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I Want To Be Forgiven For My Sins


Nov 22, 2010
Hi, I'm a 17 year old sikh boy growing up in the UK in a poor area, and because of this i have done bad things more or less ive sinned and i want to know what do i do to be forgiven, i know i've sinned and i admit that i have sinned and when people ask if im a good sikh i sadly reply no

I have

- drunk
- smoked shisha - but i dont know if this is forbidden
- robbed
- cut bits of my hair - i shave too but this is because i have eczema and the hair irritates my face soo..

and other things such as lie etc

i dont believe im hell bound but if i wasn't, why would i do bad things with no remorse at the time

but i want to know how to be forgiven for my sins?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

hello little brother,

there is no sin in sikhism, what you are feeling is guilt. Guilt is bad, it makes you feel bad, but you have offended no one else but yourself, there are people that have done much worse than you, and not even thought about what they had done, and they present themselves as good sikhs!

Is this an issue of changing lifestyle now and dealing with the past? or do you continue to do things that make you feel bad?

Sin is a convenient way of explaining how you feel, the reality is that if you carry on this path, you will drown in a sea of guilt, as well as opening yourself up to 'bad' things, drink causes liver problems and loosens ability to think, you may find yourself fathering children, taking drugs, whilst forgetting who you are, smoking shisha opens up to lung problems, breathing issues, stealing can put you in a youth detention centre, and in later life, prison, cutting hair is denying who you are, as is lying, these are all issues that will make your life more complicated as you get older, living in a poor area is no excuse, you have a brain my brother, but you also have your own will, no one is saying you should not have fun, but for spiritual reasons, that I will not go into now, and also legal and life reasons, that I have outlined above, either way, its a journey to hell, I know, I have taken it, so save yourself some heartache not only for you, but for your family, the rules we try and abide by are there for our own salvation and safety

good luck

Sat Sri Akal


Nov 22, 2010
re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Sas sri akal, well due to the lifestyle i been raised in, i have to commit crimes to get by, my only way to make a living, i don't praise the crimes i have committed but i had to do them, but whereas the cutting hair, drinking etc, i believe i done that out of fashion and a need to fit it which is wrong, i guess i just feel that when my time is up, i don't wanna be forbidden in the lord's kingdom, i want to change and i say i will yet i continue to do it, i cheat myself in ways

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.


forget the lords kingdom, worry about the lords kingdom on earth, for that is exactly where his kingdom is, and it is here you have to worry about, no one has to commit crimes to get by, that is a fallacy, and I was raised in as much as a rough area that I am sure you reside in, its a cop out brother, all you are doing is piling up problems for the future, yet you are so young, you have the potential to do so much and live so happy, get married, have children, be in peace.

I will tell you why you commit crimes, because it is exciting, glamorous and easy, working in a factory is boring, unglamorous and hard, but I can tell you it really is not worth being locked up for 20 hours a day with a bucket for a toilet, I would worry about that more than the lords kingdom :singhsippingcoffee:


Nov 22, 2010
re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Real talk brother, real talk!, yeahhh i think i understand now, its more or less life is what you make it, if i lead a guilty life, my life will be guilty, but if i lead a life that's happy, life will be happy. Thank you brother i appreciate it!



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Some questions for Sikhboy11 and other forum members.

1. What is your understanding of "sin?"

2. What do you believe is the Sikh perspective on "sin?"

3. Do you believe it your responsibility to behave differently if you believe you have crossed a moral or ethical line?

We are all learners. So I am interested in your replies to my questions.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.


1 My understanding of sin is anything that takes you further away from the light
2. I would like to think my understanding is the same as the sikh perspective
3. I believe that if I had crossed a moral or ethical line, I would have to confess what I had done, to who I had done it, and then take the consequences


Nov 22, 2010
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

1. What is your understanding of "sin?"

I believe a "sin" is a act of disgracefulness to god and to your religion, it's a word used to sum up guilt and knowing you done wrong and disrespected the lord for your own purpose without feeling remorse at the time or regardless

2. What do you believe is the Sikh perspective on "sin?"

I believe the sikh perspective on sin is what the universal perspective on sin is, but correct me if im wrong or if sikhs even believe in sin

3. Do you believe it your responsibility to behave differently if you believe you have crossed a moral or ethical line?

I believe its your responsibility to admit you have done wrong and to find a way to draw yourself from the dark into the light


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

I believe its your responsibility to admit you have done wrong and to find a way to draw yourself from the dark into the light
Sikhboy11 you are very smart and articulate very well. I really liked your one line response to spnadmin ji, that is no easy task peacesign

What you need to perhaps look at is go forward! As they say there is no one who does no wrong! Those who recognize such and move forward win in life. All the best you got great intellect. I think this is one of the blessings of Sikhism and it does show up sometimes early, sometimes late and for some I am sorry to say, never.

Sat Sri Akal.


Jun 12, 2011
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

3. Do you believe it your responsibility to behave differently if you believe you have crossed a moral or ethical line?
Not only is it your responsibility, but it will benefit you and the world.

A person can start by undoing the harm they have done as much as possible. Then they can learn from the incident so they can become a person they are proud of. After that, there is nothing left to do but move forward.


Dec 22, 2009
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Sikhboy11 Ji,

The very fact that you have re-counted your "sins" says something... that you are keenly aware of what is wrong and what is right. You have a moral compass. Why do what is wrong when it feels horrible afterwards? And blaming your external circumstance is an excuse, the world will try to define you your whole life. It won't stop.

When you're young, it'll tell you you're inexperienced. But you're actually untainted.
When you're old, it'll tell you you are weak. But you're actually wise.
When you're male, it'll tell you you're aggressive. But you're actually strong.
When you're a woman, it'll tell you you are secondary. But you're actually the womb.
There's no end.... there will always be something it will tell you. dont listen to it!!! It'll lure you in with "validation" and temptation, weaken you, chew you up and spit you out.

Hold on to what you know in your heart and brain to be right, b/c it'll send all these signals to you when you're not doing right. And they will weaken you and keep you off your path of goodness and becoming who you are.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Who is the right one to "forgive" a "sin?"

so far ...no reply to the question, What is the Sikh perspective on sin?


Jun 12, 2011
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Who is the right one to "forgive" a "sin?"
In Christianity that would be God. The reason being that the word "sin" specifically refers to an action that breaks God's rules - it is between the sinner and God. You would not say you "sinned" against another human - you would use a different word such as hurt, trespassed, offended etc. Of course, many actions can be considered a sin against God and an offense against a person at the same time.
so far ...no reply to the question, What is the Sikh perspective on sin?
Is there an "official" Sikh answer to that question?

Many knowledgeable people say there is no such concept as sin in Sikhi, but many people use the word "sin" anyway, to mean something that takes a person farther from Waheguru. It strikes me as either a concept imported from Christianity, or a word used to explain to Christians in their terms. Similar to the way one might call the ritual of Amrit "baptism".

...but that's just my guess.
Last edited:


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

The Sikh philosophy has its own 'Karma' theory. It believs that the Karmas bring you with the positive and negative conclusions, but at the same time, Karma is not absolute, unlike Hindu and Buddhist Karma theory where karmas once performed, cannot be reversed and in a strong sense are absolute. The admittance of one's negative karmas before the Guru results in an immediate redemption. Of course, everyone sins(?, if ever there are sins), but the big thing is, whether you admit them or not. Since you have admitted them (the sincerity of which I do not wish to certify, but the Guru surely will), the good news for you is that since the karmas are not absolute, the Guru can pardon them, the thing you have to do is to immerse yourself in the message of Gurbani and bring out a completely new and rejuvenated human everytime you sin(?). Guru is great, he pardons the sinners. That's all I can say....0:)

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

Who is the right one to "forgive" a "sin?"

so far ...no reply to the question, What is the Sikh perspective on sin?

I am not sure of the sikh perspective, so I will let someone else more able to answer that one, but logic suggest the right one to forgive is the one sinned against

My own view is that the creator does not care, does not get disappointed and has no interest if you run over next doors cat, which in itself quite an interesting scenario. You get home, your late, you run over next doors cat, you can either take it to a vet, inform next door, do all you can to assist in something you were the cause of, and try and be as apologetic, sorry and understanding as you can. In my house, if someone ran over Virgil, my wife would be saddened for some time, she would get over it, but it would have a definite effect on her life, and mine, it would not be a small deal.

The other option would be, uhm its only a cat, no one knows I hit it, Im going to bed, I do not think the creator cares one way or another, I think it is for your own conscience to try and correct what you were the cause of, to the person that has been wronged.


Oct 19, 2011
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

I believe its your responsibility to admit you have done wrong and to find a way to draw yourself from the dark into the light

Sin is something that comes in disregard...!!! When you do some deed that is prohibited in your religion ... This is called sin!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: I want to be forgiven for my sins.

spnadmin;150576]Who is the right one to "forgive" a "sin?"
No one. There are no Sins defined in Sikhism.

One can make errors and mistakes and you work those out with the people that are affected by those. For personal and Panthic (the Sikh body) indiscretions specific to Sikh norms and expectations of good living, the Sadh Sangat (congregation) is first stop as per Sikh Rehayt Maryada.

so far ...no reply to the question, What is the Sikh perspective on sin?
Sikhism does not define SINS and hence does not absolve you of any. Guidance on living a good practical life is amply provided for freepeacesign.
Sat Sri Akal.

PS: spnadmin ji you are way smarter than me and I wrote above if it helps others. mundahug


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
@ Kanwaljit Singh ji.... I agree with all my heart. The more the mind is filled with love, the less room there is for "sin."

@ Ambarsaria ji....Thank you for the compliment. I think looking back in time that my questions were intended to refocus the thread and get some replies from SPN members that were slow in coming. I was not trying very hard to develop an argument, but trying to throw some thought questions out in the mix of ideas.

"Sin?" Is this the right word in the context of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Is there a better way to express the idea of transgression that does not depend on Abrahamic theology?