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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It was amid great fanfare that a kalgi (plume) believed to have been worn by Guru Gobind Singh was received by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) a year a half ago. That kalgi, under the scanner from the day it was brought from the UK, has now formally been declared unauthentic.

A team of researchers comprising senior IPS officer Harpreet Singh Sidhu and Ludhiana-based Kamaljit Singh Boparai had brought the plume from England on July 1, 2009, and Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh and his predecessor Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti had personally received it at the Rajasansi airport. Devotees lined up on the 10-km stretch from the airport to Golden Temple complex, where it was put up for viewing for two days and then shifted to a strongroom.

But since Sidhu and Boparai could not tell where they got the plume from, its authenticity came under question.

A probe committee was then constituted by the SGPC. The panel * comprising Rajya Sabha member Tarlochan Singh, Dr Kirpal Singh, historianexperts Dr Balwant Singh Dhillon, Dr Sukhdyal Singh, Harbans Singh Chawla, Mohan Singh, Mohinder Singh, SP Singh, SGPC secretary Dalmegh Singh, and Boparai himself * met only once, in Chandigarh in August 2009. Boparai and Harpreet Singh Sidhu flatly refused to tell from where they had got the plume.

Though no probe report was ever submitted, their refusal became the key to the decision.

There was also talk of carbon dating examination to ascertain the plume's age, but the overall negative feedback from across the religious and scientific spectrum sealed the decision, revealed to HT on Monday by SGPC president Avtar Singh Makkar.

“The donors of the plume were not ready to reveal the source, we have finally concluded that this plume is not the one worn by the Guru,“ Makkar said, adding that the plume would now be sent back.

Kuldeep Mann, Hindustan Times, Tuesday 11th Jan 2011.



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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
jnanavan ji

You know what I find so very sad about the situation? It is like the tale of the "Boy who cried 'Wolf' " too many times. When the wolf appeared at the door, no one believed him. There has to be someway that this situation can be rescued. There must be, gurprsaad! There will be times when something of great value is promoted, said, or done by these "politicians' and no one will believe them. Even today, when the content of a story could very well be beneficial, the grumblings on the sidelines are full of skepticism and worse. It is a tragedy for the institution and for the panth that we have come to this place.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
This news is HOT..NOW ...WHY ?? Because it was VEDANTI's Baby ( PANGA actually)..He was the one who took along his FAMILY to...CANADA ( when the Klagi was supposedly in UK !!!) to ostensibly investigate the Kalgee...and then to UK ( Of course he ahd to go to UK..becasue the Klagi was in UK ha ha..BUT IF he ahd taken hsi fmaily to UK..then a Canada trip would have been harder to justify..even though NOTHING ever needs any justification where Badal and his honchos are involved !! ) SO what hapeend ?? NOTHING. The whole world was in an UPROAR that the Klagi was FAKE..the fmaily that owned it said it was aFAKE..but..EVERYBODY maintained pin drop SILENCE...WHY ?? Becasue BADAL put his finger to his LIPS..and whispered...sssssssssssssshhhhhhhh!!!!

NOW..all hells loose ?? WHY ?? Because VEDANTI is on the OTHER SIDE of the DIVIDE...He is supporting Sarna and DGMC and ALL those who OPPOSE the DHUMAKKAARR Jantri cum Bikrmi claendar or the FAKE "nanaksahi calendar" that BADAL SUPPORTS. SO whoever can SHOOT Vedanti..is welcome to do so...and this Klagi issue is one such BULLET !! Thats why its HOT News NOW...iF..just IF..Vednati toes the line tomorrow on NC..I bet my bottom dollar..the Klagi issue will be silenced forever...until....???

Who said POLITICS and PUJAREEISM are DIRTY..they are FILTHY DOG POO ( and thats an understatement folks...with all due respect to the DOG.)


Aug 21, 2010
From what i undertand a plume khalgi was one of the prizes that was sent to the queen of england after Maharaj Ranjit Singh's palaced was plundered by the british as a result of the expulsion of Maharaj Duleep Singh and the annexation of the Panjab. I find it hard to believe that the queen would let go of such plunder.

Anybody that knows ANYTHING about the monarchy should know that for CENTURIES there psychotic behavior has shown that they have an obsession with TWO things; Murder and there collection of rare/prized artifacts/plunder.

The British Monorchy has been snatching priceless artifacts for centuries from all around the world such as The "Kho-i-noor diamond" of maharaj Ranjit Singh , khalgi of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the "Stone of scone" or "the stone of Jacob" and COUNTLESS other artifects from all around the world.

Rare aftifacts such as those just mentioned are used by the British Monarchy as TALISMIC objects. They are supposed to be charged with a certain magical properties/significance and have been used by the British Monarchy extensively .

For EXAMPLE. The stone of scone is said to be the stone upon which the biblical JACOB fell asleep on and had a dream of a "stairway to heaven". Becuause of the migration of the 13 tribes of israel(tribe of Dan immigrated north creating DENMARK etc) this RARE and PRICELESS artifact ended up in ireland and was brought to scotland. It was used as a CORONOTAION(a type of ritual) stone by the scottish monorchs and snatched by King Edward the 1st after his victory on ireland. He stuck the stone under a chair upon which all British monarchs have sat and been coronated on. This is and was a symbolic/magical act which symbolised the British Monarchys "right" to rule over Ireland.

This is the only reason i say who knows if that plume given to the public did ever belong to Guru Ji maharaj. I believe they also took one of guru ji' weapons .
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