- May 9, 2006
- 3,261
- 5,193
I don't think I can link to commercial websites, so I'll just post a snippet of what's bothering me just now:
Look what other magic mantras you can get, whoopee-doo!
What the heck do these people think their doing?!
So many Sikhs DIED for Gurbani... and they're selling it like potions in bottles or something. :angryyoungkaur:
If this post is inappropriate, admin jis can please delete. peacesignkaur
The mantra Satigur Kar Deenai, written by Guru Arjan, the 5th Guru of the Sikhs, is an invocation of Love into the home. The presence of high, angelic energy is called upon specifically to protect our homes. It is spoken as an affirmative prayer, as if we know this protection has already come to pass, which makes it especially potent. The force of the Universe rushes in to support you. I'm not saying that you leave this mantra playing in the home and then don't lock your doors. By all means, lock your doors and set an alarm if you choose to. What it means is that protection comes from the Universe, whatever tool it chooses to use to protect your home. This mantra summons a powerful, loving force and reminds you that it is the presence of that Love which places you at ease, whether what we are protecting is your home or your heart.
Mantra for Protecting Your Home: Satigur Kar Deenai
Satigur kar deenai asthir ghar baar
Jo jo nind karai in grihan kee
Tis aagai hee maarai kartaar
Satigur kar deenai asthir ghar baar
Nanak daas taa kee saranaa-ee
Jaa ko shabad akhand apaar
The Guru has protected our homes
He who slanders these homes
Is predestined, by the Creator-Lord, to be defeated
The Guru has protected our homes
Nanak seeks but the refuge of that Lord
Whose word is Infinite and Eternal
How to use this mantra:
Recite, chant or listen to this mantra until you feel a sense of peace.
I'm feeling frustrated, kinda angry, and like a massive disrespect is being shown to Gurbani by this. I feel strongly that this sort of publication and encouragement of these practices is anti-Gurmat and paints and very poor picture of Sikhi to the West (target audience).Mantra for Protecting Your Home: Satigur Kar Deenai
Satigur kar deenai asthir ghar baar
Jo jo nind karai in grihan kee
Tis aagai hee maarai kartaar
Satigur kar deenai asthir ghar baar
Nanak daas taa kee saranaa-ee
Jaa ko shabad akhand apaar
The Guru has protected our homes
He who slanders these homes
Is predestined, by the Creator-Lord, to be defeated
The Guru has protected our homes
Nanak seeks but the refuge of that Lord
Whose word is Infinite and Eternal
How to use this mantra:
Recite, chant or listen to this mantra until you feel a sense of peace.
Look what other magic mantras you can get, whoopee-doo!
- Mantra for Surgery: Triple Mantra, Ra Ma Da Sa and Guru Ram Das
- Mantra for Respect: Pavan guru paani pitaa (Salok of Japji)
- Mantra for Destiny: Jat Paahaaraa (The 38th Pauri of Japji)
- Mantra for Completing Your Karma: Ik Du Jibhau (The 32nd Pauri of Japji)
- Mantra for Moving Forward: So Dar Kehaa (The 27th Pauri of Japji)
- Mantra for Business Success: Amul Gun (The 26th Pauri of Japji)
- Mantra for Elevation: Saalaahi Saalaah (The 23rd Pauri of Japji)
- Mantra for Legal Victory: Paataalaa Paataal (The 22nd Pauri of Japji)
What the heck do these people think their doing?!
So many Sikhs DIED for Gurbani... and they're selling it like potions in bottles or something. :angryyoungkaur:
If this post is inappropriate, admin jis can please delete. peacesignkaur