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Islam How Long Shall The Khalsa Sleep?

Hardas Singh

(previously Satyadhi)
Feb 19, 2007
Maybe I am the only one who feels this way, but with the increasing amount of stories in the news about Sikhs being beheaded by the taliban and being forced to leave their homes, I am feeling restless. Why are we not doing something about this? We are the Khalsa, we are our own nation! Sikhs may not have a physical Sikh nation, but neither did the Jews and that never stopped the Jews from viewing themselves as a nation. I thought Guru Gobind Singh told all Sikhs to practice arms. Why are we not fighting the taliban ourselves alongside the other free nations of the world. The U.S. military does not want to allow Khalsa Sikhs into the military, why should we care? We have our own army! The Khalsa not only protects Sikhs, but also everyone else who is oppressed. Why are we not living up to the standard Guru Gobind Singh ji set for us?

Why are there so many terrorist camps recruiting young men to strap bombs on themselves so that they can commit suicide and kill hundreds of innocent people including their own people who want peace instead of war?

Why aren't we recruiting men and women to protect the Sikh community as well as anyone else who asks for our help?
If the Khalsa would wake up then we could completely destroy the taliban. Every Sikh could kill a lakh of terrorists each! Even with only a handful of Sikhs how could these terrorists stand a chance?

The great thing about the Khalsa is that if any of these terrorists see the error in their ways we would be happy to help them get their lives back on track. We could easily win civilians over to our cause by performing seva. Feeding the poor, providing medical care to the sick as well as those injured in the fight for freedom, regardless of which side they are on.

Maybe my ideas are too radical, but it seems to me that the Khalsa needs to wake up and take up the sword once again!
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Briefly: At present in the era of Kaljug, the dark clouds (BADALS!) are overshadowing all the aspects of Sikh Panth. Secondly Sikhs have gone astray of the true teachings of our Gurus - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

As the consequence the Sikhs are drained of their "Guru Shakti / Spirit" and lost in space.

The need of the moment requires "Bhagat Singh" to unshackle and free the Sikh panth from the above evils, and thus to refocus the Sikhs in order to move ahead.

Our political / religious leaders have no foresight or savvy to lead the Panth. Their sole objective is "KHURSI & MAYA" !

We need "brain power" and not "brawl power" to re-educate the Sikhs. The process must be to let go of the PAST ( it is history/ lessons well learned to be applied ), embrace the PRESENT, and focus on the FUTURE of the Panth !


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Soul Jyot ji

You have summed it up as far as I am concerned. Spirit, intelligence, bhaghati, compassion, knowledge, and single-pointed consciousness. Only you said it better. :wah:

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Maybe I am the only one who feels this way, but with the increasing amount of stories in the news about Sikhs being beheaded by the taliban and being forced to leave their homes, I am feeling restless. Why are we not doing something about this? We are the Khalsa, we are our own nation! Sikhs may not have a physical Sikh nation, but neither did the Jews and that never stopped the Jews from viewing themselves as a nation. I thought Guru Gobind Singh told all Sikhs to practice arms. Why are we not fighting the taliban ourselves alongside the other free nations of the world. The U.S. military does not want to allow Khalsa Sikhs into the military, why should we care? We have our own army! The Khalsa not only protects Sikhs, but also everyone else who is oppressed. Why are we not living up to the standard Guru Gobind Singh ji set for us?

Why are there so many terrorist camps recruiting young men to strap bombs on themselves so that they can commit suicide and kill hundreds of innocent people including their own people who want peace instead of war?

Why aren't we recruiting men and women to protect the Sikh community as well as anyone else who asks for our help?
If the Khalsa would wake up then we could completely destroy the taliban. Every Sikh could kill a lakh of terrorists each! Even with only a handful of Sikhs how could these terrorists stand a chance?

The great thing about the Khalsa is that if any of these terrorists see the error in their ways we would be happy to help them get their lives back on track. We could easily win civilians over to our cause by performing seva. Feeding the poor, providing medical care to the sick as well as those injured in the fight for freedom, regardless of which side they are on.

Maybe my ideas are too radical, but it seems to me that the Khalsa needs to wake up and take up the sword once again!

I am sorry I can only thank you once! I have repeatedly said the same ideas and found myself criticised as a "fundamentalist" or a "radical" or even as promoting terrorism, if not myself being a terrorist. :up:

I believe many of us are in agreement and it would just take some organisation. Who do you suggest is up to the task?

Now I think you see the problem. At present, we Sikhs have NO true leadership. I pray that it will soon be the Hukam of Vaheguru to send us Sikhs we can trust to lead us.

Shaheed Jaspal Singh ji has shown as the way a Gursikh behaves under pressure. Now it is our task to respond to the 21st Century Mughals in an appropriate fashion.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Now I think you see the problem. At present, we Sikhs have NO true leadership. I pray that it will soon be the Hukam of Vaheguru to send us Sikhs we can trust to lead us.

Shaheed Jaspal Singh ji has shown as the way a Gursikh behaves under pressure. Now it is our task to respond to the 21st Century Mughals in an appropriate fashion.

I think this is profound and at the same time poignant. We look around, or at least I do, and wonder about each group that rises up and ask -- What is the political pay-off for them?

Events are distressing.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
I think this is profound and at the same time poignant. We look around, or at least I do, and wonder about each group that rises up and ask -- What is the political pay-off for them?

Events are distressing.

I myself find consolation in the Sikh belief that everything that happens is the Hukam of Vaheguru. Somehow it all works out the way it needs to.

Of course, that isn't to say that I understand...:stirpot:
Oct 10, 2009

I feel the same way that many of our brothers and sisters are getting killed in Pakistan and there's no help from both the governments. Well problem lies with fact that the people have no knowledge about Sikh religion or limited excess which leads to the situation like Deras in Punjab and moreover youth of Punjab is intoxicated with drugs. Unless and Until message of SGGS is spread the problem will seize to exist. But one day Khalsa will rise and destroy the fanatical rule from this world here is the prophesy by
the Tenth Master about Khalsa Raj- IN SAU SAKHIS

"The Tenth Master, Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his Sikhs were travelling south. There was, on the way, a village by the name of saheva. As they neared the village, they came to a grove of Jand trees. Here the Sikhs asked the Guru if this might be a good place to stop and rest. The Guru agreed and they made their camp.

After the camp was set up, the Guru told his men to go and look for a Pipal tree (fig tree). They replied, "But Sir, the Pipal treedoesn't grow in this region, for it is very arid here and the Pipal tree grows where there is water. "Go and look" replied the Guru. The Sikhs went out to search for the Pipal tree but returned without success. "Go and look again" said the Guru. One Sikh climbed to the top of the highest Jand tree to look in all
directions, but still he saw no Pipal tree. Climbing down from the tree he told the Guru that although he could not see a Pipal tree growing anywhere around the camp, there was a tiny sapling of a Pipal tree growing in the around the camp, there was a tiny sapling of a Pipal tree growing in the roots of the big Jand tree.

On seeing the sapling, the Master spoke thus: "This sapling will grow into a mighty tree. When it overshadows the parent Jand tree and overwhelms it, that is the time for the Order of the Khalsa to grow in large numbers. They shall achieve recognition in the direction and the countires of the West. Then the flag of True Religion shall be implanted there. The Sikhs shall become sovereign in the Sikh homelands and then become the decision makers." On hearing this the Sikhs made a deep obeisance and said, "Glory be to the Guru and the True Master."

In 1957 or thereabouts, it was reported that the Pipal tree was equal in height to the parent Jand tree. Based on this, we can expect some significant events to take place in the next few decades that will cause this prophecy of the Guru to be fullfilled.

The above is taken from THE VOICE OF TRUTH (Sach Di Avaaj) Vol. 1 No. 1 & 2

This Sakhi even mentions OPERATION BLUESTAR at the same time it says 9 million SINGH
will re-unite under one banner and destroy evil rule and establish one Government and
looking at things half of the Sakhi has also come true and other part is yet to happen


Gurveen Singh
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