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Is It Compulsory For A Amritdhari Singh To Marry An Amritdhari Kaur?


Apr 3, 2010
Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh,
I want to ask a question. Is it mandatory for a Amritdhari singh to marry a Amritdhari gal? or Can he marry to any sikh girl.
What does rehat maryada says about it? Please let me know the answer.
Thanks in advance.
Gur Fateh

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
First, I find "sikh gal" offensive. Since you use "singh" for the male, please use "kaur" for the female. Better yet would be "Singh" and "Kaur."

According to the SRM (Sikh Rehat Maryada)...

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]q. A baptised ought to get his wife also baptised.."

That is all the SRM says. Make whatever you can of that.:confusedkudi::confusedmunda:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
at the Anand Karaj the Granthi used to ask the Bride/Groom whether they were both amritdharee (Guru walleh) or NOT..and if not..then to get into the Guruwalleh Brotherhood asap.
Now a days at Majority of Anand karajs I attended..the Granthi SKIPS this..simply because he can clearly see that the Groom must have visited the barber ( shiny new chin raggrrree hoee). regardeless of the FACT that he is carrying a THREE FOOT SWORD to hsow his "Khalsahood credentials" ???.during those days long gone when my dad was granthi..he would SKIP the Anand Karaj when he saw such a groom....how times have changed...
Some Granthis just mumble through the advice ( sometimes he gets into toruble with the family if he lays too much stress on kesh amrit etc as the famaily feels he is specially targettign their son !! Some Gurdwars parbhnadaks have "unoffically banned" granthis form talking about such topics..no kesh, amrit etc even during girpurabs/vasakhi..just a general talk on battle of anandpur etc etc to entertain the crowd...and not offend the ghonas monas etc.
The SRM is actually on the BACKBURNER for MOST SIKHS..all "jathebandis" have their own Maryadas....so they keep MUM when SRM "HUKMNAMAH from AKAL TAKHAT" is raised..BUT bring out sotas and daangs when its time to ..."enforce the Ragi darshan Singh hukmnamah form the VERY SAME AKAL TAKHAT !!???? is it the same akal takhat ?? then why we have double VISION ??

BOTTOM LINE...its definitley in your favour if BOTH Bride/Groom are of the SAME RELIGION..Sikh..Amritdharee..Taksali..AKJ..whatever...differences lead to..more differences..later !! CHOOSE WISELY for a good long happy marriage...:veryhappymunda1:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The Sikh Rehat Marayada states that a baptized Sikh man should get his wife baptized. This is all it says. But there is a lot more to it than a simple suggestion. Gyani is right about the number of creative ways that "khalsahood" is negotiated, or shall I say subverted.

Why is it not a simple suggestion? What are the real burdens and blessings of amrit sanchaar?

That should make for more interesting dialog. Anyway I hope that it does.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I was just reading "Amritdhari: A Topic Looking for a Good Title" and thinking about commenting there.

I guess I'll comment here, though, as it's more current.

My opinion, not written in stone.

I can't see for the life of me why anyone not either Amritdhari or working toward it would want to be a Sikh. Becoming an aspiring Khalsa is really just a second step on this journey.

To begin with the 5 kakkars. I think anyone who doesn't look like a Sikh is missing a huge part of the Sikh experience. I would encourage women to tie turban partly for this reason. (There are others.) For 20 years, I threw my kakkars away, wanting to escape from being a Sikh. It didn't work, but it was a sad time of being apart.

I did not always hold this opinion. For several years after our marriage, Mani was Amritdhari and we both lived the Khalsa lifestyle, but I balked at taking this step. Only after I was blessed with Amrit did I understand that there is more to this whole Khalsa thing than living according to certain rules, including the study of Gurbani and Naam-jap and such. Our already strong marriage became even stronger and happier.

I think the main burden of being an aspiring Khalsa are the militant nonAmritdhari Sikhs. I do not know what their problem is. Amrit is open to any Sikh willing to accept it. We are not an exclusive society. Any Sikh willing to live as a Khalsa is welcome. We are all learners.

I'm tired. Perhaps I'll write more later. I have much more to say.



Jun 30, 2009
The SRM is actually on the BACKBURNER for MOST SIKHS..all "jathebandis" have their own Maryadas....so they keep MUM when SRM "HUKMNAMAH from AKAL TAKHAT" is raised..BUT bring out sotas and daangs when its time to ..."enforce the Ragi darshan Singh hukmnamah form the VERY SAME AKAL TAKHAT !!???? is it the same akal takhat ?? then why we have double VISION ??

I think most jathebandis/groups etc. do not think SRM is endorsed by Akal Takht. They hold the opinion that SRM is SGPC which is not Akal Takht.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Roab Ji...
I would say so too......BUT...............the Recent Murder of the Nanaksahi Calendar was passed to the "SGPC".....( WHEN the FIVE Takhats couldnt agree on it)........and these SAME "jathebandis" wholeheartedly ACCEPT IT...as IF that was AKAL TAKHAT !!

SO Clearly all of them PICK and CHOOSE !!

1. Example..a Hukmanmah was passed by Ranjit Singh of Akal Takhat agaisnt an Editor of Punjabi daily... ....no one even talks about it and all these same "Jathebandis" are all Pally wally with this Comrade Nastik Editor who PUBLISHED the Sauda Saadh full page advert for RS 1 Lakh when even the Punjabi tribune refused to touch it with a 12 foot pole....YET these same "Jathebandis" are up in arms to enforce the AT Hukmanamah agaisnt Joginder singh of Spokesman Newspaper...In the previous case the Nastik comrade was powerful enough to get the AT Jathedar DISMISSED !!

Many many more such PICK and CHOOSE examples are available...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
There should be an intensive 2 week course for the bride and the groom on Gurmat, Sikhi, Sikh History, understanding and how to live the meanings of Lavan etc, etc before they should get married. This should be the part of Rehat Maryada. If this is, then itwill motivate all to take khandei de pahul. This will also make them live and abide by the Gurmat Ideals.

Marriage is part of the inner growth that takes some time, many times years to mature, then only 'one jyot' appears.

But for the above to happen, we need education for the Granthis so that they can pass their Gurbani wisdom to the others. If not, then this kind of exercise is futile.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 5, 2010
hi sum may have issues regards next issue but u only became a sikh bak in Guru Jees days when u tuk amrit. You only become a sikh and can bare the name Singh or Kaur when you take Amrit.

Or the question you can ask is can a male who hunts eats meat marry a woman whos vegan and who is against animal cruelty ???

Pull Chuk Marfee


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
hi sum may have issues regards next issue but u only became a sikh bak in Guru Jees days when u tuk amrit. You only become a sikh and can bare the name Singh or Kaur when you take Amrit.

Or the question you can ask is can a male who hunts eats meat marry a woman whos vegan and who is against animal cruelty ???

Pull Chuk Marfee

I am trying Sukh38 ji to read through the complications of TEXT SPEAK. Please write in normal English next time. Thank you.

I was also pretty certain that sooner or later your point would be raised -- i.e., You are not a Sikh unless you have taken amrit.

So, what do you have to say to the majority of the 20-25 million people of Punjab origin worldwide who have been raised in "Sikh" families but have not taken amrit? Are you saying they are not Sikhs? How do you plan to break the news to them?

Most importantly - This thread pertains only to amritdhari Sikhs. And it is not about the question Who is a Sikh? So what is the point you are trying to make about following the rehit as it relates to anand karaj? Your point escapes me.


Apr 5, 2010
Well my point is that how can a Gursikh marry a non Sursikh ur either a Sikh or not. Well i would`nt need to its simple could any one be admited into Akal Purk Ke Fauj back in Guru Jees Day NO!!!! you had to be amrithari! have a strickt rehait. Like it or no we so called sikhs think we are sikhs because we go to the "temple" on a sunday but we forget that Sikhism is not just a religion but a way of life.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Here is a quick reply - something to consider. According to the Nihang rehat a male may marry a Hindu woman - who is expected to convert after marriage. The daughter in a Nihang household may only marry within the Sikh faith. Did you know that Nihangs have their own rehat? Did you know that there is more than one rehat beside the Sikh Rehat Maryada.? Did you know they do not match on every point related to marriage? and other topics as well?

All of this is an excursion into un-related discussion. Please address the question put forward in the thread title.


Apr 3, 2010
i apologize harinder kaur ji for the word sikh gal as it appeared to be offensive to u. I must have used kaur instead.

as far as the topic is concerned, i read all the replies, its not clear from the SRM wordings whether its a hukam to gursikhs or just a suggestion. i think its better to ask from Panj Payaras and take the decision.

I am agree with u all that its better for both the individuals to be amritdharis for a better understanding and better way of living and to walk on the Guru Ji's told path.

Thanks to all who tried to help. Waheuguru Chardi kala ch rakhe.:happysingh:
Bhul chuk maaf,
Gur Fateh

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Infoseeker ji, it's a pretty common oversight. This is just my attempt to raise awareness.

I would like to add a comment. Whatever the "rule" may be, the best, happiest, most stable marriage for Sikhs is between two Amritdharis. There is nothing quite like a true Khalsa marriage with one jyot in two bodies. It's a lot of work to get there, but the work itself is a lot of fun.

However the "rule" may be interpreted, why settle for second best?

:happysingh: + :happykaur: = :thumbsuppp: , :thumbsupp:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
i apologize harinder kaur ji for the word sikh gal as it appeared to be offensive to u. I must have used kaur instead.

as far as the topic is concerned, i read all the replies, its not clear from the SRM wordings whether its a hukam to gursikhs or just a suggestion. i think its better to ask from Panj Payaras and take the decision.

I am agree with u all that its better for both the individuals to be amritdharis for a better understanding and better way of living and to walk on the Guru Ji's told path.

Thanks to all who tried to help. Waheuguru Chardi kala ch rakhe.:happysingh:
Bhul chuk maaf,
Gur Fateh

Sorry to interrupt.

It is not a suggestion. It is required of amritdhari. And your idea of seeking guidance from the Panj Pyare is excellent.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Please also see the reply of forum member harbhansj earlier in this thread. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2"> </td> <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top"> harbansj24
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This has been discussed in another thread.

The only requirement of SRM is that for a Sikh to be recognised as an Amritdhari is that both the spouses should be amritdharis and if an amritdhari marries a non amritdhari (which is not forbidden) then both should take amrit together to re enter the fold of Amritdharis.