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Sikhism Divine Mystic Reflections On Gurmat


May 9, 2006
Today I received a copy of Divine mystic reflections : talks and dialogues book 1 to borrow from the Gurdwara library. It was highly recommended to me.

It is a collection of talks by Sant Naranjan Singh (compiled by Dr Harcharanjit Singh). I've found the spelling online is usually 'Niranjan' not 'Naranjan'.

Has anyone read this book?


Dec 3, 2011
This is supposed to be a very good read.
I did actually order volume 1 and 2 some months ago but they never arrived!!
It was from a website, I can't quite remember which one but I can find out later.

It is highly recommended due to it's simplicity, and you are lucky to have your hands on one- let me know what you think!

I can remember that the author had defined both seva and simran as a must since seva helps to purify one's hands and body through physical actions and simran helps purify one's mind and tongue. or something quite similar along those lines!!

If someone knows of another website to order these books then please let me know.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
This Sant Ji was conferred the Shiromani Kathakaar Award by SGPC and his HQ (not dera) is in Patiala. he passed away many years ago.
This book is published in Malaysia by Malaysian Author (late DR harcharan Singh of KLANG Malaysia) Founder of the sant Attar Singh vidya Niketan Foundation that now runs the SGGS Academy etc in Malaysia. A Good read if not for any other reason as a SANT who has Missionary leanings - meaning his Mool Mnatar stops at Gurparsaad while all other snats deras insist its until nanak hosee bhee sach. In Todays situation "Missionary" is a bad word if one is in the SANT Camp...and the word SANT is reserved ONLy for SGGS if one is in the Missionary camp...


May 9, 2006
Lucky bhaji

My Gurdwara Sahib has about 5 copies of parts 1 and 2 on the shelf and they all look really new. Very high quality print and binding too so I can only assume they are still printing them.

Inside the book it says that the book is distributed free and in countries other than Malaysia you can email requests to freebook at sikhnation.com

However visiting the sikhnation.com website redirects you here: http://www.gurukhoj.com/

I trust I can post these links as it is for free, inspirational Sikh resources.

Gyani ji

You said
In Todays situation "Missionary" is a bad word if one is in the SANT Camp...and the word SANT is reserved ONLy for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji if one is in the Missionary camp...

If this book comes from the Missionary camp, and the word 'sant' is reserved for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in this camp, why is the book attributed to Sant Scholar Naranjan Singh?

I suppose there is a difference between calling oneself a Sant in life, and acquiring the title by observation by ones peers. I don't know about about the Sant's life to comment and probably wouldn't anyway as the kind fellow has passed on on 25 May 1994.

As you rightly observed, Harcharanjit Singh also passed away in 1996.

That's kinda sad actually. I get the feeling they were good people. :(

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Ishna Ji,
You missed my point. What i meant was that this person is a Sant-Missionary..Sant-Sipahi sort of combination...a very rare commodity in the Sikh kaum today. He did only Parchaar of ONLY SGGS...he had no "Waddeh baba Ji" to quote except SGGS...( IF you listen to say a Sant form nanaksar..or dhadriwallah or rarewallah deras..you will soon notice that 99.99% of their "QUOTES" refer to WADDEH BABA JI...meaning the Founder of their Dera..nanaksar, rarewallah etc etc..."WADDEH BABA JI KEHNDEH HUNDEH SEE..blah blah blah...Kuttee no roti paa diaoh..eh England dee Maharani Bannegi..Waddeh baba Ji used to say..Feed this B.itch..in her next janam she will be Queen of England..blah blah blah..is an example of their Kathas etc... and a MINUTE .01% references to SGGS/Guur nanak ji etc and THAT will also be in the form of some Miracle Tall tale rubbish...to "connect and compare their Waddeh baba ji to Guur nanak ji PHYSICALLY..."...such as Waddeh babaji FASTING until Guur Nanak Ji forced to emerge form SGGS..and drink the milk (Bhagat Dhanna Ji comparison)..or Waddeh baba Ji took a BATH..and then found the SGGS dripping WET !!...... TO CUT the Long story short..Sant Narnajan Singh Patiala was NOT this type of Sant. He was a MISSIONARY of SGGS.

And YES both he and the late Doctor ( a close friend and same town neighbour actually) both excellent sikhs.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
as an aside..the "Books" probably look "NEW"....due to the reason in the joke below..(seriously)...

a man went into a shop to buy a brain. On an American Brain he saw a sign - USD 100..on a Jewish Brain he saw a sign 500...on an Indian Brain he saw a sign USD 1000. He asked the shopkeeper why the price differences...Shopowner replied..The American Brain is well used...the Jewsih Brain is about 50% USED...the Indian Brain is almost 99% BRAND NEW..never used more than 1%......so the BOOKS that LOOK NEW...are almost always never used/handled/ by the borrowers...and thats a tragedy sometimes !! ..............Just see..the SGGS IS the MOST READ book - millions of Paaths continuous readings...BUT the LEAST FOLLOWED....IF ONLY 10% of those READERS followed the DIRECTION SGGS POINTS TO...the world will Change...The TORCH that is SGGS is MEANT TO POINT HORIZONTALLY at the Path in front of YOU so you can SEE the path clearly and walk confidently...YET MOST SIKHS..POINT the TORCH.....>>>SKYWARDS<<<<..and STUMBLE ABOUT knocking into this stone and falling into That POT HOLE !!! POORA SATGUR kia kareh .jion....SIKHAAN meh CHOOK...what can the TORCH DO to light the Path IF the handler POINTS IT SKYWARDS ???...And IF the book looks NEW..means the Torch hasnt even been LIGHTED..much less used to light the darkness..kudihug:grinningkudi:.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji it's a wonder I made it this far in lifewithout falling down a well or something - I miss most points!! lollol lol lol

ha ha..maybe..just maybe...you are at least attempting to hold the torch horizontal..even if the hands shaky a bit..ha ha..IF the Torch points SKYWARDS..no matter if the hands holding are ROCK STEADY..its of no use...so keep on struggling jios...
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