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Call For Papers – Sikholars 2011 (Invitation To Present Your Research)


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
The CSU East Bay Ethnic Studies Department, the Jakara Movement, and Sabharwal Chair in Sikh and Punjabi Studies proudly present:

The Second Annual
Sikholars: Sikh Graduate Student Conference
A Community on the Move: Global and Local Sikhs
February 25-27, 2011

The Sikholars: Sikh Graduate Student Conference seeks to bring Sikhs and non-Sikhs working on Sikh-related issues to an annual conference that unites a breadth of graduate expertise. From academia, to health, law, and business entrepreneurship, the conference will bring together a wide array of disciplines and scholarly interests to create an institutionalized channel to present papers on research, and informal circuits or networks for continued discussion. Inviting submission of abstracts, the two-day conference elicits proposals on various aspects of Sikh economic, political, health, cultural, and social life.

Purpose of the Conference:

Due to the massive expression of interest at last year’s conference, we have decided to move towards a more inclusive two-day format to allow for greater networking, sharing of ideas, and presentation of research. Enjoy a weekend with other top young researchers and planned social events.

Sikholars: Sikh Graduate Student Conference invites papers for a conference to be held in the California State University, East Bay from February 25-27, 2011. All are welcome to apply.

The scope of the conference is global; papers may concentrate on particular localities or regions, or they may present cross-regional comparisons and convergences. We encourage submissions from a broad range of disciplines, methodologies, and perspectives. All topics are open – from medicine, to law, to history, sociology, and all Sikh-related topics in-between. From the past to the contemporary, from the global to the specific, all are encouraged to submit.

Proposals for individual papers should be no more than 500 words in length and may be sent by email, with a current CV, to info@sikholars.org or uploaded at the conference website, http://www.sikholars.org.

Submission Deadline: Please submit abstracts by December 15, 2010
Posted by Maple Leaf Sikh at 10:31 PM



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