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India Delhi Stages Slutwalk, Men Told To Behave

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
July 31, 2011

Delhi Stages Slutwalk, Men Told to Behave

New Delhi - Jul 31, 2011

'You stare at me not because of my clothes but because I'm a woman', read one of the placards as the now famous 'slutwalk' protests against sexual violence reached Delhi.

Cutting across age and gender, protesters marched to the Jantar Manter under the 'Slutwalk Arthaat Besharmi Morcha' campaign to raise their voice against the attitude of blaming rape or sexual harassment on any aspect of a woman's appearance.

The rally was held amid tight security but unlike in other parts of the world, women participants didn't dress provocatively here.

"The purpose of this Slutwalk is to address the three important issues of gender inequality, gender stereotypes and victim blaming," Mishika Singh, one of the organisers of the event said.

In Delhi, the name of the campaign was changed to 'SlutWalk Arthaat Besharmi Morcha' from the original 'Slutwalk' after activists protested the use of the term '{censored}'.

Nishta, a housewife had come all the way from Manesar, about 35 kms from here, along with her two-year-old child to lodge her protest against "indifference" towards women.

"I have come here so that my daughter doesn't have to be a part of such an event in future. If we don't protest now, they'll face the same violence, misbehaviour and indifference when they grow up.

"The problem is with the mindset of the society, they have double standards towards the fair sex. How many times are men told to dress in a particular way? Only girls are constantly blamed for dressing skimpily," she said.

Socialite and actor Nafisa Ali said it's the responsibility of society as a whole to protect the women.

"The laws are there to protect women but they are not manifested on ground. It becomes imperative on every Indian to show more respect towards the women," Ali said.

The concept of a slutwalk started in Toronto, Canada in April this year after women there staged such a protest against a police officer's remark that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised".

It has since then been held in a number of cities around the world and, more recently, in Bhopal in India.

Leisly, who hails from Australia and is pursuing her Masters in Sociology from Delhi University said, "Certainly when I step outside my home here, I have to put on more clothes on my body so that people don't take me for granted.

"There is something to do with culture, why are women who dress in a particular way considered as perverts here?", she said.

The organisers believe that the 'Slutwalk' is a success and they have "partially" achieved what they were aiming at.

"Our aim was to get our message through to the people and we are elated to see such a massive response from people and the media. We are getting even more support online. It's an awesome feeling," said Karan, who is a part of the organising team.



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Feb 12, 2010
I agree with Nafeesa and all the girls. Yes when we stare at women we stare because they are opp gender. But this does not give
a licence to the girls to come out with small and revealing clothes. It is not dressing up nicely but it is BESHARMI.

You go to any party, you will see that men are dressed to cover full body and women in bra type cholis with maximum body uncovered.
No man forces them to do so. One boy said that they do it as they like people staring at them. I think that the boy must boy right.

Come on girls cover up your beauty and uncover your inner beauty of wisdom.


Apr 3, 2005
Delhi slutwalk ended up as failure .they expected 25,000 -30000 people to come but turnout was 700 including spectators
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