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English Clothes?


Feb 23, 2011
I would just like the views of people on this topic so that i can compare them to mine.
I am always told to wear suits to the gurdwara and I sometimes do , but I don't know whats wrong with English clothes? Youngsters are always told by their family to wear Punjabi clothes to the gurdwara but if their used to English clothes (along as their acceptable) there is nothing wrong with wearing them. I recently read In a Sikhism book that Sikhs can wear want they want and are not made to wear any special type of clothing. i agree the clothing has to be acceptable. Is there anything wrong with wearing skinny jeans? I am used to wearing them and feel comfortable in them but soemtimes get told off for wearing them. Does anybody have any similar experiences and I would like to know peoples views. this topic isnt just about me but about todays generation! Thanks in advance and sorry if I have said anything wrong.:happykudi:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
re: English Clothes ???

I would just like the views of people on this topic so that i can compare them to mine.
I am always told to wear suits to the gurdwara and I sometimes do , but I don't know whats wrong with English clothes? Youngsters are always told by their family to wear Punjabi clothes to the gurdwara but if their used to English clothes (along as their acceptable) there is nothing wrong with wearing them. I recently read In a Sikhism book that Sikhs can wear want they want and are not made to wear any special type of clothing. i agree the clothing has to be acceptable. Is there anything wrong with wearing skinny jeans? I am used to wearing them and feel comfortable in them but soemtimes get told off for wearing them. Does anybody have any similar experiences and I would like to know peoples views. this topic isnt just about me but about todays generation! Thanks in advance and sorry if I have said anything wrong.:happykudi:
mannii ji when wearing clothes one usually thinks of the following and going to Gurdwara is no different,

  • Is it in line or I am going to look like a pea{censored} in a flock of doves
    • i.e. you work with the ambiance of the place
    • This is not to conform but,
      • Recognize the essence and purpose of the place you are going to
        • This will apply if you are going to school, wedding, a club, etc.
  • Gurdwaras are expected to be first and foremost a place of Sangat and spiritual enlightenment
    • A place to give you a pause to reflect, think and enjoy the discovery of Sikhism spirituality through Gurus teachings and Sri Gur Granth Sahib ji's study
    • Remember the others are in a similar state of mind
      • So while in the Gurdwara you are one as well as part of Sangat
        • Consider both when you make decisions to see how you create enriching experience for self and Sangat
  • So in a nutshell, modesty is perhaps the best route
    • Modesty obviously is in the heart of the individual and the environment of the Gurdwara
Hope the above answers your inquiry and helps you.

Remember also it is the heart that counts most so don't sweat the small stuff.

Sat Sri Akal.
Last edited:


Feb 23, 2011
Re: English Clothes ???

thank you for your post Ambarsaria .:happykudi:
Just to make clear to everyone I love going to the gurdwara and being in the sangat and don't try and make a fashion statement as my brother always tells me '"It dosent matter what you wear to the gurdwara as long as its acceptable, you are going to listen to paath and do darshan of guru granth sahib, you arnt there for anyone else, so it doesn't matter what you look like" and i agree with him! I sometimes see young married girls at the gurdwara dressed as if they are at at wedding.... this sometimes makes me angry. That makes me think that me wearing English clothes may anger some of the elders at the gurdwara. The main focus of the topic is what our elders think about this generation and whether we are in the wrong.
apologies if I have said anything wrong and thank you Ambarsaria for your reply.


Feb 1, 2011
Re: English Clothes ???

Wjkk wjkf
This is an interesting topic..I personally don't think there's anything wrong wit wearing English clothes to the gurdwara as long as their modest..like if a person is goingto the gurdwara before or after school or work it shudnt matter wat their wearing..the fact tht their going to the gurdwara is most important

But I don't mind wearing Indian clothing actually it's nice to have clothing of 2 cultures icecreamkudi but i dnt think its a necessity

Lol skinny jeans...yup I like wearing thm too n adults hv told me tht their kind of inappropriate to wear to thr gurdwara..but I dnt understand the difference between skinny jeans and a pyjamee suit..so I don't think there's anything in sikhi against wearing them..but it is in sikhi to respect our elders so yeh I wudnt wear thm if someone older finds it disrespectful

However I don't find it fair wen people don't say anything to males about wearing English but they to females...anyways these are my humble opinions

Bhul chuk maaf
Wjkk wjkf 


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: English Clothes ???

TkaurG i can correct the following in a small way,

However I don't find it fair wen people don't say anything to males about wearing English but they to females

I personally find males wearing the following to Gurdwara disgusting,

  • Open shirts showing their Chest hair, Gold chains, tveets, etc.
  • Baggy/low pants showing top of their butt line in the back
  • See through tops
  • Accentuating their tattoos on upper arms through clothing
  • Wearing excessive rings or bangles on their fingers/wrists
  • Wearing cholas showing hairy legs
  • .... some more but I think this is enough negative for this postjapposatnamwaheguru:
Sat Sri Akal.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Re: English Clothes ???

I guess it comes down to respect...if one wants to show respect to SGGS then they can dress appropriately

That said...what's outside is outside...what's inside the person is what matters most I think.....


Oct 28, 2010
What do you guys consider as modest though?

e.g this top is like a normal tee but covers the body, but its tight and can invoke lustful thoughts from females no? Also the female equivalent would be frowned upon right


Or would you say this should not be worn


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Another trash post from someone claiming to be 22 and the subject context (if he read the first post from maanii) is clothes in Gurdwara.

Hope the person grows up for own good. Trying to be too cute :lame:

So sad.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: English Clothes ???

TkaurG i can correct the following in a small way,

I personally find males wearing the following to Gurdwara disgusting,

  • Open shirts showing their Chest hair, Gold chains, tveets, etc.
  • Baggy/low pants showing top of their butt line in the back
  • See through tops
  • Accentuating their tattoos on upper arms through clothing
  • Wearing excessive rings or bangles on their fingers/wrists
  • Wearing cholas showing hairy legs
  • .... some more but I think this is enough negative for this postjapposatnamwaheguru:
Sat Sri Akal.

This must be in the WEST....in all my 60 years attending Gurdawras all over Malaysia/singapore/thailand/indonesia..i havent yet come across even ONE such male..........???? Even those young men doing langgar seva, cleaners etc wear shorts sometimes..but that also when they are almost alone (early mornings late nights during akhand paatsh etc )....never when sangat is attending in large numbers..
Luckily the Canadian "Jatt" culture has yet to arrive here..we have JATTS of the old kind...no drug lords, tatooed types we see in videos on the net..singing vulgar songs like..tereh yaar ne banda maarta..gun pajero vich rakhlee etc gang wars, gang killings, . The Jatts who came to this section of the world were hard working olden types..the new Jatts of Jatt-World types going to Canada in large numbers exhibit all thsoe symptoms of sick minds. I DONT think such types will ever come here becasue the Malaysian $$ is much smaller than the Canadian/USD !!...so good riddance to such bad rubbish...


Dec 22, 2009
What do you guys consider as modest though?

e.g this top is like a normal tee but covers the body, but its tight and can invoke lustful thoughts from females no? Also the female equivalent would be frowned upon right


Or would you say this should not be worn

Lustful thoughts from females? lolHAHAHAHAHA
You cant be serious.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I would just like the views of people on this topic so that i can compare them to mine.
I am always told to wear suits to the gurdwara and I sometimes do , but I don't know whats wrong with English clothes? Youngsters are always told by their family to wear Punjabi clothes to the gurdwara but if their used to English clothes (along as their acceptable) there is nothing wrong with wearing them. I recently read In a Sikhism book that Sikhs can wear want they want and are not made to wear any special type of clothing. i agree the clothing has to be acceptable. Is there anything wrong with wearing skinny jeans? I am used to wearing them and feel comfortable in them but soemtimes get told off for wearing them. Does anybody have any similar experiences and I would like to know peoples views. this topic isnt just about me but about todays generation! Thanks in advance and sorry if I have said anything wrong.:happykudi:

I don't see why people have to wear suits?

I say if women must wear salwar Kameez and then Men must wear Kurta Pyjama.

For my part, I look a bit hippyish. I wear kurta top, jeans, a mala (which for me is like a fashion thing more than spiritual). Sometimes wear mojay. I also wear this when I go out. I just love Indian fashion. It looks so cool. Many monay guys I know who wish to show their distinctness seem to dress like this. More Indian than the Indians I suppose :p

I think the Gurudwara's aim is to worship and do service therefore attire should be for this. If your aim is to show off, then the Gurudwara is not for you. :)


Dec 22, 2009
I would just like the views of people on this topic so that i can compare them to mine.
I am always told to wear suits to the gurdwara and I sometimes do , but I don't know whats wrong with English clothes? Youngsters are always told by their family to wear Punjabi clothes to the gurdwara but if their used to English clothes (along as their acceptable) there is nothing wrong with wearing them. I recently read In a Sikhism book that Sikhs can wear want they want and are not made to wear any special type of clothing. i agree the clothing has to be acceptable. Is there anything wrong with wearing skinny jeans? I am used to wearing them and feel comfortable in them but soemtimes get told off for wearing them. Does anybody have any similar experiences and I would like to know peoples views. this topic isnt just about me but about todays generation! Thanks in advance and sorry if I have said anything wrong.:happykudi:

Mannii Ji,

I try to wear suits to the Gurdwara for two reasons: they're comfortable, you can sit, relax and listen without fidgeting, and it fits the atmosphere of the Gurdwara.
However, I often go to the Gurdwara in western clothing if Im heading to work or something, and I see a lot of other women doing the same. I don't see any reason why people would take offense, if its appropriate clothing. And I've found that although skinny jeans are tres chic, they're very uncomfortable to sit in so I do my best to avoid them for the Gurdwara!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
IF you yourself feel your clothes are uncomfortable and difficult to sit crosslegged or matha tekking time diffcult to bend over...then you already KNOW !!
WE go to Gurdwara to feel comfortable. relax, Learn something....and IF our attire overcomes our minds all the time we are there..it defeats the purpose....
And a reasonably well fitting and comfortable clothing will help prevent such comments as below.... a Young Lady approached the Granthi after matha teking and told him..Gyani ji..Mein gurdwareh bahut WADDEE AAS laikeh ayee Haan..and the Granthi replied..Haan ji I KNOW !! I saw you matha teking.( Apologies in advance but if we enter the kitchen we must be prepared to bear the heat )
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