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Christianity Human Rationality & Christanity

May 23, 2005
I am a true Christian. I do not believe the human rationality and introduction of God through the human body. Can you explain?

Ans). What is the meaning of human rationality? Does it mean

  • What ever the human being says, rational (Reasonable) or irrational (Reasonless), should not be accepted
  • Whatever reasonably said by the human being should not be accepted.

If you take the first case, since you are a human being, what ever you say should not be accepted, whether you say reasonable or reasonless. If it is the second case, you should be accepted because whatever, you said is reasonless.

Then you should be a mad person because only mad people speak reasonless. If you say that you are not mad person, then you should have spoken reasonable, in which case you should not be accepted, since, a reasonable saying of the human being should not be accepted according to the above version (b).

You say that God should not be introduced into a human being. Then you are not a true Christian because Christians believe that God is introduced into the human being just like the blood of father is introduced into the son.

Christian believes that Jesus is the son of the Godfather. If you say that Jesus is only messenger of God and not the Son of God, then you are not a Christian and you belong to Islam. Islam says that a messenger is not Son of God but he is only a servant of God.

At this point only Christianity separated from Islam. Originally both Islam and Christianity were one religion only. Islam treated Jesus as the messenger like Mohammed. Christianity is separated from Islam because they treated Jesus, closely related to God like a son to his Father.

In fact Christians of higher order believe Jesus directly as God because Jesus told the same " I and my Father are one and the same ". This saying proves clearly that God and the human incarnation are one and the same. Therefore, being a true Christian, you should accept that God enters the human being or even temporarily becomes the human being.

In both the cases, God either enters or pervades all over the human being. In the case of human incarnation, if you deny both these possibilities, then your Christianity becomes Islam and you are not at all the Christian because you are denying the very fundamental of the Christianity.

In Hinduism all the three concepts are present

I. Advaita of Sankara says that the Lord and the human being become one and the same in the case of human incarnation. Example is Rama. In this case God pervades all over the human body.

II. Visishta Advaita of Ramanuja says that the Lord is present in the heart of human being as in the case of human incarnation, for example Hanuman, who tore His heart and showed Rama in that

III. Dwaita of Madhvacharya says that the Lord is separate in the heaven and sends His servant to this earth as a messenger. For example, Balarama is the Adi Sesha who is the servant of Lord Vishnu in heaven and is the human incarnation.

Thus, Hinduism contains all the three concepts. The first two concepts are called Christianity and the third concept is called Islam. The Mahayana branch of Buddhism worships Buddha in the form of statutes as God or the devotee in whose heart God is present.

In fact according to Hinduism Buddha is directly the Lord since he is treated as one of the ten human incarnations of the Lord. Just like Christianity arose from Islam, Buddhism arose from Hinduism.

The Heenayana branch of Buddhism treats Buddha as a preacher of divine knowledge and treats Him as an ordinary human being. This concept is the concept of Islam or the concept of Madhvacharya in Hinduism. Thus, Hinduism is a mini model of the entire universal religions.

The Science represents atheism. Even this atheism is represented in Hinduism by the sub-religion of Charvaka (Nastika Matam). All the sub-religions of Hinduism are the religions in the world. Whatever is in the world, it is present in Hinduism.

Universal spirituality brings the unity of all religions in the world and thus it brings the unity in all the sub-religions in Hinduism also. Rationality is the essence of the science. The scientist will laugh if you speak any thing irrational (Reasonless).

Even in the small matters of this world, we analyze with reason and logic before we follow it and we say that we should not be emotional in taking any decision. Then how much logical we should be in such great spiritual effort, if you want to attain real success?

In Christianity Jesus is called as Emmanuel, which means that God comes down from heaven to live with us. Only a human form can live with us and guide us through knowledge. The Popes at that time also did not believe Jesus as God or at least as Son of God or even as messenger of the God. They did not like the God to be introduced in human being as you say now. They believed only the dead messengers and not Jesus, who was the then messenger.

The same logic applies today also. You believe the messenger who does not exist now. You do not believe the messenger who now exists before your eyes. Jesus told that He would come again. It means that the same human incarnation will come again and the same story repeats.

The same Jesus is present today and the same people who were blind with egoism and jealousy are present again today. Therefore, I say, the history repeats. As Jesus was insulted, then, today also the egoistic and jealous people will insult Jesus.

Jesus will come in every human generation to give His direct contact. Otherwise, God Jesus becomes partial, because He gave direct contact to one generation only and not to the other generations. He clarified the doubts of one generation only through His direct voice and now He allows the immature human devotees to answer the doubts directly in the other human generations.

He provided the fortune of touching His feet in one generation only and other generations are deprived of that fortune. This makes Jesus totally partial and you say that God is impartial. All the religions also say the same. How can you justify this important statement that God is impartial? Therefore, we have accepted that God is coming in human form like Jesus in every human generation. To avoid answer to this, you are saying that reasoning should be avoided. When reasoning is discarded, you need not answer any question. Whatever you say that must be the truth.

You are rigid without any logic and this is the blind conservatism. This cancer is present in every religion and humanity is always is divided by this cancer. You are opposing the unity of humanity and want to disturb the world peace. God will not tolerate you, and you will be thrown in to permanent hell for misleading the ignorant people.

If you see Bible, Jesus gives reason everywhere in His concepts. For every statement He gives the reason. When the priests asked Him that He should not have saved the animal, which has fallen in the pit on the festival day, He gave the reason for His effort to save that animal.

He analyzed the Old Testament and gave logical interpretations. He did not mind to cut some irrational blind statements present in the Old Testament, by giving rational modifications. He has fulfilled His duty to be the true guide of the humanity. Whenever He leaves the world these rigid people twist and pollute the meanings of scriptures.

To rectify He comes again and again. When the teacher leaves for a few minutes the class becomes undisciplined. The teacher comes to the class again and again. For teaching, the human form is essential. A statue cannot teach you.

If you think Him formless, He is not speaking to you from the sky or space or air. The human body is most convenient medium for the human beings to hear preaching of the God. The main goal of God is to preach the human beings and correct them to put in the right spiritual path.

For beginners, He does some miracles as signs for His presence in the human body. The realized souls will detect Him even without those signs. Sheep see the shepherd and come near by recognizing him with eyes. Some milder sheep come near by hearing his voice, which is a miracle. The mildest sheep try to go away and are punished by the stick of shepherd, which is nothing but permanent hell.

Therefore, if you keep Jesus in the place of the present human incarnation and place the same blind priests in the place of present blind followers, you can understand the truth because the same story and the same cinema is repeated with different actors having different names. This is the best way of understanding the truth. Those priests also opposed Jesus, when He argued with wonderful reason. The duty of the teacher finishes by teaching clearly to the class. It is up to the student to grasp it and pass or twist it and fail following the sweet emotional advises of bad blind friends. The Lord is not worried about the percentage of pass because there is no fault in His teaching. He should not be blamed for the pass or failure of the students. A student himself is to be blamed. When the messenger comes to the earth, he delivers his duty so that the God is pleased with him in the upper world. He is not bothered about the fame in this world or the number of followers. God will not find fault with the messenger if the human beings did not pass. He finds fault with the messenger if the message is not properly delivered. Jesus never bothered about propagation of His knowledge. His aim was only to sit on the right side of His pleased Father after doing the duty assigned by Him. He never cared even if the people rejected, insulted and even crucified Him. His aim was God but not the world.

Human Rationality & Christanity PART –III

For ignorant people the personality of Jesus is a human being crying on the cross and shedding the blood. This personality will kindle the heart of any human being. Initially this will be the attraction for the beginners. But if you stick to this personality only, that body has gone once for all. You can now only worship an imaginary statute of His form on the cross. That human body will never appear again in the same physical level. For such ignorant people Jesus will never come again because the same physical body will never appear again. Only an energetic form can appear to the eyes for a few moments. If you say that you have seen the same physical body, now also, you cannot show it to others. When Jesus was alive and some one told, "He is the Jesus", every visitor saw Him with his eyes. Now that same situation is not present. The real inner personality of Jesus is His divine knowledge, which is the Holy Bible. That divine knowledge is inseparable characteristic of the inner unimaginable God. Then that inner God comes in another human body. This divine knowledge appears again, as it is the inseparable sign of the God. Jesus is the inner personality for the realized scholars.

Similarly the beautiful Krishna with flute attracts the beginners but His inner personality is His divine knowledge, which is Bhagavat Gita. When Jesus told that He will come again and Krishna told that he would come again and again whenever there is necessity that refers to the inner personality. The unimaginable God along with His inseparable sign, which is the divine knowledge, is coming again. This interpretation is reasonable. The inner God by himself is unimaginable or irrational and is beyond reason. When such inner God wants to give His experience to the human beings, He cannot follow the irrational or unimaginable ways, in which case, He cannot be experienced. The purpose fails. Therefore, the irrational God adopts rational procedures and enters rational medium to give experience to human beings. God is unimaginable but His experience should be imaginable. For this purpose He enters reasonable medium i.e., human body that can be seen and touched. Only the human body can live with us (Emmanuel) and we can clarify our doubts only with the human body.

You blame me that I am introducing God into human body, but what have you done? You have blended God with the human body of Jesus and say that only Jesus is God. You say that Jesus became alive again since the dead body disappeared. I agree. He might have controlled His life for some more time. It is against the rules of nature and science, if you say that the same physical body is alive even today. It is completely irrational because you should show the physical body of a person even to a non-believer. Now to avoid my argument you say that the rationality must be rejected. I apply the same argument even to the body of Krishna. It was cremated by Arjuna and cannot return back. Of course the Lord can use His special power to make it permanently alive. But that will violate the rules of His own administration. All the rules in the creation are His rules only. No sensible administrator will violate his own rules, when an alternative is possible. The alternative is to come again in another human body. The body is like a shirt as told in Gita. The person is not the shirt and shirt is not the person.

Gita says that the God is not modified into the human body (Avyaktam Vyakti Mapannam……). The person did not become the shirt but He wares the shirt as said in Gita (Manusheem Tanum …). The Lord wares the human body and does not become the human body. If you touch the shirt present on His body you are getting the experience of the inner body. Similarly the inner God gives His experience through the external body. You are blaming Me for introducing God into human body but you have made the God to become the very human body itself. You have made another mistake by saying that God is that particular human body only, called as Jesus. It is a mistake because in such a case when the human body is destroyed, God is not destroyed. The shirt is torn into pieces but the person is not cut. Recognition of this inner personality in all the shirts of various religions, which are various human incarnations, is universal spirituality. You may change any religion but you are in the house of universal spirituality. You have gone from one room to another room of the same house. If you go out of the house, then you have become atheist and then only your case is miserable. As long as you remain as theist, you are in our house only. In whatever room you may be, my advice to you is that you should recognize the same air, the same space and the same light present in every room. Also, all the walls and roof of every room are made of the same material. In whatever room you may be present you must realize the truth and awake with divine knowledge, but should not sleep with ignorance. The sleep and awakening are also common in every room. Every religion contains both the ignorance (sleep) and the divine knowledge (awakening). Every religion contains the same human incarnation having the same external physical body and the same internal unimaginable God. Change from the ignorance to awakening in whatever room you may be present.

You are not Jesus, who is the judge and whose statement should be taken without any logic. Both of us are devotees of Jesus and the statements of both of us cannot be the judgments. We have to argue like advocates in the court, to find out the true version of the statement of Jesus. No human being has the right to reject the logic in finding out the truth. The judge can say "No argument. Here is my judgment". But the advocate cannot say this to another advocate. When the truth is found out by the mutual arguments of both the advocates, both are benefited because the truth is now known to both. Therefore, you should take My knowledge in the search of truth and should not take it as personal defeat or personal success. We both are colleagues having a common aim, which is finding out the truth.

Human Rationality & Christanity PART –IV

Without medium no fruit can be achieved. Without the wire, you cannot move the fan with the help of the electrons (Electricity) flowing in the atmosphere. Even for an abstract thing, a physical medium of expression is needed. When you love some body, you are giving a gift to him. The gift is the physical medium through which abstract love is experienced. Abstract means imaginable but unseen. God is unimaginable and also is unseen. Therefore, the physical medium is very essential for experiencing God. Even if you treat the messenger as an ordinary human being, he brought the message to you from God and He is the only person who can take your prayer to God. The Sun is in the sky and the lens is on the earth. The power of Sun entered the lens. Both the Sun and the illuminated lens are the sources of the solar energy. Both can be treated as one and the same. If you insult a policeman, the I.G. feels insulted. Thus, God identifies Himself with the servant. Adisesha was the servant of Lord Vishnu and came as the human incarnation called as Balarama. Balarama is one of the ten incarnations of the Lord. When the divine power (Holy Spirit) dawned on Jesus, He became God through out of his life. By this, God pervaded all over the body of the Jesus. God lived in His body and so He said that He and His Father are one and the same. When the body is ready for destruction on the cross, God left that human body and so He cried " Oh! Lord why did you leave Me?" Therefore, the eternal God leaves one human incarnation and enters another human body for the next generation. Without the physical medium, one cannot directly approach the unimaginable God and so He told " One can approach my Father through Me only". Here the word Me means the human body and not that particular human body only. If God is that particular body only, it was the God that was crucified and so God was destroyed then itself. Then " Jesus will come again" becomes false. Here the word Jesus indicates the internal eternal God through body of Jesus.

If you follow anyone with blind faith, who exploits you by kindling your ignorance and emotion, one-day or other your inner consciousness will repel and rebel. Jesus never told, "Follow Me blindly. Ask me no reason". Those priests told like that, and blind people followed them and discarded Lord Jesus.

But the preaching of Lord Jesus convinced a few people. They always addressed Him as preacher. A preacher will always teach the subject with logic and analysis only. Only military officer will say "No argument – Follow me". God is fully capable of preaching through logic and analysis with fine reasoning. What is the necessity for Him to stoop down to the level of a layman or a mad man to avoid the reasoning? In catching the Lord you must analyze thoroughly. Otherwise there is a danger of catching a false blind preacher.

Once you are sure of the Lord, your faith should start, which should be above the analysis and logic. The reason is that He is above logic. But to filter the fraud preachers, analysis is essential. Your faith should not contain logic, but it should stand on the firm logic. You must achieve the faith through logic and stop the logic after attaining the faith.

The human incarnation is never accepted in past, present and future because the egoism and jealousy of the human beings are never crucified. When God is fully revealed in the human incarnation, people reject Him due to egoism and jealousy.

If God is hidden in the human incarnation, then also they will reject by treating Him as an ordinary human being with negligence. Therefore, the human incarnation should neither express God fully nor should hide the God completely.

He should express the God to that extent only, which can remove the negligence but should hide God to that extent, which cannot raise the egoism and jealousy. The behavior of the human incarnation is thus a balance point of the mixture.

The human incarnation itself is a balanced mixture of the unimaginable God and physically perceivable human body. The unimaginability or inexplicability of the God, called as Brahman or Jehovah or Allah, which is expressed through the silence of Buddha. Buddha kept silent about God to indicate that God is beyond the words and imagination.

Some followers immediately misunderstood Buddha as an atheist and the most pitiable point is that He Himself is one of the ten incarnations of the Lord.

You can neither reach God directly due to His unimaginable nature, nor recognize Him when He comes to you in human form due to negligence. The final result is only total loss in any case.

I pity this unfortunate humanity in this ultimate spiritual point. This makes the souls to rotate in the cycle of creation continuously for the entertainment of the Lord forever and perhaps that is the intrinsic wish of the Lord!

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
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