My question is above. I did this when i was 13 years old, but not to make it look better, only because it itched very much. Are there any consequences for me, that Ive did that big sin. My parents weren´t much orthodox that they can enlight me, about it and it was very embarrassing for me to ask them about. I did it only 1 time and I never will do it again, is it really bad am I still a sikh? I hate myself for it, and I´ve realized that it was bad. It is a serious question, so please don´t laugh at me..... Sorry my english isn´t very well but i hope you understand it.
My question is above. I did this when i was 13 years old, but not to make it look better, only because it itched very much. Are there any consequences for me, that Ive did that big sin. My parents weren´t much orthodox that they can enlight me, about it and it was very embarrassing for me to ask them about. I did it only 1 time and I never will do it again, is it really bad am I still a sikh? I hate myself for it, and I´ve realized that it was bad. It is a serious question, so please don´t laugh at me..... Sorry my english isn´t very well but i hope you understand it.