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Fear Of God

Oct 14, 2007
BY ibnu inrBau ikau QIAY gurmuiK sbid smwie ]1] rhwau ] (18-6, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)
2.Without the Fear of God, how can anyone become fearless? Become Gurmukh, and immerse yourself in the Shabad. ||1||Pause|
Oct 14, 2007

BY ibnu koie n lµGis pwir ] (151-4, gauVI guAwryrI, mÚ 1)
Without the Fear of God, no one crosses over the world-ocean.
BY qin Agin BKY BY nwil ] (151-4, gauVI guAwryrI, mÚ 1)
The fire of fear within the body is burnt away by the Fear of God.
Oct 14, 2007
buDI bwjI aupjY cwau ] (151-6, gauVI guAwryrI, mÚ 1)
The desire for the worldly drama arises in the intellect,
shs isAwxp pvY n qwau ] (151-6, gauVI guAwryrI, mÚ 1)
but even with thousands of clever mental tricks, the heat of the Fear of God does not come into play.
Oct 14, 2007
mwrU mhlw 1 ]
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehla:

imil mwq ipqw ipMfu kmwieAw ]
mil maath pithaa pi(n)dd kamaaeiaa ||
The union of the mother and father brings the body into being.

iqin krqY lyKu ilKwieAw ]
thin karathai laekh likhaaeiaa ||
The Creator inscribes upon it the inscription of its destiny.

ilKu dwiq joiq vifAweI ]
likh dhaath joth vaddiaaee ||
According to this inscription, gifts, light and glorious greatness are received.

imil mwieAw suriq gvweI ]1]
mil maaeiaa surath gavaaee ||1||
Joining with Maya, the spiritual consciousness is lost. ||1||

mUrK mn kwhy krsih mwxw ]
moorakh man kaahae karasehi maanaa ||
O foolish mind, why are you so proud?

auiT clxw KsmY Bwxw ]1] rhwau ]
out(h) chalanaa khasamai bhaanaa ||1|| rehaao ||
You shall have to arise and depart when it pleases your Lord and Master. ||1||Pause||

qij swd shj suKu hoeI ]
thaj saadh sehaj sukh hoee ||
Abandon the tastes of the world, and find intuitive peace.

Gr Cfxy rhY n koeI ]
ghar shhaddanae rehai n koee ||
All must abandon their worldly homes; no one remains here forever.

ikCu KwjY ikCu Dir jweIAY ]
kishh khaajai kishh dhhar jaaeeai ||
Eat some, and save the rest,

jy bwhuiV dunIAw AweIAY ]2]
jae baahurr dhuneeaa aaeeai ||2||
if you are destined to return to the world again. ||2||

sju kwieAw ptu hFwey ]
saj kaaeiaa patt hadtaaeae ||
He adorns his body and ress in silk robes.

Purmwieis bhuqu clwey ]
furamaaeis bahuth chalaaeae ||
He issues all sorts of commands.

kir syj suKwlI sovY ]
kar saej sukhaalee sovai ||
Preparing his comfortable bed, he sleeps.

hQI paudI kwhy rovY ]3]
hathhee poudhee kaahae rovai ||3||
When he falls into the hands of the Messenger of Death, what good does it do to cry out? ||3||

Gr GuMmxvwxI BweI ]
ghar ghu(n)manavaanee bhaaee ||
Household affairs are whirlpools of entanglements, O Siblings of Destiny.

pwp pQr qrxu n jweI ]
paap pathhar tharan n jaaee ||
Sin is a stone which does not float.

Bau byVw jIau cVwaU ]
bho baerraa jeeo charraaoo ||
So let the Fear of God be the boat to carry your soul across.

khu nwnk dyvY kwhU ]4]2]
kahu naanak dhaevai kaahoo ||4||2||
Says Nanak, rare are those who are blessed with this Boat. ||4||2||
Oct 14, 2007
fir Gru Gir fru fir fru jwie ] (151-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Place the Fear of God within the home of your heart; with this Fear of God in your heart, all other fears shall be frightened away.
so fru kyhw ijqu fir fru pwie ] (151-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)
What sort of fear is that, which frightens other fears?
Oct 14, 2007
frIAY jy fru hovY horu ] (151-9, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Be afraid, if you have any fear, other than the Fear of God.
fir fir frxw mn kw soru ]1] rhwau ] (151-9, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Afraid of fear, and living in fear, the mind is held in tumult. ||1||Pause||
Oct 14, 2007
Bau Kwxw pIxw AwDwru ] (151-11, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Let the Fear of God be your food, drink and support.
ivxu KwDy mir hoih gvwr ]3] (151-11, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Without doing this, the fools simply die. ||3||
Oct 14, 2007
fir Gru Gir fru fir fru jwie ] (151-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Place the Fear of God within the home of your heart; with this Fear of God in your heart, all other fears shall be frightened away.
so fru kyhw ijqu fir fru pwie ] (151-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)
What sort of fear is that, which frightens other fears?
Oct 14, 2007
Bau Kwxw pIxw AwDwru ] (151-11, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Let the Fear of God be your food, drink and support.
ivxu KwDy mir hoih gvwr ]3] (151-11, gauVI, mÚ 1)
Without doing this, the fools simply die.
Oct 14, 2007
Liberation from Maya dose not constitute disappearance of material energy or world. It is the change in one's vision. It is the ceasing of the conditioned mind's imagining. Thus, transcending Maya simply means living in the material world but not of it. It is liberation from ignorance: false ego-sense, bondage, or limitedness. As the lotus flower remains untouched by water and mud it grows in, similarly, the liberated man remains untouched or unaffected in the midst of Maya...
Oct 14, 2007
How one can conquer the formidable fortress of Maya?
This fortress is reinforced with double walls and triple moats. Its mean of defense are five elements, with their twenty-five categories, attachment, pride, jealousy, and the awesomely powerful Maya. Lust is the window of this fortress; pain and pleasures are the gatekeepers; virtue and sin are the gates. Quarrelsome anger is the great supreme commander, and mind is the rebel king there. Their armor is the pleasure of taste and flavors, their helmets are worldly attachments; they take their aim with the bows of their corrupt intellect. The greed that fills their heart is the arrow. How mortals can conquer this impregnable fortress
Oct 14, 2007
Many are Ruined without Fear OF Lord.

fwhpix qin suKu nhI ibnu fr ibxTI fwr ] (933-14, rwmklI dKxI, mÚ 1)
In jealousy, the body is not at peace; without the Fear of God, multitudes are ruined.
Oct 14, 2007
Many are Ruined without Fear OF Lord.

fwhpix qin suKu nhI ibnu fr ibxTI fwr ] (933-14, rwmklI dKxI, mÚ 1)
In jealousy, the body is not at peace; without the Fear of God, multitudes are ruined.


Jul 18, 2004
Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Sikh80 Jee!

Thanks for the wonderful Sabads from the true Gurus. The original words from Gurdev stimulate my memory of the results of Naam Simran.

The translations and vyaakhyas provided do not convince me.

At many occasions the reverend Gurus sing of love with God. May I ask how is it possible for a person to enliven love and fear together?

Balbir Singh
Oct 14, 2007
I am trying to put in brief ,may be it is helpful, though having a fear for something that may not be tangible[1that cannot be touched; incorporeal; impalpable ,ordesignating or of any of certain business assets, esp. goodwill, that have no material being but have monetary value or,that cannot be easily defined, formulated, or grasped; vague]yet intangible ,formless yet in all forms and all pervasive and permeating each and every one should itself give the feeling of someone beyond human comprehension and generatess the feeling of some one very big and worthy of respect as HE is the provider to all of us and is the Architect Of our Destiny. Without HIM we cannot exist as we exist for He wanted us and that is why we are even interacting. This should be a reason enough that we should have develop fear ofr such a wonderful and magnanimous personality.
God's Fear does not mean to be afraid of God. It simply implies respect, Love, reverence, veneration or Adb for the Divine Law, Hukam etc.
"Fear" (respect, reverence, Love or Adb) keeps a seeker in the scale of morality and righteousness, which, in turn, encourages Spiritual Life, Spiritual discipline, meditation, cultivation of Self-knowledge through inner inquiry and one-pointed conscious Love for God. With the help of these Divine Attributes, one adorns Bhgati (devotion) with its important element of Bairaag — detachment from materiality and temptations, and attachment to the practice of Love and devotion of the Pure Self (Joti-Svaroopa) within. According to the SGGS, only those deeds are "excellent" (good Karanee) that are done in the Fear of God (respect, reverence, Love or Adb), otherwise they are "false". Thus the third Guru Sahib says, "Forsake desire, and abide in the Fear of God; O Nanak, these are the most excellent actions".
Although both the unfaithful (Bemukh, Saakat, the Manmukh or nonbeliever) and the faithful (the opposite of Bemukh or believer) entertain the Fear, but the Fear of both is something different. In separation from God, the Bemukh or Saakat is full of all other fears (e.g., fear of death, repeated suffering etc.). It's common to see such people subscribe to religion out of fear. They practice the various religious injunctions because of apprehension that nonperformance of the same will lead to retribution from God. Ignorance is the root of such fear. The basis of any religion is Love of God and hence anything done out of fear is due to immaturity. In True Love, how there can be any room for any kind of reprisal? The faithful, on the other hand, Fears the All -powerful God in deep reverence, respect, Love, Adb etc. So he has no other fears (such as the fear of death etc.) because he does not consider himself to be separate from God at any given moment

I am putting it as it is as there is nothing new that I have added.
Oct 14, 2007
Spiritual value is associated not merely with Love and devotion of God but also linked to having the Fear of God (respect, reverence, Love, Adb etc.) and the practice of Dharma — the social responsibility of caring for the entire Creation. According to the SGGS, the true Love of God is the result of the Fear of God. In other words, in the absence of such Fear of God (respect, reverence, Love, Adb etc.), there can be no True Love of God. "This Fear of God adorns the Love of the Lord", states Baabaa Nanak in the SGGS. The SGGS further observes that without the Fear of God neither will one get inspiration for devotion (Bhagti) nor will one remember and Love Him and nor will one's sinful mind (stained with Bikaars or negative propensities) become Pure, an essential ingredient for God Realization. You see it's like a dominal effect. In nutshell, the Fear of God is an essential element in developing Prema-Bhagti (Loving Devotion). Furthermore, as indicated in the SGGS, Pure Awareness or Consciousness (God, Divine Creator etc.) alone is Fearless, but everything else functions in the Fear of God.

It shall not be within me to explain to you all that should come naturally from within.​
Oct 14, 2007
Akath Kahani Prem Ki, Kutch Kahi Na Jaye
Goonge Keri Sarkara, Baithe Muskae
Akqa khanaI p`oma kI, kCu khI na jaaya
gaUMgao korI sarkra, baOzo mauskaya
TranslationInexpressible is the story of Love
It cannot be revealed by words
Like the dumb eating sweet-meat
Only smiles, the sweetness he cannot tell

[Kabir ji]