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Daana Paani

Oct 4, 2012
Well I have heard that you travel around as your daana paani your food grains are scattered and you eat them, as Guru Nanak Dev Ji says "jaha daane Taha khaane Nanaka sach eho" so is it true that where we go when we go is in God's hands not ours?
when we born or die is in His hands?

Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Re: Daana paani.

Those who believe in God; believe in this 'dana pani theory. God creates, develops, protects, feeds and also decays into oblivion as he so wishes. God creates a course for you; how you follow it; is your karma and further course rudder is directed as per your karma. According to Japuji we have to go through 5 stages to have mukti or meet him ultimately; dharma khand where we have to perform according to His Will and Order and serve the people lovingly as He so desires. Next stage starts with Knowing Him and His Universe and understanding the way to meet Him under the guidance of a guide or Guru. Once we know the way with the help Guru we have to do 'sarm' effort 'mehnat' through japna, simrrana, ajapa jap, swas swas simaran stages. When we do this God is pleased and his nadr(i) karm falls on you. This is karma stage. Satigur hoye dyal tan sarda poorie. Whe He is dyal he invites you to Sachkghand; the stage of true enlightnment and you meet Him in the form of light.Nanak te mukh ujale keti chhutee nal.
Oct 4, 2012
But where is the free will then??? If God decides our daana paani where we have to travel and all where is our free will then?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
What do you mean by "FREE WILL" ? FREE WILL is a Western idea.
WE are more into HUKM RAZAII CHALLNNA..its His hukm..Its His raza which is the Nose Ring in our Nose and we are LED by our Karms..actions...
WE CHOOSE to..Lift our LEFT LEG ( and face a certain set of conditions results etc)..and WE CANNOT then simply go on to Change and lift our RIGHT LEG (without putting down our LEFT LEG first)..Then we face the consequences of lifting our RIGHT LEG..and can go on and lift the left one once more by putting the right one down..BUT what we CANT DO is Carry UP BOTH LEGS UP at the same time !!

2. The DANNA PANNEE is there..its WE by our own DECISION...lift up our legs and walk away....its a Fallacy that Many PUNJABI YOUTHS sell their mothers (land)..pay Fraud Agents lakhs of rupees..get fake visas stamped in their passports..and get themselves smuggled into foreign countries..live miserably and at the end of the day proclaim.."Kee kareyeh ji..Danna Panni !!! What happens if the Youth is a Low caste..has not even RS 10 to his name..His "DANNA PANNI" will never be found in USA..simply becasue he cant afford the agent..??? An Unemployed Sikh man..surviving on Guru ka Langgar in Malaysia..could have also survived on Guru ka Langgar in Jlaandhar..BUT he sold his land..came to malaysia as an illegal..and is now hidng from the authorities..living in the Gurdawara..eating Langgar daily..and saying..Its MY Danna panni....How come its NOT "my danna panni" in the same Guru ka Langgar...and why am I working at age 65 to earn a decent living..I also cna say..danna panni and go eat the langgar for free daily....or buy an economy air ticket and go sit in Amritsar..for the rest of my life..eating Dhan Dhan Guru ramdass Jis Langgar daily..for FREE..is that MY Danna panni ?? Certainly NOT. That danna Panni is NOT for free loaders...HE PROVIDES..WE WORK HARD FOR IT..thats the wya it works..KIRT Karo..waand chhako..Naam jappo. Period.


Nov 4, 2007
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh

ਕਈ ਕੋਟਿ ਬੈਠਤ ਹੀ ਖਾਹਿ ॥
कई कोटि बैठत ही खाहि ॥
Ka▫ī kot baiṯẖaṯ hī kẖāhi.
Many millions eat while sitting at ease.

ਕਈ ਕੋਟਿ ਘਾਲਹਿ ਥਕਿ ਪਾਹਿ ॥
कई कोटि घालहि थकि पाहि ॥
Ka▫ī kot gẖālėh thak pāhi.
Many millions are exhausted by their labors.

ਕਈ ਕੋਟਿ ਕੀਏ ਧਨਵੰਤ ॥
कई कोटि कीए धनवंत ॥
Ka▫ī kot kī▫e ḏẖanvanṯ.
Many millions are created wealthy.

ਕਈ ਕੋਟਿ ਮਾਇਆ ਮਹਿ ਚਿੰਤ ॥
कई कोटि माइआ महि चिंत ॥
Ka▫ī kot mā▫i▫ā mėh cẖinṯ.
Many millions are anxiously involved in Maya.

ਜਹ ਜਹ ਭਾਣਾ ਤਹ ਤਹ ਰਾਖੇ ॥
जह जह भाणा तह तह राखे ॥
Jah jah bẖāṇā ṯah ṯah rākẖe.
Wherever He wills, there He keeps us.

ਨਾਨਕ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਹਾਥੇ ॥੫॥
नानक सभु किछु प्रभ कै हाथे ॥५॥
Nānak sabẖ kicẖẖ parabẖ kai hāthe. ||5||
O Nanak, everything is in the Hands of God. ||5||

Source - http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?Action=Page&g=1&h=1&r=1&t=1&p=0&k=0&fb=0&Param=276

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh
Oct 4, 2012
so what i have understood from all this discussion is that God has given us brains to use, what we do or wanna do is our decision, further that action being executed or not is upto God and the consequences good or bad are because of us, no one to blame neither God nor daana paani. our karam are being made as we proceed in this life and He is taking care of everyone and everything.


Dec 3, 2011
But where is the free will then??? If God decides our daana paani where we have to travel and all where is our free will then?

Free-will is the choices that you make from the options placed in front of you !!
Hukam can leave you with options and what you choose is done with your God-given brain and free-will.
So, if you decide to devote yourself to the Lord, then that is a free-will choice you are making !

I know many of us brush off the free-will idea saying that it is a western thing....!
But I am in the EXTREME west, the only 2 places more west of me are Alaska and Hawaii !!

Hukam has bought you here on to spn to give you the opportunity to converse with other sikhs.
But , it is the free-will that you use to make the choice of what learnings to apply to yourself !


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I would like to add my own troubles here a bit. I have masi and bhua in Canada and I moved here with PR. My main idea was to do my Masters and go back to India. In India, after some events, I felt I should at least not let go of citizenship (oh it is so valuable).

Now am working but it is really hard to strive alone here. Over that I feel like going back and I know my parents (me being the only son) will not be able to move here permanent. What should I do?


Dec 3, 2011
I would like to add my own troubles here a bit. I have masi and bhua in Canada and I moved here with PR. My main idea was to do my Masters and go back to India. In India, after some events, I felt I should at least not let go of citizenship (oh it is so valuable).

Now am working but it is really hard to strive alone here. Over that I feel like going back and I know my parents (me being the only son) will not be able to move here permanent. What should I do?

Get your permanent status for living here and then think about moving, when time comes.
Oct 4, 2012
hello Kawaljit Singh Ji, well I am not that wise to give huge advice about ones future but what i think i will put down, as you have your PR and also your citizenship in Canada i guess.
well it is true that it is so hard to strive alone esp. on another land.
why do you say that your parents won't move in Canada permanently???
well what i truly believe in is that you gotta listen to your soul, what it wants, where you see your future? if it is India then come back and build up a nice future here, and if it is canada then keep working hard. i mean where ever you live family is important, the happiness of a family is important. The decision is yours, maybe your parents can be happy living in Canada with your family when you have one( i guess you are not married yet).
on the other hand they would never wanna leave India. But at the end it is your decision and i hope your parents would support you and also decide to live together where you will be.
Good luck for your future.but you really gotta take one decision so that you don't waste your precious time on a land you never wanna be.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Get your permanent status for living here and then think about moving, when time comes.

If I have to move, then why wait to convert PR to citizenship?

what i think i will put down, as you have your PR and also your citizenship in Canada i guess

Sorry behenji I have PR and one year to get citizenship.

why do you say that your parents won't move in Canada permanently???

It is the kind of culture change. And hard weather. If a 27 year old is having a problem here, wouldn't it be harder for 57 year olds. Then they will stay for 6 months and go back.

well what i truly believe in is that you gotta listen to your soul, what it wants, where you see your future?

Future is really foggy :)

Some time back my time here felt like solitary confinement. Now I am ok. Maybe it was because I had told my parents I am coming back. They are ready for me to be back. I think I will go.


Nov 4, 2007
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Singh Sahib if you consider yourself a Gursikh then do Ardas & use the Parchi method for final decision.

If you consider yourself a good son then ask parents & obey them.

If you are manmukh then do whatever you like.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh,
It may sound romantic and idealistic, but when I see so much migration and emigration I often wonder, what makes people flee their homelands? I understand the contingencies of education and work opportunities, but ultimately I feel that the heroic thing to do is to end up in your own country and lend your education and wisdom and vision to restoring something beautiful there. Otherwise I find there is much confusion and diluting of faith and identity when people scatter willy-nilly around the globe, often in abandonment of their homeland and heritage.
If people take their earnings and their learnings back to their native countries and determine to apply them to the resurrection of some strength and glory there, there would be less transmigration necessary.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh,
It may sound romantic and idealistic, but when I see so much migration and emigration I often wonder, what makes people flee their homelands? I understand the contingencies of education and work opportunities, but ultimately I feel that the heroic thing to do is to end up in your own country and lend your education and wisdom and vision to restoring something beautiful there. Otherwise I find there is much confusion and diluting of faith and identity when people scatter willy-nilly around the globe, often in abandonment of their homeland and heritage.
If people take their earnings and their learnings back to their native countries and determine to apply them to the resurrection of some strength and glory there, there would be less transmigration necessary.

Brother Onam ji,

Guru Fateh.

I beg to differ. If people had stayed in their respective places, then the birth of the Americas and other countries with different cultures, the spices, silk and many other things would not have been introduced anywhere. The mangoes, turmeric, cinnamon etc. etc. would have stayed in India. The potatoes with the Mayan and Inca cultures, Cashews called Caju in Portuguese would have stayed in the Amazons. Marco Polo would not have introduced the Chinese noodles as Spaghetti to the Italians.We would not even have had the American Indians who are Mongoloids. The DNA would have been weak because of the same gene mutations and hence our life span would have shortened along with many deformities.

I have no idea if you know it or not but the fact is that Punjab has the most homogeneous DNA of different races because of the invasions overland via Hindu Kush. Punjabis are called Caucasians or Aryans.

The curiosity to discover and also the power to loot the powerless via invasions have been The Wild Wild West of the Globe for millenia. Most of the great companies in the US, especially in the IT industry were started by the newcomers. Steve Jobs is just one example out of many whose father is Syrian.And how about Google and many more whose founders were not born here?

We would not have the US of A without the peoples flocking in here from different parts of the globe.

We are just a grain of sand in this ever expanding universe. The exchange of ideas sprouting in different corners with the other peoples is the way for the humankind to advance.

On the other side, you are right. Many Indian IT people who studied here have gone back and started their own companies because they could not get Green Cards. Many of them have become very successful there. We trained Nuclear Scientists from Iran in our own country and got paid for our services. Now, we object for them using the knowledge that we gave them which is ironic and senseless. How can one demand anyone else not to attain knowledge? It is impossible.


Tejwant Singh
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