For your consideration to overcome nervousness & cultural barriers:
"Smile! The Most Powerful Ice Breaker." :happykaur:
Here’s an experiment to try. Smile, right now! How did that feel? Was it natural? For most people it is not. Which is a shame because smiles are a natural, and very effective, way to connect with people.
Okay, another experiment. Smile at someone you normally wouldn’t, or a person you don’t know and see what happens. Did they smile back? More often than not, you’ll find that people naturally smile back in response to a smile they receive.
Imagine the power this can have. . You’re at a social event, or even in the supermarket. You catch someone’s eye, and smile. Automatically, they smile back. It’s human nature. Then you have every excuse to say hello!
Also, try smiling when you feel down. You’ll find that it is very difficult to stay down in the dumps with a smile on your face. It can be done, but it is all that more challenging to remain in your bad mood with a smile on your face.
In "The Definitive book of body language" Alan and Barbara Pease explain that people have a hard-wired "mirroring" instinct. We mirror the expressions that we see on other people’s faces when we meet them. Because of the effects that smiles have on us this can have a very powerful effect on your everyday interactions. Studies have shown that when you smile during an encounter with someone else, your encounter will run more smoothly and be likely to have a more positive outcome.
So take the smile challenge and smile at one more person than you normally would. Because of the mirroring you will be actively bringing happiness into the world. During these difficult times that can be a wonderful thing!
You will not only be bringing people happiness but positioning yourself for success. There are very few things that do not rely on interactions with others for their success. By smiling at someone before you ask a favor, even if it is only to ring up a total on a cash register, you are smoothing the process along. You are giving respect to the other person by acknowledging them. And I think that you will find that you will start to feel happier as well!
- rec'd from a friend