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Opinion Fauja Singh, 100 Years Old, Sets 8 World Records In Toronto


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
A 100-year-old man began Thursday with a sprint and ended with eight world records.

Fauja Singh ran through eight track events in succession at Birchmount Stadium in Scarborough as part of a charity event, Sikhs in the City.

Singh, who lives in England but hails from India, is in town to compete in Sunday’s Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon as he tries to set a Guinness World Record. Along the way, he decided to crush a few records.

Singh began by breezing through 100 metres in 23.40 seconds. Usain Bolt holds the all-ages record at 9.58 seconds. Singh destroyed the previous record for a 100-year-old by more than six seconds. The races became progressively longer and culminated in the 5,000-metre event.

He scared the crowd in that event when he needed to walk for a few laps. But it was just a leg cramp, which abated after a calf massage and a glass of salt water.

“I didn’t push myself hard enough today,” Singh said in Punjabi to a chorus of laughter.

“I think I’ll let him race Sunday,” said a serious Harmander Singh, his coach and interpreter. “This injury is nothing.”

While Fauja Singh struggled to keep up with his competitors throughout the day — some were 60 years younger — he bested a 61-year-old woman in three races.

Nachhatar Kaur wasn’t as swift as Singh in the 100-metre, 200-metre or 800-metre races.

“I really should have done better,” she said with a huge smile, “since he has 40 years on me. But he’s inspired me to keep running.”

Running — and smashing records — gave Singh some focus following the death of his wife and son. He became suicidal after watching a piece of sheet metal decapitate his son. Then he moved to England to be near his other son.

See amazing video at this link http://www.thestar.com/news/article...ets-eight-world-track-records-in-toronto?bn=1


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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
One of my relatives had a chance to meet with young Fauja Singh ji.

Apparently one of the things he mentioned as his regimen is eating simple with a special treat of Alsi/Flaxseed pinni (hard ladoo type ball). One a day with standard but very moderate eating of chapati.

What a wonderful example and a torch bearer in Sikh persona. mundahug

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: Recipe for Alsi/Flaxseed pinni but I got it from the internet. I have copied name of the poster in the recipe as I don't want any credit for it at all and I have not tried it myself either. Here goes,
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Date: 2010-01-25
Hi everyone! I came across this forum as I was looking for a recipe for alsi pinni. Now that i have found and successfully tried one i thought i'd share it with you all.
250 gm alsi
250 gm atta or wholemeal flour
250 gm ghee
200 gm gur, pounded
100 gm almonds, pistachios and cashewnuts, co{censored}ly pounded
40 gm raisins
Dry roast the alsi in a karahi or wok and then co{censored}ly grind in the dry grinder of a food processor. Keep aside.
Dry roast the atta until brown and aromatic. Keep aside.
Now heat up the ghee in the karahi, add the powdered gur. Once the two are hot and bubbling, add the atta and ground alsi. Mix together on low flame. Now add the nuts and raisins. Mix well and remove from heat.
Allow mixture to cool down before shaping into small ba_lls or pinnis. You may use the mix as such like panjiri. Incidentaaly, alsi or flaxseed or linseed is a very rich vegetarian source of omega3 fatty acids. So very healthy for kids and adults!

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