Why does it Matter? I think the most important thing is to PHYSICALLY Carry out what is Prescribed as Good & Righteous ( First to Understand, Second to Internalize it, Heart, Body & Mind & then, To carry it out.) meditation & the Rest of the Stuff is the Link to God, which mainly Stems from our Gratitude. Be Grateful, & God will Take care of the Rest. He will lead you w/e way is Most condusive to your Growth, but growth often sucks, so you've been warned. Lol But it's also Awesome. So yea, attempt to Climb, against yourself, against your Physcial boundaries, & your Perception of what you can or cannot do. That, to me, is the Challenge of Life & I adore it. & when you get Caught in your Own Mistakes, Even then God will Pull you right back, & pretty much say, Kid, come right back. & that's what you do, you Attempt. Which is the Best anyone can do. You ATTEMPt to Live a Good life, you Attempt to Help, you Attempt to be of Service & Assitance to others & Society, but that Smetimes fails, & even then, you have smthing to go back to. Call it Faith, Call it Guru, or Just the Amalgamation of Several Energies, I am not Sure. But it is a Solace, a very Real Place (imo), a place to Leave all your Burdens, until you can carry each one & Truthfully, accomplish all you came here to Do in this Life, b/c Life is about Doing, not Contemplating endlessly. Even if your Pursuit is Internal, & Harry Ji hit the nail on the Head, w/ Acknowledging that Progress is 2-fold, you can't have One w/out the Other, you must Move frwrd, on Both Levels (Physical & Spiritual, the Second is strictly in the hands of your Guru or guide.
**This comes from Someone having experienced Failures on Several Levels, & All I can tell you is to Focus on Doing, rather then Attempting to Decipher b/c our Own minds, our Energy is so Incomplete w/out God, & He Truly Leads all Progress, your Failures are you Own, but His success is his Own.