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Giving Ardaas For Justice And Equality

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
admin note: Beginning this Monday, April 1, 2013 respected forum member Tejwant Singh Malik offers the opening prayer to the Nevada State Senate in the United States. His ardaas will be a radio-broadcast, and continues for one week. Tejwant ji was kind enough to give us permission to post his inspiration here at Sikh Philosophy Network.

Senate Opening Prayer - Teji Malik

Good Morning.

Ik Ong Kaar means there is One Source of all. We are all surrounded by its wow and awe factors.
I am a Sikh, which means a student and a learner, just like you all who are gathered at the Senate to fulfill important duties which affect all Nevadans including myself.

Guru Granth, the Sikh scripture says: “Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light. This Light is radiant within all that are present here.”

Oh, The One Source of All! We are gathered here today in your omnipresence for the opening of the Senate after the Easter break and we all know the significance of Easter in our hearts.
Lord, your presence is in all, irrespective of our hue, creed or faith.

You are the Center and we all come to you by many paths, to seek your help so that you can breed goodness in us, so that we can share with others.

Please make our shoulders stronger so that we can offer them to those who need them to lean on. Breed acceptance in us so that we can see You in all. Make us the flowers of your garden so that we can emit the scent in all directions.

As a Sikh, I am taught to see the divine in all and it is my duty to fight for equality and justice for all, no matter what religion one may belong to.

Lord, our only goal and mission as humans in this Senate is to see the ONE in all. Oh Lord! Help us in fighting against Injustice and for Equality in this session.

Now the question arises, how can we have the courage to fight for equality and against injustice?

Let me close by saying what the Guru Granth says:
“I have no animosity against anyone, I see no one as stranger”.


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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
admin note: Beginning this Monday, April 1, 2013 respected forum member Tejwant Singh Malik offers the opening prayer to the Nevada State Senate in the United States. His ardaas will be a radio-broadcast, and continues for one week. Tejwant ji was kind enough to give us permission to post his inspiration here at Sikh Philosophy Network.

Senate Opening Prayer - Teji Malik

Good Morning.

Ik Ong Kaar means there is One Source of all. We are all surrounded by its wow and awe factors.
I am a Sikh, which means a student and a learner, just like you all who are gathered at the Senate to fulfill important duties which affect all Nevadans including myself.

Guru Granth, the Sikh scripture says: “Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light. This Light is radiant within all that are present here.”

Oh, The One Source of All! We are gathered here today in your omnipresence for the opening of the Senate after the Easter break and we all know the significance of Easter in our hearts.
Lord, your presence is in all, irrespective of our hue, creed or faith.

You are the Center and we all come to you by many paths, to seek your help so that you can breed goodness in us, so that we can share with others.

Please make our shoulders stronger so that we can offer them to those who need them to lean on. Breed acceptance in us so that we can see You in all. Make us the flowers of your garden so that we can emit the scent in all directions.

As a Sikh, I am taught to see the divine in all and it is my duty to fight for equality and justice for all, no matter what religion one may belong to.

Lord, our only goal and mission as humans in this Senate is to see the ONE in all. Oh Lord! Help us in fighting against Injustice and for Equality in this session.

Now the question arises, how can we have the courage to fight for equality and against injustice?

Let me close by saying what the Guru Granth says:
“I have no animosity against anyone, I see no one as stranger”.

This is not a proper Ardass. Some of the most important contents of the Ardass are clearly missing. If you refer to SRM page 4, contents of Ardass, it clearly states that the following demands must be made.

1. Someone called Bunty to pass his driving test.
2. Someone called Tiger to make lots of money from a new business.
3. A Khatri family to blessed with a nice obediant Khatri girl for Son.
4. A blessing for Tommy who has bought a new Audi.
5. A thank you from a Davinder Kaur for her new food processor.

I do not think this new wave Sikhism will survive unless we keep the old traditions and rituals of our fathers. In any case, I have to go now, it is puranmashi, which is a religious time for me,

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
This is not a proper Ardass. Some of the most important contents of the Ardass are clearly missing. If you refer to SRM page 4, contents of Ardass, it clearly states that the following demands must be made.

1. Someone called Bunty to pass his driving test.
2. Someone called Tiger to make lots of money from a new business.
3. A Khatri family to blessed with a nice obediant Khatri girl for Son.
4. A blessing for Tommy who has bought a new Audi.
5. A thank you from a Davinder Kaur for her new food processor.

I do not think this new wave Sikhism will survive unless we keep the old traditions and rituals of our fathers. In any case, I have to go now, it is puranmashi, which is a religious time for me,

Harry ji,

Guru Fateh.

Your read my mind about it. However, as money is what makes the world run, I was waiting from the respective families to send me the money via paypal. As that did not happen, I had to be more subdued and impersonal about them. So, my deepest apologies to all from 1 to 5. May Vaheguru deliver all that himself by hand.

Happy Puranmashi. Check its image in a steel bowl filled with water.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Report on today's Prayer invocation for the Senate of Nevada.

There were about 10 people present.

It was transmitted live via CCTV and my picture was on the big screen behind the Senate in the capital Carson City which is about 450 miles up north.

Some comments from the 10 who were present.

1. It was wonderful.
2. No one had spoken like this manner before.
3. Many who spoke before recited the verses from their religions which had nothing to do with the session.
4. You were the first one to talk and motivate the Senate.
5. Your words carried a lot of weight and were beautifully said.And many more.

I am trying to get the video copy of it which is usually for their internal records. If I do, will post it here.

I would love to have some help from all about what to say for the next 4 days. Your input will be highly appreciated.

Doesn't that mean, Mil Sadh Sangat bhaj keval naam?

Lastly, I would request all to do something like that in your local Council, School Districts, State and local Govts and pitch in the way you can. Sikhi demands this from us.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh,

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Second prayer for Tuesday April 2, 2013

Senate Session Opening Prayer- Teji Malik

Ik Ong Kaar- One Source of all, please help us pass the bills to make a difference in people’s life, especially in the lives of the needy and the down trodden.

Oh Lord, give us the courage to reject the status quo which only makes a difference to the very few, the ones who do not need it hence are incapable of appreciating it.

Guru Granth, the Sikh Scripture says: “Where the Fearless Lord is, there is no fear; where there is fear, the Lord is not there”.

So Lord, we plead you to dwell in us. Please make us fearless so the courage of doing the right thing may arise within us through you.

Lord, help us cross our political aisles for the well being of all Nevadans. Make us embrace what is good for all despite our differences.

Lord, You are the only giver, we only share what we may have. We beg you to motivate us to share the common ground that can help all Nevadans.

We may belong to different faiths and religions but our deeds should manifest our love towards all we are responsible for.

Allow me to end with what Guru Granth says:

“Of all religions, this is the best: Not one of rituals. Not one of words. But, one of Deeds -Serving the truly needy”.

Thanks for the honour.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Report on today's Prayer invocation for the Senate of Nevada. 04/02/13

There were about 25 people present today. The word is getting around, it seems.

It was transmitted live via CCTV and my picture was on the big screen behind the Senate in the capital Carson City which is about 450 miles up north.

There were fewer comments but more thank yous afterwards. It seems more people are enjoying it because they told me it was different from other prayers. I did not ask them in what way.

The only new thing happened today which I was told does not happen quite often is that the Speaker of the Senate thanked me over the phone from Carson City for being the positive voice for all Nevadans and they were taking my message seriously for that reason.

That was a heartwarming thing to hear from the speaker. I hope it does not meet its death like a mere political slogan.

More tomorrow.

Tejwant Singh
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This link takes you to a video presentation of the April 1 2013 presentation by forum member Tejwant Singh ji as seen by CCTV from the Senate of Nevada. I am not sure whether this link will self-destruct in time. For now it is working fine.


If you click on this link and select Download below the stream, you will be able to save the video as a QuikTime mp4 file.

Links for each day will be uploaded as they are delivered.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
The third day of ardaas, April 3 2013, delivered to the Senate of the State of Nevada


Senate Session Opening Prayer- Teji Malik

Good Morning.

Ik Ong Kaar- One Source of all, please help us create an oasis in every heart!

Lord! All meaningful actions of human beings stem from certain convictions, generally called faith or belief. It is the belief of a person that molds thinking, which in turn motivates our behaviour in a certain way. Our belief may be secular, spiritual or religious in nature. In either case, beliefs provide strong motivation. The motivation to do good for all those whom we are responsible for is our only responsibility, as it is for the Senators of this great state. Keeping the same in mind, we have turned this vast desert into oasis where happiness is mode de vie with Your help.

Please help us pass bills by holding hands with those we disagree with, having just one goal in mind. That goal is to create an oasis for each Nevadan who is going through the deserted moments of life.

The Guru Granth says:
“When the God lovers practice good deeds then the truth is revealed in their hearts”.

This experience and realization of God in all is not something that is limited to life after death but something that must happen in this very life. If one hasn’t experienced the reality of God in life, it can’t be expected after death.

And that reality can only be accomplished with Your help, My Lord.

Oh Lord, please help us make the life of every Nevadan better. This is not only our civic duty but our responsibility.

Here the Guru Granth says again, “You are the Giver, and You Yourself are the Enjoyer. I know no other than You”.

Now the question before this Senate is, How can we accomplish this for all here in Nevada?

Let me end by quoting from the Guru Granth:

“Make good deeds the soil, and let the goodness be the seed; irrigate it with the water of Truth. The fruits shall be there for all to reap”.

Thanks for the honour.
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Report on today's Prayer invocation for the Senate of Nevada. 04/03/13

The session started late today because there was another hearing going on in the CCTV room. This hearing was very interesting. It was for the illegal immigrants to have Drivers’ licences. The majority was Hispanic who were born in the US and had come to help their parents.Most of them stayed to watch me. It was jam packed. After it was all over, I was taken aback with the joint applause by them. The kin ship of being brown, perhaps. My special thanks to Fernanda Garcia, Jose Costa, Isabella Fontes, Miguel Santos and many more whose names I have forgotten but their warmth remains in my heart. All US born children of the illegal immigrants who came to shake my hands and thank me. They wanted the copy of my invocation which Stef, the Hispanic/Japanese secretary was very kind to make copies of.My thanks to Stef.

Got a very interesting phone call from the speaker again, same as yesterday’s thanking me and letting me know that the prayers seem to be making a difference. I hope it bears some fruits. Lastly got an email and a call from Lora Dobb, the organizer of the event who invited me for this appreciating my efforts.

Tomorrow is the finale.

Tejwant Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
4th and last day of Ardaas, April 4, 2013, delivered to the Senate of the State of Nevada


Senate Session Opening Prayer- Teji Malik

Good Morning.

Ik Ong Kaar- One Source of all. We seek Your help to make us better people so that we can serve the Nevadans in the best possible manner.

Lord, You have put us in this position so that we can be compassionate and understand the aches and pains of people we serve in order to help them.

Guru Granth says: “Let spiritual wisdom be your food, and compassion your attendant”.

Lord, Please break these walls of divisions between the two aisles so we can be Nevadans for all Nevadans.

Lord, give us courage and help us write bills for the betterment of all Nevadans.

The Guru Granth says “Make the love of the Lord your pen, and let your consciousness be the scribe. Then, seek the Lord’s Instructions, and record these deliberations”.

Lord with Your guidance we can achieve the above.

Lord, make us get rid of me-ism so that we can see You in all Nevadans and help them in all possible manners. Says the Guru Granth: “Lord is Merciful, Kind and Compassionate. All are satisfied and fulfilled through Him”.

Lord, for the sake of people we serve, make us righteous even if we have to make sacrifices.

Lord, these seats of power You have bestowed upon us mean nothing if we cannot use them to better the lives of all dwellers of this state.

Guru Granth further says: “The Godlovers do not like falsehood. They are imbued with Truth; they love only Truth”.

Lord, we are ready to give our seats of power as our ultimate sacrifices. What good is this power if it can not make the powerless powerful?

How does one go about this ultimate sacrifice?

Allow me to end with what Guru Granth says: “Such a person remains blissful forever, day and night. Meeting the Lord, peace is found”.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Senate for this great opportunity and privilege.

It has truly been an honour.

Godspeed in all your endeavours!
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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Report on the finale 04/04/13

The room was filled with the people who work for the Nevada legislature. I was told the word got around about this different way where prayer and responsibility are inter mingled.

After it was done, got standing ovation from the staff. Many came to thank me and shake my hands. Very few knew about Sikhi. All who met me said they normally do not watch these things because it is very common but they were told that it was kind of unique and they loved it. Many who did not see the first two saw all of them.

Sikhi in creeping in slowly with its great thought process in the mind of those who had no idea about it before.

Lastly, I would like to thank SPNADMIN JI, without whose help in editing and other tips, this would not have been possible.

Thanks to everyone else for the indulgence.

Tejwant Singh


Nov 17, 2010
admin note: Beginning this monday, april 1, 2013 respected forum member tejwant singh malik offers the opening prayer to the nevada state senate in the united states. His ardaas will be a radio-broadcast, and continues for one week. Tejwant ji was kind enough to give us permission to post his inspiration here at sikh philosophy network.

senate opening prayer - teji malik

good morning.

Ik ong kaar means there is one source of all. We are all surrounded by its wow and awe factors.
I am a sikh, which means a student and a learner, just like you all who are gathered at the senate to fulfill important duties which affect all nevadans including myself.

Guru granth, the sikh scripture says: “amongst all is the light-you are that light. This light is radiant within all that are present here.”

oh, the one source of all! We are gathered here today in your omnipresence for the opening of the senate after the easter break and we all know the significance of easter in our hearts.
Lord, your presence is in all, irrespective of our hue, creed or faith.

You are the center and we all come to you by many paths, to seek your help so that you can breed goodness in us, so that we can share with others.

Please make our shoulders stronger so that we can offer them to those who need them to lean on. Breed acceptance in us so that we can see you in all. Make us the flowers of your garden so that we can emit the scent in all directions.

As a sikh, i am taught to see the divine in all and it is my duty to fight for equality and justice for all, no matter what religion one may belong to.

Lord, our only goal and mission as humans in this senate is to see the one in all. Oh lord! Help us in fighting against injustice and for equality in this session.

Now the question arises, how can we have the courage to fight for equality and against injustice?

Let me close by saying what the guru granth says:
“i have no animosity against anyone, i see no one as stranger”.

good great wonderful,may the great guru and almighty bless us all,with the ability and capability to live in to the ideals of sikhi.[nanak naam chardi kala ,tere bhane sarbat da bhala]
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