Must see video on Sikhs Martial Arts:
A violent and ****** martial art banned in India, is enjoying a resurgence in the UK. Nina Teggarty reports.
Shastar Vidiya, the violent and ****** science of weapons, banned by a British Raj worried about violent insurrection, is being revived by a Sikh factory worker from Wolverhampton.
It is part of a trend - all martial arts are on the up.
Fighting with razor sharp blades - Channel 4 News
A violent and ****** martial art banned in India, is enjoying a resurgence in the UK. Nina Teggarty reports.
Shastar Vidiya, the violent and ****** science of weapons, banned by a British Raj worried about violent insurrection, is being revived by a Sikh factory worker from Wolverhampton.
It is part of a trend - all martial arts are on the up.
Fighting with razor sharp blades - Channel 4 News