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Canada Footsteps Into Gangland


May 8, 2010
I put this thought out for consideration. A video of a movie trailer has been posted to start the thread. Caspian ji alleges that the movie stands a chance to be a catalyst for social change. Indeed the film's creator has been described as a kind of advocate for cultural reflection. At least this is my understanding. My question: How much of the discussion so far has addressed whetherthe movie will live up to the mark? Will it provoke soul-searching? Will it provoke serious discussion of persistent problems in the Vancouver South-asian community. What will that look like? Who will say what? Is any of this kind of discussion possible based on a trailer. So far I have read next to nothing about that in this dialog. Let's move in a different direction, because, frankly, it is impossible to tell what this discussion is about, except as it seems to be 2 pages of assumptions about what the "other" person is thinking or would do under hypothetical circumstances.

Thanks Ambarsaria for incisive comments.

Singh how are we suppose to make accurate comments on the back of a trailer?

Caspian has seen it, but the rest of us will only be commenting through guess work as those clips may be part of a bigger picture

My guess is that this film will just be out to make money, it wont solve anything


Mar 7, 2008
My guess is that this film will just be out to make money, it wont solve anything

I dont think it will make much money due to the controversial nature of the film. It received an 18A rating making it impossible to market to its original target audience of highschool kids from grades 8-12. The director will most likely be in debt for this film considering his last film "A Warrior's Religion" also put him in debt ultimately (despite winning the best doc award at the sikh internation film fest in ny).

Neither the doc and this film are really that great in terms of docs and films in general I guess. But if anyone here does live in the area, I do suggest watching it—if only for curiosity's sake:p. Maybe ill be in the theater with yuh.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I agree completely with this comment
Singh how are we suppose to make accurate comments on the back of a trailer?

What we get is suggestive, leering, titillating, peek-a-boo, sex shots, and all designed to sell tickets.

So maybe this thread isn't going anywhere. Maybe we have to wait to see the movie in order to make sense.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I dont think it will make much money due to the controversial nature of the film. It received an 18A rating making it impossible to market to its original target audience of highschool kids from grades 8-12. The director will most likely be in debt for this film considering his last film "A Warrior's Religion" also put him in debt ultimately (despite winning the best doc award at the sikh internation film fest in ny).

Neither the doc and this film are really that great in terms of docs and films in general I guess. But if anyone here does live in the area, I do suggest watching it—if only for curiosity's sake:p. Maybe ill be in the theater with yuh.
caspian ji I am trying to connect hypothetical dots,

  • you don't see it as a commercial quality (inspite of sex, violence, language, etc.)
  • I also don't see it having redeeming value if it does not address the audience at formative stage (i.e. 18 minus and not 18+)
  • I wish the attempt was commercially successful for future efforts by the Director/Producer, but it does not look so
Now "Bend it like Beckham" was the quality these people need to aspire to (of course my opinion). One of my favorite songs,


YouTube - Darshan

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: Badshah ji it is very lame to say the following,

“ ….. Well as what most Sikhs are saying that Satwant Singh, Kehar Singh and Beant Singh have been punished for murdering Indra Ghandi” ,

which indicates that you truly believe three people with semi-automatic weapons were needed to kill a lady in a saree! On top once that they were framed/charged that all were given due justice, and so judged to be murderers of first degree to be hanged. Really! So far none of the Hindus have been hanged for thousands of murders.

Complicity by so called silent majority on such situations is deafening to “Lady Justice”. Step up and encourage others with your general wisdom and resourcefulness (you seem to have quoted the names of "Hanged Sikhs") as I consider you to be good writer.


May 8, 2010
caspian ji I am trying to connect hypothetical dots,

  • you don't see it as a commercial quality (inspite of sex, violence, language, etc.)
  • I also don't see it having redeeming value if it does not address the audience at formative stage (i.e. 18 minus and not 18+)
  • I wish the attempt was commercially successful for future efforts by the Director/Producer, but it does not look so
Now "Bend it like Beckham" was the quality these people need to aspire to (of course my opinion). One of my favorite songs,


YouTube - Darshan

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: Badshah ji it is very lame to say the following,

“ ….. Well as what most Sikhs are saying that Satwant Singh, Kehar Singh and Beant Singh have been punished for murdering Indra Ghandi” ,

which indicates that you truly believe three people with semi-automatic weapons were needed to kill a lady in a saree! On top once that they were framed/charged that all were given due justice, and so judged to be murderers of first degree to be hanged. Really! So far none of the Hindus have been hanged for thousands of murders.

Complicity by so called silent majority on such situations is deafening to “Lady Justice”. Step up and encourage others with your general wisdom and resourcefulness (you seem to have quoted the names of "Hanged Sikhs") as I consider you to be good writer.

I am not sure what your point is but it appears that this your attempt to frame me for something??? Appears that you have tried to make a point from a point that does not exist or from one that was not intended?

I said that if these three have been punished then so should all the others that murdered many SIkhs, do you have a problem with this? Not one killer has been punished for their crimes against Sikhs


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The thread is off topic. Please return to the main idea. If this does not seem to be possible then off topic replies will be removed and the thread will be closed. Debate issues not personalities.