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Gangs In The Gurdwara

rajvir kaur

Dec 9, 2009
What makes me angry is that gurmuhk singhs that go to the gurudwara and act as if they own it, getting people to join their group and then talking about them behind their backs and not only kicking them out of the group but also kicking them out of the gurudwara and telling them to leave the area and never come back and that if they did they would get them deported back home the worst is that all the penjis in the group get flirted with. The worst is they are calling each other paji and penji and then going around having affairs with one another behind their husband.

The people that haven’t done anything they get blamed for things they haven’t done and they don’t say anything because they are scared that they might get deported or that its best to keep it quit in case other people hear the wrong things and then no one would respect or talk to them anymore and that it might get to there parents! …now we all know that this is wrong but what can be done on this situation when you do speak against what they are doing, you get accused of being a Sikh girl who converted into islam and that the gurudwara is no place for me? swordfight


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
rajvir kaur ji

it seems that you have been under a lot of stress in the darbar of Waheguru, which is not good. And the situation you described is not healthy on any level. Can you tell us a little more about the management committee, whether they have been approached, what the management does when given a problem. Are there any youth activities organized by the committee? Or is this something happening on the side that they may not be aware of as they should? has anyone reported this to the committee? I am asking these questions so we can get a better picture of who is really in charge. :)


Sep 14, 2010
I don't go to the gurdwara much myself as there is usually a lot of people who go there just to gossip. Also gurdwaras and other places of worship are sometimes treated as wishing wells.

I'm sure that those so called gurmukhs are simply just superficial, they think they've maybe just joined this special exclusive club. \even the committees probably have corrupt members.

rajvir kaur

Dec 9, 2009
i have spoken to the committee (and yes they are courrputed) and they said that if it does happen again or if they hear from someone else them they will do something about it but you see its been 2 years now and i finally stood up and said that it was wrong because i cut my hair they started saying that i converted into islam and am only here to convert people. youths used to come and hold kirtan programs but the penjjis stopped, then a few people started coming and now no one comes barely. The committee is never there to see it they leave by 3pm or 5pm and everyone starts coming at 7pm to whatever time they want to stay till. and i do try to ignor them but they come up to me and ask do you cut your hair and when i say yes they ask what am doing in the gurudwara then motherlylove?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Are there any other gurdwaras in your area where things may be calmer? Sometimes it is better to change the place where you stand than to get involved in a battle. Old saying, You cannot make a silk purse out of pig;s ear.


Apr 3, 2005
i have spoken to the committee (and yes they are courrputed) and they said that if it does happen again or if they hear from someone else them they will do something about it but you see its been 2 years now and i finally stood up and said that it was wrong because i cut my hair they started saying that i converted into islam and am only here to convert people. youths used to come and hold kirtan programs but the penjjis stopped, then a few people started coming and now no one comes barely. The committee is never there to see it they leave by 3pm or 5pm and everyone starts coming at 7pm to whatever time they want to stay till. and i do try to ignor them but they come up to me and ask do you cut your hair and when i say yes they ask what am doing in the gurudwara then motherlylove?

Your accusation against Gurdwara looks quite strange.You are in a country where almost 90% sikh youth cut their hair and you are saying that Gurdwara members harass you by saying if you cut your hair then why
are you here? .I don't understand why will committe members are bothering about an 18-19 year old girl.Also what about your parents .Do they don't go to Gurdwara with you? why don't they reply to people who accuse you?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I think what rajvir kaur ji is trying to explain is this. She cuts her hair. It is not an issue, unless she comes before the committee to call a problem to their attention. Then it is an issue. She may feel that they are turning a blind eye to some very serious behavioral problems. Then when she asks them to take a look, take the blinders off, they make is seem as if she has no right to complain because after all she cuts her hair. In other words, shifting blame to her rather than taking control of the situation.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." Her cut hair does not excuse ignoring other things that are happening. Anyway, that is my sense of what she is explaining here.

rajvir kaur

Dec 9, 2009
no my parents dont come with me but now am getting penjjis to read and write their names on a piece of paper that says what i told them and to do something about it, and if it is not done then we will take actions because i have spoken to pajjis from the other gurudwara and they are not happy with this..so lets see how it goes..cheerleader


Aug 11, 2010
I agree with you all people don't go to guru dwara for the guru's guidance, some people in my own family go there for gossip but when ever I go there I ignore other people just focus on gurbani and do my share of seva and come home, one time I got lectured by a lady on how we should clean gurudwara and she herself barely does any seva, I just ignore people like her, I go to Guru dwara for Guru not for people like her, afterall everyone has a different motive to go to Gurudwara
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