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India Caught Driving Drunk, Man Serve At Gurudwara

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Caught driving drunk, man serve at Gurudwara

Agencies : New Delhi, Fri Jul 20 2012, 18:04 hrs

A 35-year-old man, sentenced to five days in jail for driving in a drunken state, has been spared imprisonment by a Delhi court on the condition that he would assist police at busy traffic intersections and serve at a Gurudwara.

Additional Sessions Judge S C Rajan spared Delhi resident Manjinder Singh of the jail term and assigned him civic jobs, saying “it would meet the ends of justice if he is given an opportunity to mend himself and learn norms of civic society.”

The court asked him to report to the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) (Traffic), South West Delhi, in morning for three days for assisting police at busy traffic signals.

“The DCP will depute him to assist the traffic police officials on duty at any busy traffic red light under his jurisdiction in managing or diverting traffic from 10 am to 5 pm for three days with effect from July 20,” the court said, while modifying five days' sentence awarded to Manjinder by a magisterial court here.

Ordering Manjinder to serve at a Bangla Sahib Gurudwara here on each Sunday for a month, between 4 pm to 10 pm, the court said he has no criminal history and is a young man who is starting his career.

Manjinder had come to the sessions court seeking leniency after a magisterial court on June 25, 2012 sentenced him to five days in jail with a fine of Rs 2,000 for driving his car under the influence of liquor near Palam airport here.

Manjinder, however, had been released on bail till filing of his appeal against the magisterial court order.

The court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision of disqualifying him from holding driving licence for six months, saying the order is maintained just to keep Manjinder away from repeating such an act in future.

source: http://www.indianexpress.com/news/caught-driving-drunk-man-serve-at-gurudwara/977124/

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
I think a very important point is missed here.Guru Granth sahib Ji says love everyone, hate no one.serve all, hoard nothing since God goes on giving to every one according to the need and past performance!

I think the judge has acted very well and in truly right manner.A sinking person needs saving.That is exactly what the judge had in mind to offer a linefor this person and reflect upon his past and change his ways for better.

In Gauri Majh Mahela 5 , Guru Granth sahib ji ,on page 218 says..

sajan bandh sumat so har naam hirde deye
augan sabh mitae kae parupkar karae//

The judge was only following what Guru Nanak ji says about social justice!Its conformity to truth, fact, reason, rightfulness and correction of the wrong!

That is all the judge did.Punishing him painfully with intent to hurt would only alienate the person.Being in the Gurduara and having the darshan of hundreds of souls who have not commited similar mistakes will put him on the straight road to reflect his own wrongs and learn.

Justice is a central theme to Guru Nanak's teachings.

If I was in the shoes of that person, I would be embarrased and full of guilt when I enter the Gurduara.I will not want to repeat such silly behaviour ever again.I will not want the thought of that guilt on me ever.

I think such punishment is more beneficial than one when one is sent to jail, in such cases.It serves no purposes to be sent to jail at the expense of the tax payer.The man will mix with hardened criminals and learn more negative things and come out unchanged and re commit such offences again.

In the house of God, he will get a genuine opportunity to truly reflect upon his doing ...and think about Guru Nanaks words like Sach, Ni'aah; dharam,tapvaas,bhol; baksh..

Only on one's deeds , justice is administered.If some body says and utters aught else , that is all prattle.Guru Nanak Ji said...he is the Lord, he is the true, true is his decision..and He issues command based on true justice...

So I would look at this person with compassion and hope the wise decision of the Adalat will truly offer the person to a real chance--- once in life time to CHANGE.That is important.His change is more needed and important, than inflicting him pain and denying his freedom to think about it with a conscious ...righteousness should be assayed.
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Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
The idea of Justice given to us by Guru Nanak Ji 550 years ago is still very relevant to us in this age.Esspecially with the rapid transformation experienced in this age, a very profound and sensitive change that is taking place, places every one on edge,and people do silly things....I have personnally seen cyber terrorists,really cowards; who hide and commit self disgracing acts,but it leads them no wwhere, in fact they have become criminals.... in the name of Guru Nanak Ji's justice will lead them no where... it leads them no where..and it hits them back in the face...I am still laughing the same and write the same, and enjoy the same...and have been better in health and wealth with Gurus blessings...and more is showered...so why should I worry abt such nutters...but I worry abt Guru Nanak ji's mesage..lest I forget ..and do things that I should not ..why should I get lost like these criminals....from my passge....thus, we must believe in the message of the Gurus, of equality in among humanity and only than juctice will make it possible for I to merge with You; in his name!

If we can help, through good justice and get people back on track, than that is what matters....nothing else...in the house of Guru he will learn the humility and simplicity of the sangat, in the pub he will only learn to buy another round; each time someone else buys him one, or bankrupt himself and live off another's rounds..and drink to kill himself!That is not the justice Guru Nanak ji talks about!

I have a relative who spent all his life drinking rounds after round...when time came to retire from the police, he quickly jumped the band wagon, because now it would be his pension and with another job, his salary that will buy him the extra rounds and drinks...soon the effect of the drink showed...with a stroke... no more drink now, back to sikhi was the only option he had...but guess what the wheel has started a new cycle..turning .......all the years.. ..he drank..he sat an example for his son..who soon found a job in bar following in the fathers foot steps....and I can see where it is all leading to.....but no judge no Gurduara can say anything..only one day the message of the Guru can strike the point home...
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Dec 17, 2007
Giani Ji -

In USA when a person gets caught DUI ( driving under influence ), Judge orders him community service for first offense and suspension of license for 6 months or one year. If one of our community member gets caught and they do. They offer to do service at local Gurduara Sahib. I believe reason is they are embarrassed to do other duties and volunteer to do the same at Gurduara Sahib. I have monitored couple of them personally. This is ਪੁੰਨ ਨਾਲੇ ਫਲੀਆਂ for them. They don't mind doing seva at Gurduara Sahib consider it seva of sangat and also benefit of restoring their license.
when the first case came to me - they wanted me to sign the papers, ਆਪਣਾ ਬੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੀ Paper sign ਕਰਦੋ । I refused to do it and told him for every hour of service at Gurduara Sahib, Cleaning, Vaccuming the Darbar Hall, ਜੋੜੇ ਸਾਫ, ਭਾਂਡੇ - If he is willing to do it i will sign his papers. ਮੇਰਾ ਵਸ ਚਲੇ ਤਾਂ Bathroom clean duty assign it to the person.
I used to fill out papers on monthly basis reporting directly to court clerk the hours he served that can be counted as community service.
It's interesting to know that the cases that come upfront are Middle aged persons. Younger generations that get caught don't volunteer at Gurduara Sahib. I believe they do other things out of the eye of community.

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
Does it mean, a drunkard person be sent to Gurudwaras to get spare from imprisonment .... it's ridiculous. Court shud have chosen some other public or social place ... why Gurudwara ??:angryyoungsingh:

A weekend with the local accident and emergency dept at the local hospital or with the traffic cops and fire brigade dealing with the aftermath of the death and distruction caused by drunk drivers might be a better idea PS here in the UK get convited of drink driving get your drivers licence taken away for at least a year and could be longer plus could also get jailtime too



Dec 3, 2011
I know this is absolutely crazy.
If I were the judge, I would have made him help out and stay with families that have had close ones killed because of some other drunk drivers. This way he could see how lucky he was not to be convicted of reckless murder as well as reckless behaviour.

The problem is over there these guys done for drunk driving are actually completely p***** out of their brains. Whereas the majority of pople convicted over here in the west are usually 3-4 times over the limit in terms of milligrams/per decilitre.... compared to these guys that have consumed a whole bottle or more and are 10 times or more over the measured limit!!!
Being unable to walk straight is much worse than being a few milligrams over the limit, but both are NOT to be tolerated or allowed either.
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