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Hard Talk Female Jathedar(nis) Of Takhat

Jul 30, 2004

Till this date we have no faith where female have head the faith as far as Das knows.

Das wants to know that can we have Female as Jathedar/Jathedarnis of Holy Takhats.

Sher Singh

Nov 10, 2004

Of course ji. Women in Sikhism can do anything men can do. If men can be head's of Takhat's then I believe women have the right to do that as well. 100%:D. Sikhi is the only religion to provide inequality to women:) Anything a man can do, a women can do (better:p) LOL. Hope that solved your question:)

Sep 11, 2005
Dear VijayDeep Ji

Faith is universal , Faith is single , Faith is God , Faith is Waheguru .

To Head the Faith means to Head the Waheguru .....

So , the Question is Wrong ?

If you even change the Question to Head the Religion , Then also it will be Wrong .....

Religion is universal , Religion is Single .

The word Religion has been made up of two Words .

Re+legion which means Re Union

And far as Female is concerned , There is no difference between Man and Woman , Both are complementary ....

Both Men and Women are equal , what differentiates both is only the dress provided by the Waheguru ..........

Rest All is Same .

So , There is nothing wrong in it ......

There is no question of duality .........

If in sikhi it is said Men and Women are equal , then why hesitate to PRACTICE IT !


Jun 1, 2004
Respected HP Luthra ji, your reply in this thread was lost. In future, kindly click Quote button to reply to a members post to avoid such mishaps.

Thanks and Regards.
Oct 14, 2005
Im sure everyone is fimilar with the story of Mai Bhago and the 40 Sikhs..Same concept. They are equel in the eyes of god and should be in humans too. I see no problem. If we have female jathas and tadhi's in canada , I see no reason why they cant have them in the Akal Thakat
Mar 22, 2006
Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa
wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh!

Mata Sundri Kaur, wife of Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj was the leader of the Khalsa for many years after the 10th Master passed from his earthly form in 1708.
Without Mata Sahib Kaur, the mother of the Khalsa, we would not have kindness and compassion to our 'warrior' personality infused in the Amrit on the first Baisakh in 1699.
Without Mata Mai Bhago Kaur, we would not mentioned the Chali Mukhtay (the 40 Liberated Ones).
Women marry saints, serve saints, give birth to saints and are saints. One day the true meaning of Khalsa will be realized at Darbar Sahib in Amritsar and Khalsa women will be allowed to carry the Palki, the Nishan Sahib, perform Gurubani for the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and Sadh Sangat. One day, an historic day by Guru's Divine Grace.
Cherdi Kala!
:wah: Sathanuman Singh, Jathedar
Mar 17, 2005
all these derais are gonna make a big argument how bibia cant be jathedarnis of akal takht... they already made such a big case about bibia being in 5 pyarai and bibia doing kirtan in darbar sahib... what makes anyone think these bhamans are gonna let a bibi be a jathedar....

yes of course it is right... but who is there to stop the wrong :down:

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
all these derais are gonna make a big argument how bibia cant be jathedarnis of akal takht... they already made such a big case about bibia being in 5 pyarai and bibia doing kirtan in darbar sahib... what makes anyone think these bhamans are gonna let a bibi be a jathedar....

yes of course it is right... but who is there to stop the wrong :down:

This is huge issue in Sikhi. One that people don't want to address because they think there are other more important things than equality for females. Off the top of my head:

- Women are barred from seva as Panj Pyaras by many sects (DDT, Nihung etc) even though Sikh Rehet Maryada explicitly allows it. Even some Gurdwaras that follow Sikh Rehet Maryada hesitate to ever choose a Singhni for this seva because they fear hurting sentiments of the groups that ARE dead set against it. Reasons (read: excuses) that have been given for such staunch opposition to this are "no woman gave her head that day" (suggesting Guru Ji has a grudge against women), The Panj Pyaras are representing Guru Ji and Guru Ji was male therefore a woman never could (never mind that ultimate reality is formless, genderless and all souls are seen as feminine. The body is temporary and gender is only for procreation). And Jarnail Singh Bindranwale making statement that women can't do this seva is held as gospel by many. So.... the discrimination continues.

- Kirtan at Darbar Sahib. Reasons I have heard for this prohibition have to do with women being impure. The fact that women bleed and blood is seen as 'dirty' then women would of course sully up the place if they were too close to SGGSJ. And don't forget the fact that many DDT members etc keep mentioning that women stink during this time of month. (I guess they have never heard of modern hygiene products... or the fact that Gurus openly CONDEMNED any idea of menstruation being impurity in Gurbani). Seva is being controlled by certain groups at Darbar Sahib, and they have 'traditionally' barred women from participating, therefore of course they wish to uphold their 'tradition' as if it was something good. (Never mind that these groups came into control over the seva, at a time when Hindu influence - see laws of manu - pervaded Amritsar, and even idol worship was being done there!)

- Palki Sahib Seva - This one you'd think would be benign but nope... if a woman approaches palki sahib there, she will be scolded by jathedars there telling her women are 'not allowed to touch the palki sahib' that only males can. Their reason (excuse) is that women can get jostled and they want to prevent sexual misconduct. However, if this were the case, it would not be a statement of 'women not being allowed' (often stated in disgust as if a woman would desecrate it) but instead they would quote safety. (but nevermind the fact anyway, that many women are big enough to handle themselves, and the Singhs should have enough self control that they won't grope a woman. I mean seriously, do they think that lowly of Singhs there that they think they would all grope a woman who went to do palki sahib seva???)

- Washing Sanctum Sanctorum with milk... this one also seems benign, but oh noooo..... the men remove their bottoms and work in just their kasheras. Obviously a woman can't do that (and why not anyway??? Kachera covers more than the average pair of western shorts!) but she can't even roll up her salwar to do it because that would be oh so scandalous!!!!

Everyone above who posted... you think that women are treated equally??? What about some deras / sects stating that a wife must look to her husband as God (Parmeshwar) while he is only told to see her as a 'faithful follower?? How's that for equality?! That's a direct statement that woman = lower status than man, and under male authority! Definitely NOT equal! She is expected to obey and be submissive and serve him as if he is her God.

Other examples: A Sikh's DAUGHTER must marry a Sikh (but no mention of a son), women being kept off Guru Ji's Tabiya because of impurity related to menstruation, women not being elected to gurdwara management committees because they are seen as incapable of leadership ( and some Gurdwaras go as far as to say women are not allowed, even if they were nominated by sangat), recently Singhni nischanchis kicked out of a nagar kirtan parade in Toronto... because they were female and 'females are not allowed to do that'.

I could keep going on... about gender selection abortions etc in Punjab being highest in India, etc. But you get the point.

Women are definitely seen as lesser / lower status than men by MANY Sikhs. The spirit of Gurbani and Sikh Rehet Maryada speak of absolute equality but unless Sikhs themselves want to follow that, women will still be thrown under the bus.


Jan 3, 2016

Till this date we have no faith where female have head the faith as far as Das knows.

Das wants to know that can we have Female as Jathedar/Jathedarnis of Holy Takhats.

This is quite an old thread but in this time we have had a female head of the "Sikh Parliament" the SGPC, Bibi jagir Kaur, so there's hope for the future.

I could keep going on... about gender selection abortions etc in Punjab being highest in India, etc. But you get the point.

Harkiran Ji, this is not specifically a Sikh issue. Siksh are only around 60% of Panjab, and the highest abortions are actually happening in Haryana, a Hindu majority state.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
Harkiran Ji, this is not specifically a Sikh issue. Siksh are only around 60% of Panjab, and the highest abortions are actually happening in Haryana, a Hindu majority state.

Oh don't pretend it's not happening in Sikh families! Even IVF with selective fertilization with Male sperms and yes they can do that. They separate the sperms into layers by centrifuge and one is heavier than the other so they can pick the XYs only. And yes abortions do happen in Punjab in Sikh families. Sex determination is actually illegal but it's not easily regulated.
Even since I have been married, I have been told that a baby is wanted and more than that, a male baby. ( so of course me being me....if Waheguru Ji blesses me with a child I secretly want a female :) but will be happy with either. But I soooo would like a daughter to raise to be tough and fight for her equality rights without backing down and pandering submissively to domineering and controlling men).
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