There is plenty of proof for evolution --far more than any other view. It is hardly based on "your observations" like any good scientific theory it has been test, retested, veified and provides the best explanation possible for the many different forms of life. For example, many animals share genetic codes that serve as dramatic evidence for common ancestors (primates and humans are a prime example of this). Another good example of this is that the vast majority of animals have a "face" (2 eyes above a nose and a mouth) all the result of a common ancestor. Are you suggesting that the entire field of genetics is something that we just "believe to be true"? How about other fields of science?It is a theory. It has emerged from observatiions. It is something you believe to be true, but u ave no proof, just your observations
I also have problems with this statement. There is nothing to suggest that increased speciation (evolution) is going to make us closer to "god's perfect architype". Despite what people commonly believe evolution does not necesarily mean a "better" organism. In many cases (due mostly to artificial selection) the changes that are "selected" are just a lucky fluke (ex. small mamals survived the mass extinction event around the time of the dinosaurs due to the relatively smaller resources required because of their size --mamals are not necesarrily "better" but rather lucky).so are we just working towards god's perfect architype of us.
'sacha surma'
Incorrect. Evolution is not "survival of the fittest" this is not how Darwin put it at all. The term "survival of the fittest" was an intrepretation used by "sociobiologist" to justify racism. Evolution is about the differentiation of species --not about survival. "Strength" plays no part in it, certain mutations/characteristics become selected for a number of reasons leading to different species. Those characteristics that get selected are not always the "best" in any sense. Natural selection does not always lead to the "fittest" or "best" systems as an example see below (taken with slight modifications from “The Fragmentation of Reason”,p.67 by Stephen Stich).Picture this. Darwin, explaining his theory of evolution. He's saying that man evolved over time through survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive. The weak die off. The need to continue his physical existence is what has shaped man into who he is today. All of man's capabilities came about through an evolutionary process aimed solely at survival.
If evolution is correct, you might use an ability developed for survival - such as walking - for some other non-survival purpose, such as dancing. But you won't develop a new or advanced ability - such as running - unless you need it for survival. Something useless will not develop in the evolutionary process. Extras like that are detractions which will make you inferior in terms of survival, not superior.
"Similarly," he went on, "the ability to think abstractly is an advanced thinking ability, clearly not needed for survival. It is hardly in the same league with, or ancillary to, the type of thinking that, say, an ape might use to get a banana."
Hi,Would you be kind enough to let us know, what contents were edited? Most of us here realize your controversial and sometimes insulting stand on a few issues. Still, we stood firm to keep your posts as-it-is just as a show to people how far some people go nowadays!Thanks for your help.Arvind.muslim said:All i would like to say is the moderators of this site are slanders and liars, why? because my fisrt post was changed and edited, completely changing my post and deleting a relevant link which i provided. I cant believe the moderators of this site were so low, damn im disappointed.