about the atrocities by Poohla, Navtej singh Guggu decided to correct the Fake Nihang. My point here is that, that way youth shall contribute in their ways, and the hate that is propagating from the Sikhs side towards the Hindus could be clarified, as to what is the truth ?

Another query is that: Why youth abroad is more close to sikh religion and in India, they are going away from the faith ?

Presenting them the literature could provoke in them the seed of curiosity to know more about our history. Clearly speaking, Babas, and maximum prachariks have lost the credibility among the youth, after suspicious leaks about their behavior. No Pracharik ever ask feedback or has a Question/Answer round to know, what doubts or questions are in the mind of the youth ? Probably, they speak on the subjects they are comfortable about. They dont dare to ask people to put their queries forward.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Tejwant Ji,

Thanks for correcting me. You indeed have more experience and understanding in the issue, as your age and access suggests.

Also, We have Maliks and Cheemas, may be bcoz some of the muslims converted to Sikhism. Anyhow, this is not important.

I want your thoughts on this:
What impact you think the literature pertaining to Our (Sikh's) history, earlier and recent, can have on the youth, which in India are more or less in oblivion about? I have read that after reading book about the atrocities by Poohla, Navtej singh Guggu decided to correct the Fake Nihang. My point here is that, that way youth shall contribute in their ways, and the hate that is propagating from the Sikhs side towards the Hindus could be clarified, as to what is the truth ?

Another query is that: Why youth abroad is more close to sikh religion and in India, they are going away from the faith ?

Presenting them the literature could provoke in them the seed of curiosity to know more about our history. Clearly speaking, Babas, and maximum prachariks have lost the credibility among the youth, after suspicious leaks about their behavior. No Pracharik ever ask feedback or has a Question/Answer round to know, what doubts or questions are in the mind of the youth ? Probably, they speak on the subjects they are comfortable about. They dont dare to ask people to put their queries forward.

Dilgeer ji,

Guru Fateh.

I have no idea about the other Maliks, but this is supposed to be some sort of title given to my ancestors. Our actual surname is Ahulwalia and we have Jassa Singh Ahulwalia Family Trust which has helped lots of widows and orphans of 1984 and has been helping many other families since after the partition.

The problem in India about lack of Sikhi spirit among the youth is multifold. The main burden and responsibility lies in the hands of the parents.

1.How many parents buy Sikh history books to bring home and encourage their children to read Sikh history?

2.How many parents take their kids to the Gurdwaras once or twice a week to listen and understand the Keertan? I know they go and matha tek during Gurpurab times.

3.How many parents have Shabad Vichaar at home with their kids and how often?

4.How many parents send their kids to the Gurmat camps?

If the above is done often in India as it is done outside, then the kids themselves will become interested in Sikhi and use their best tool- the computer in learning more about Sikhi. Hence, they will become what India is in dire need of.


Tejwant Singh


Apr 3, 2005
The problem in India about lack of Sikhi spirit among the youth is multifold. The main burden and responsibility lies in the hands of the parents.

Tejwant Singh ji

I agree with it that main responsibility is on parents but there are not one but many cases where children turned their back on sikhism despite best effort by parents

1.How many parents buy Sikh history books to bring home and encourage their children to read Sikh history?

There were parents relative who use to give books to children of Sikh history.Apart from it
there were many sikh schools where Sikh history is compulsory subject.In 80s When tension was high Sikh schools use to of almost 100% sikh yet that same generation did not give importance to sikhism

.How many parents take their kids to the Gurdwaras once or twice a week to listen and understand the Keertan? I know they go and matha tek during Gurpurab times.

Understanding keertan is beyond the reach of most of adults what can they teach kids from it.

.How many parents send their kids to the Gurmat camps?

I don't think in India there was a concept of such type of camps.


Oct 26, 2011
Tejwant Ji and kds1980 Ji,

You thoughts on this:
I usually search for literature pertaining to Computer, Science, Music or Videos, everything is readily available. Every Latest movie or ebook is to there to be read. You have million of porn sites which are at your disposal. But I have tried to search for popular titles related to Sikhism, but surprisingly no results. I searched for Hindu Literature, Islamic literature, I could find their popular titles. Everybody could post DVD of Harry Potter on the torrent but no one thought of converting Sikh literature and putting in ebook format so that It has global reach, and it could reach multitude of people. I have tried and but due to lack resources and companion, could not move further. Your kind thoughts on this ? My apologies to the admin if this is deemed to be off-topic.


Apr 3, 2005
It will be interesting if some mods will create New thread from Dilbeer singh's post that why Indian sikhs are not interested in Sikhi compared to western counterparts

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
It will be interesting if some mods will create New thread from Dilbeer singh's post that why Indian sikhs are not interested in Sikhi compared to western counterparts

I think Sikhs in India are a small island in the middle of the vast OCEAN of HINDUISM..Hindu Hindi Hindostan... Daily the Ocean rises in high tide and washes over the tiny ISLAND of SIKHISM..daily eroding its base...daily the Island peak arises out of the ocean as its high tide recedes..BUT by nightfall the High tide is back to wash over it...SIKHISM is just managing to keep its HEAD above water....and many drown at high tide daily...as one can see form the media reports of sikhs cutting hair in the Barber shops and drinking at THEKAS..or having havans in mandirs etc etc...

But in the DIASPORA..there is no such "Ocean"..there are small "lakes"..or seas..and Sikhs float in ships...and here and there land ashore like Robinson Crusoes...BUT there is no overwhelming ocean daily eroding the base...no media reports of "sikhs" at Church or in the mosques..or sikhs having circumcisions or communions ...there may be a few..but NOT as widespread as in India...


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
He ran to Dharamsala Hill Station (OK he was taken there under police protection) at every Punjabi Suba (State creation) Morcha and let the innocents "Pendus" (villagers) go to jail.

Isn't that what phony leaders do the world over?

why Indian sikhs are not interested in Sikhi compared to western counterparts

I think the answer comes from 3 perspectives (but limited to my observations):

  • Sikhs of Punjab
    • They are there in the land of Gurus. There are historic Gurudwaras in every 100 sq km of Punjab. Yet the people there are out of touch. Most of them are poor hard workers being abused by those in power.
    • There is the effect of alcohol, drugs and those done to death Punjabi songs. Apart from the Parikarma of Amritsar, there are no Amritdhari or Saabat Soorat Sikhs left in Punjab. They are the 1% minority.
  • Sikhs of metropolitan cities
    • The youth is just growing up in Sikh families. Many don't understand religion and have no want for it. Clubbing and other activities will help you manage your life when going gets tough.
    • Yes there are youth groups oriented around Sikhi. But they have very low retention ratio. Most of them when go away lose the touch of Sangat. There is no aim in life around Sikhi. It is all YOLO, You Only Live Once.
    • Gurudwaras are for the monthly weekend family trips. Unlike the west, they are not throbbing place for social activity. Yes most of the Gurudwaras have an active sangat, but they are small fraction compared to the whole community it actually caters to.
  • Sikhs in other cities and towns
    • I think they are the victims of secularism. They are there, committed, proud of their allegiance to Guru. But slowly the melting pot is eroding their identity. Like some aunt of yours who goes to Gurudwara and does Sukhmani Sahib path daily, will also turn out to be a Shiv bhagat with murti, pooja and what not.
    • There is visible existence of temples near the community Sikh Gurudwaras. It is partly to remind them that who's the majority in this land. Partly to absorb sangat. And of course also to serve their own people.
I see many friends of mine who cut their beards and wear caps. And those who have uncut hair, will have pony tails. Of course, there is no end to my knowns who have cut their hair completely. What do I tell them? How do I tell them? How do I take them to Gurudwara and bring them back without exposure to the politics and rowdy 'sewa'dars?