Gurbani Kirtan Mp3 Player - Shabad #27 - Jo Nar Dukh Mai Dukh Nahi Mane
SGGSJ Ang 633
Sorith Guru Teg Bahadur
soriT mhlw 9 ]
sorath mehalaa 9 ||
Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl:
jo nru duK mY duKu nhI mwnY ]
jo nar dhukh mai dhukh nehee maanai ||
That man, who in the midst of pain, does not feel pain,
suK snyhu Aru BY nhI jw kY kMcn mwtI mwnY ]1] rhwau ]
sukh sanaehu ar bhai nehee jaa kai kanchan maattee maanai ||1|| rehaao ||
who is not affected by pleasure, affection or fear, and who looks alike upon gold and dust;||1||Pause||
nh inMidAw nh ausqiq jw kY loBu mohu AiBmwnw ]
neh nindhiaa neh ousathath jaa kai lobh mohu abhimaanaa ||
Who is not swayed by either slander or praise, nor affected by greed, attachment or pride;
hrK sog qy rhY inAwrau nwih mwn Apmwnw ]1]
harakh sog thae rehai niaaro naahi maan apamaanaa ||1||
who remains unaffected by joy and sorrow, honor and dishonor;||1||
Awsw mnsw sgl iqAwgY jg qy rhY inrwsw ]
aasaa manasaa sagal thiaagai jag thae rehai niraasaa ||
who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world;
kwmu k®oDu ijh prsY nwhin iqh Git bRhmu invwsw ]2]
kaam krodhh jih parasai naahan thih ghatt breham nivaasaa ||2||
who is not touched by sexual desire or anger - within his heart, God dwells. ||2||
gur ikrpw ijh nr kau kInI iqh ieh jugiq pCwnI ]
gur kirapaa jih nar ko keenee thih eih jugath pashhaanee ||
That man, blessed by Guru's Grace, understands this way.
nwnk lIn BieE goibMd isau ijau pwnI sMig pwnI ]3]11]
naanak leen bhaeiou gobindh sio jio paanee sang paanee ||3||11||
O Nanak, he merges with the Lord of the Universe, like water with water. ||3||11||
SGGSJ Ang 633
Sorith Guru Teg Bahadur
soriT mhlw 9 ]
sorath mehalaa 9 ||
Sorat'h, Ninth Mehl:
jo nru duK mY duKu nhI mwnY ]
jo nar dhukh mai dhukh nehee maanai ||
That man, who in the midst of pain, does not feel pain,
suK snyhu Aru BY nhI jw kY kMcn mwtI mwnY ]1] rhwau ]
sukh sanaehu ar bhai nehee jaa kai kanchan maattee maanai ||1|| rehaao ||
who is not affected by pleasure, affection or fear, and who looks alike upon gold and dust;||1||Pause||
nh inMidAw nh ausqiq jw kY loBu mohu AiBmwnw ]
neh nindhiaa neh ousathath jaa kai lobh mohu abhimaanaa ||
Who is not swayed by either slander or praise, nor affected by greed, attachment or pride;
hrK sog qy rhY inAwrau nwih mwn Apmwnw ]1]
harakh sog thae rehai niaaro naahi maan apamaanaa ||1||
who remains unaffected by joy and sorrow, honor and dishonor;||1||
Awsw mnsw sgl iqAwgY jg qy rhY inrwsw ]
aasaa manasaa sagal thiaagai jag thae rehai niraasaa ||
who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world;
kwmu k®oDu ijh prsY nwhin iqh Git bRhmu invwsw ]2]
kaam krodhh jih parasai naahan thih ghatt breham nivaasaa ||2||
who is not touched by sexual desire or anger - within his heart, God dwells. ||2||
gur ikrpw ijh nr kau kInI iqh ieh jugiq pCwnI ]
gur kirapaa jih nar ko keenee thih eih jugath pashhaanee ||
That man, blessed by Guru's Grace, understands this way.
nwnk lIn BieE goibMd isau ijau pwnI sMig pwnI ]3]11]
naanak leen bhaeiou gobindh sio jio paanee sang paanee ||3||11||
O Nanak, he merges with the Lord of the Universe, like water with water. ||3||11||