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Islam Dealing With Non-Muslims. How?


Nov 14, 2010
Naben ji

So much fault-finding, brother.

There are many hadith where the prophet, pbuh, spoke out against fault-finding in others.

'Abd Allah reported that the Prophet of Allah, upon him be peace, said, "A believer is not a fault-finder and is not abusive, obscene, or course." Bukhari's Book of Manners #313

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: The servant (who conceals) the faults of others in this world, Allah would conceal his faults on the Day of Resurrection. (Muslim :: Book 32 : Hadith 6267)

I'll end with this ayat from Quran:
A kind word and forgiveness is better than a charitable deed followed by hurtful words: God is self-sufficient and forbearing. (Quran 2:263)


Nov 14, 2010
The only difference before Allah is Taqwa(God fearing), which only Allah can better judge.

So you do believe that only Allah can judge the taqwa of a person? I do, too. I think we are forbidden from trying to take on that job ourselves because it is the most grandiose vanity to believe we can judge the heart since only God can judge the heart. Do you agree?

The killing of an innocent people is like killing the whole humanity and saving one is as saving the whole humanity.
Even those who practice religions other than Islam, correct? Even those who are Sikh, correct? I think Ishna feels that many Muslims in the world are, very sadly, not obeying this basic Quranic teaching. She believes there is a lot of oppression, unjustified murders, etc., in the Islamic world so she suggests you focus on solutions for these problems rather than criticize a people who live in the west.

Actually taqwa is much more than fearing God. It is more like recognizing the Might and Omnipotence of the One both Muslims and Sikhs worship. Sikhs also practice complete reverence and surrender to simran (zikr). IMHO, at least.

Muslims and Sikhs both find taqwa fills their hearts when they prostrate.

Naben ji, have you ever read Kirtan Sohila? It fills me with taqwa.

I'm so grateful the Prophet told believers to go to China for knowledge if they must. Alhamdulillah! God is so Great that all the great religions around the world are worthy of learning from!

Kirtan Sohila reminds us that we are only here on earth for a while, that the date we will meet our Beloved is closer and closer with every breath we take. I think Kirtan Sohila helps Sikhs in a state of taqwa. Would you agree?

Here are verses in Quran on taqwa:

It is not taqwa that you turn your faces toward East or West, but it is taqwa to believe in Allah (God/Waheguru/YHWH, Ahura Mazda) and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Books (the Holy Books of Islam, Judaism and Christianity and the Books of Sabeans (ie Hanifs, Zoroastrians) and the Messengers (Muhammad, Isa (Jesus), Musa (Moses), Zarathustra, Ibrahim (Abraham), Enoch (Hermes, el-Khidr) ), to spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts you have made; to be firm and patient, in pain and adversity. Those are the truthful and those are the muttaqun (to be piously in a state of surrender to the One known by many Names such as HaShem, Shekhinah, Ahura Mazda, Sophia, al-Hakim, God, Allah, Friend, Sat Nam, Wakan Tanka, al-Haqq). (Quran 2:177)

Another beautiful verse which speaks of taqwa.

O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Quran 49:13)

The entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib is about taqwa in a sense just as the entire Quran and Bible is about taqwa...a reminder that we should remain in and will be in a state of awe when we meet the One with all veils (the Unknowable Face (wajh Allah) of the One who is beyond our understanding) pulled aside.

Naben, your dawah is not your words of advice or condemnation. Your dawah radiates silently from your own taqwa. You must remember that a Muslim must live in a way that others come to love Islam. And to do that on a Sikh forum, I suspect you should reflect on what Sikhs and Muslims can share harmoniously together.

Imagine they are dhimmi (the protected ones) who are Muhammad would have humbly included as residents amongst the Muslim ummah.

As the proverb goes: you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

*I have added for greater universal understanding what is within parenthesis and italicized where I quoted Quran.
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Feb 18, 2012

No mistakes

Yes this is true

You are talking about the principle of Ulster and non scandal
For someone who does disobeying God in secret
Should and must provide advice and guidance to him
And fully know the truth

The duty of every Muslim man and woman and this is from God

God says in the Holy Qur'an ((125) Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guidedghtly] guided

-----Heart will leave it to God

We judge a person by his actions

Good and bad
Through Sharia law

Thief = amputation
Adulterer = stoning or flogging
And so on

-- Did not read this ( Kirtan Sohila)

- It is not intended here the state of China
But the intention here to denote the large dimension and distance
For science and learning

-- Advice and guidance does not contradict
Clarify the truth

The Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur'an says ::

159. Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers.160. Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed). These, I will accept their repentance. And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.

Surah Al-Baqarah

‫أحمد ديدات - كي٠لا نقوم بالدعوه الى الله‬‎ - YouTube

allah guide you
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Nov 14, 2010
Assalam Alaykum Naben ji

Did not read this ( Kirtan Sohila)

Here is Kirtan Sohila:

It is beautiful like the poetry of Rumi and sayings of Ali.

May the One who is known as SatNam by the Sikhs, HaShem by the Jews, Allah by the Muslims bring peace to this earth He made of many nations and tribes of people.

I am listening to the video you posted at about 1:09 and I am surprised to hear that they are referring to the Bible as a dangerous book. God says in Quran that Muslims should revere Torat (Old Testament) which contains the teachings of Musa pbuh (Moses) and Ibrahim pbuh (Abraham), Injeel (Gospels, books about Isa pbuh (Jesus)) and Zaboor (Psalms written by Prophet Dawud, pbuh (David)) equally to the Quran. If a Muslim man has a Christian (Quran says Muslim men may marry Christian and Jewish women), will she not be able to read the beautiful words of Prophet Isa pbuh (Jesus) or the Psalms of Prophet Dawud pbuh (David)?

Prophet Muhammad said something beautiful about the prophets being brothers and how he felt closest of all to Prophet Isa pbuh (Jesus):

Allah's Apostle said, "Both in this world and in the Hereafter, I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary. The prophets are paternal brothers; their mothers are different, but their religion is one." Sahih-Volume 4, Book 55, Number 652:

This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And [lawful in marriage are] chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. (Quran 5:5)

I assume you know how Muhammad, pbuh, allowed Christians to worship in the mosque.

A Muslim scholar shares in the video below how the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, allowed 60 Christian scholars who came to argue with the Prophet were allowed to pray in the mosque. Muhammad, pbuh, granted so much liberty to all People of the Books. The only Christians and Jews he considered his enemy were those who considered Muhammad himself an enemy. And even then, he was so courteous like he was with the 60 Christian scholars.


Christians in the west have offered their churches for juma, etc., for Muslims without a masjid to pray in. Do Muslims still allow Christians to pray in their masjids (or churches, for that matter) as Muhammad did?

Please do take the time to read Kirtan Sohila. I think we should not only discuss your religion in a Sikh forum. We should also reflect on what Sikhi teaches.

Nam Jiwan
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Nov 14, 2010
Greetings of Peace, Naben ji

Good and bad
Through Sharia law

Thief = amputation
Adulterer = stoning or flogging
And so on

I love the hadith qudsi:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath.

It was related by Muslim (also by al-Bukhari, an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah).

There is also an ayat in Quran where Muhammad pbuh is told he was sent to earth as a mercy.

O Muhammad, We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures. (Quran 21:107)

The Arabic word shariah means "a well-trodden path to water". It is so important to remember that shariah is not meant to be a penal code, but a guidance for the ummah. As it means a path to water, it should nourish a Muslim spiritually. Do you agree?

I want to ask a question, Naben ji. What would shariah advise if a non-muslim walked into a masjid and urinated on the mosque wall? Should he be punished?

Let's see how the Prophet dealt with it:

Anas Bin Maalik said:

While we were in the masjid with the Messenger of Allaah, a Bedouin came; he then urinated in the masjid.

The Companions of the Messenger of Allaah said, “Mah Mah (An expression used to severly scold someone, to indicate the graveness of a matter).”

The Messenger of Allaah said, “Do not put a halt to his urinating, but instead leave him.”

They left him alone until he finished urinating.

The Messenger of Allaah called him over and said to him, “Any kind of urine or filth is not suitable for these masjids. Instead they are only [appropriate] for the remembrance of Allaah, the Prayer, and the recitation of the Qur’aan,” or this is near to what the Messenger of Allaah said.

He (saw) then issued an order to a man from the people, who then came with a bucket of water, which he poured over the [effected] area [of the masjid].

[Related by Muslim in his Saheeh, 285]

The Prophet didn't seek to punish as much as to teach. Shariah is best applied as a teaching as the sahih hadith above shows. Do you agree?

Living in the west, there is a different way to deal with criminals. They are usually sent to jail for a specified period of time. While there, they are taught a lesson about their crime. Muslims in the US do not practice shariah, but I think that the laws here produce similar results as the shariah appled in Muslim countries. It amounts to a long long long time out, so to speak, to reflect on one's crime.

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Feb 18, 2012

You confuse a lot of things
I am upholding you excuse
You are not a Muslim

I assume you know how Muhammad, pbuh, allowed Christians to worship in the mosque.

-----It is true that the Christians of Najran delegation came to the city, and invited by the Prophet, peace be upon him to Islam, and invited them to Almpahlp, and they were afraid of Almpahlp, was to approve the tribute.

However, the novel in which their prayers in the Mosque of the Prophet peace be upon him in his presence

It is inferred story delegation Christians of Najran, who Prophet peace be upon him by inviting them to a debt consolidation, and the establishment of proof against them, and revoke their disbelief, then called Mpahlthm that God's curse on the liars, to doom them, and then ended up entering in the rule of tribute, of inferred this story on the so-called (interfaith dialogue) I mean the political project known, it astray

61. Then whoever disputes with you concerning him ['Iesa (Jesus)] after (all this) knowledge that has come to you, [i.e. 'Iesa (Jesus)] being a slave of Allah, and having no share in Divinity) say: (O Muhammad
) "Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves - then we pray and invoke (sincerely) the Curse of Allah upon those who lie."

28. O you who believe (in Allah's Oneness and in His Messenger (Muhammad
)! Verily, the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of Muhammad
) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) after this year, and if you fear poverty, Allah will enrich you if He will, out of His Bounty. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

----That good
Advice and guidance to the ignorant Differs from

Not incompatible with the application of Islamic law

(32) Narrated 'Aisha: The people of Quraish worried about the lady from Bani Makhzum who had committed theft. They asked, "Who will intercede for her with Allah's Apostle?" Some said, "No one dare to do so except Usama bin Zaid the beloved one to Allah's Apostle." When Usama spoke about that to Allah's Apostle Allah's Apostle said, (to him), "Do you try to intercede for somebody in a case connected with Allah's Prescribed Punishments?" Then he got up and delivered a sermon saying, "What destroyed the nations preceding you, was that if a noble amongst them stole, they would forgive him, and if a poor person amongst them stole, they would inflict Allah's Legal punishment on him. By Allah, if Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would cut off her hand. "(Book # 56, Hadith # 681)

allah guide you


Nov 14, 2010
Peace Nabenji

We have both got great knowledge about Islam, don't we? The only difference is you think Islam is about closing doors of the heart and I believe it is about opening doors of the heart.

Your perspective is exclusive, mine is inclusive.

You are right. I am not a Muslim (some ppl here will see the irony of this). I choose to keep the doors of my heart open. I choose to invite into my heart all the nations and tribes of the earth.

O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (Quran 49:13)

May all the dhimmi of today be treated as well as the dhimmi of Muhammad's, peace be upon him, time. Blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad and the entire of lineage of Prophets of the People of the Book, the People of Abraham. May God guide all people toward righteousness and teach all the nations and tribes to live in peace.

Our conversation has run its course, Naben ji.
