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Leisure Catholic Nun Forcibly Removed From Plane For Wearing "Muslim Garb"


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Catholic Nun Forcibly Removed From Plane for Wearing Muslim Garb.

Jalees Rehman, M.D.Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Chicago

April 5, 2011 DAYTON, OH - Sister Cora-Ann, a Catholic nun from the Our Lady of Grace Monastery in Dayton, Ohio got the surprise of her life yesterday, when she was asked to leave the plane she had just boarded at the Omaha International Airport. "I had just sat down in my seat, and started to thank God for our blessings and recite a prayer in Latin", she recalled, when one of the passengers sitting next to me called the flight attendant. The passenger was Elizabeth Bennet, who later stated: "It is not that we were prejudiced, but she did seem very suspicious. She was dressed in Muslim garb and just before we were about to take off, she started mumbling something in an Arabian or Talibani-sounding language. What was I supposed to do?" Damien Thorn was a passenger seated in the adjacent row and said: "I knew there was something sinister about her, the moment she stepped into the plane. She was wearing those burqa clothes that you see the Iranian women wearing, and she only had a very small carry-on bag." The flight attendant responded to the call and asked Sister Cora-Ann for her name, boarding pass and a photo ID.

Blanche Dubois was another passenger sitting close to Sister Cora-Ann and explained: "Once I heard that her name sounded like Koran, I got worried. That does not mean that there is anything wrong with me, does it? I just did not want to die. I was so scared, that I just yelled out her name to all passengers." Mr. Okonkwo was a passenger seated a few rows behind and stated: "Once we all heard that the passenger's name was Koran, things started falling apart." Frodo Baggins, a frequent traveler, said he had heard that Muslims do not eat beef. "I did not think that she was Muslim, and to help her out, I took out some of my beef jerky and asked the lady to eat it to prove that she was not a Muslim."

However, Sister Cora-Ann politely refused the beef jerky and reminded the other passengers that it was the time of Lent, during which Catholics often abstain from eating meat. The unrest in the plane kept growing, because most passengers were now convinced that Sister Cora-Ann was indeed Muslim and they demanded that Sister Cora-Ann leave the plane. "I did not want to cause my fellow humans any distress, so I left the plane", she said.

"We were so happy that we could continue our journey", said Frodo Baggins. "Once she de-boarded, it felt like a huge burden was lifted from us." Apparently, there was indeed a Muslim on the plane, by the name of Abdullah Abdullah the 23rd, sitting in the last row. "Of course I knew that she was a Catholic nun and not a Muslim, because I went to a Catholic school and my favorite teachers were Catholic nuns." Abdullah Abdullah went on to say "But let us face it: If you are a Muslim on a plane and someone else is being asked to leave the plane, the best thing is to be quiet and enjoy the show!"



Apr 4, 2011
There is no more humanity in this world. There is no equality. I understand the perpective i have been called a terrorist. When for the first time i decided to wear a dastar.

Weather muslim or not people must stop this biasness and racism for i see the future being a very dark one full of religuos battles.

"there is a rotten fruit on every tree, but there also very sweet ones; WE MUST learn how to see them this way"


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I think this is like fake news for the purpose of comedy. The news item was in section called Huffpost Comedy and of course it mentions Frodo Baggins, which is the iconic hero of fantasy fiction novel, Lord of the Rings.

Yes it is just that. It is a satire. But like all satire a "fake" story which is outrageous is based on a deeper truth. Thanks for getting it.

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
There is no more humanity in this world. There is no equality. I understand the perpective i have been called a terrorist. When for the first time i decided to wear a dastar.

Weather muslim or not people must stop this biasness and racism for i see the future being a very dark one full of religuos battles.

"there is a rotten fruit on every tree, but there also very sweet ones; WE MUST learn how to see them this way"

Harwinder ji,

There is much humanity in this world. For every nasty, prejudiced person there are ten of goodwill, maybe lacking in knowledge, but willing to learn. Unfortunately, we are much more affected by negativity than by goodwill.

I hope you continue to wear your dastaar. As they say, if we give in, the terrorists have won.

Remain in chardi kala! (RICK). :singhbhangra: :mundabhangra: :singhbhangra: :mundabhangra: :singhbhangra:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
There you have it..IF..
Abdullah Abdullah" had been a SIKH..he would have been the FIRST to stand up and be counted for the VICTIM. Thats just how we are....all the SIKHS in Hate Crimes - injured and even killed were killed NOT becasue they were SIKHS..but becasue they were MISTAKEN for MUSLIMS. ( Its beside the point that Not even ONE muslim ever really involved in a terrorost attack..9/11 etc ever wore a TURBAN/even remotely looked liike SIKHS and on the contrary all these terrorists looked like ORDINARY JOE AMERICAN CITIZENS off the street when they carried out those terror attacks - but who cares what they actually look like..its the "perception" created by the Media via the Osama laden Pictures !! Same misconception was the cause of the poor nun's mistreatment. Catholic Nuns have been wearing Habits that cover them from tip to toe..have been for centuries before the muslims hijab..came to the WEST.....NO DASTAAR SIKH man has been ever involved in a single terror attack/bomb scare/suicide bombing etc...each person involved was CLEAN SHAVEN...but they still harass ONLY the Turban wearers !!:mundabhangra::mundabhangra::mundabhangra::mundabhangra::mundabhangra:
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